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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. yup you are right 10 million dollar Sheriff. Good Job.
  2. BACK AT THE HOSPITAL.. Uncle Jesse was really letting them doctors have it when Cooter saw something and he said Uncle Jesse Look. Jesse turned around and he don't see only Bo But Luke as well and he ran to both of his Boys and he gave them both a hug. Luke smiled and said Uncle Jesse. Sarah smiled cause Luke was now with his family and she quitly left.
  3. Lou-Ann looked at Kathy and said Kathy , I know I have done a lot of thinks to you but please save my son. Kathy smiles and said Lou-Ann that is all in the past besides My daughter loves your son and for that reason other then hes a great kid and its my job I will do my best. Lou-ann just smiles and then she see Leventia come in with her father. Kathy walked over to her and said I will let you know when i get back. I'm going to check on him now. and Leventa started to cry Luke held her. anad said Don't worry your mother won't let anything happen tp Scott.
  4. NEXT MORNING.. Adam and Reba was releast. and Kathy, Luke, and Adam went home to Hazzard. In the Spencer Plane.
  5. Sorry I miss told you about the seasons its in season 4 Here are 2 more pictures
  6. I think Dr jeckal Mr Luke Duke was the 6th season
  7. here are the pictures it from season 3 good Luck
  8. The Doctor walked into Adam's room and said I;m releasing you in the morning. Just then Bobby and Pam and Chrisopher walked in and Bobby said Kathleen you and Luke can come and Stay at Southfork if You like. Kathy looked at him and said Thanks Bobby But Bo Had all ready asked us to stay at his ranch. Bobby smiled and said Ok. Chris Seen his Brother and walked over and they talked. and then everyone eles left so they could talk. ONCE EVERYONE WAS GONE. Chris said Bro. I want you to keep an eye on our dad I think he's going to try and break you your mom and Luke. Adam smiled and said I'm not worried Mo Loves Luke and Noone else. And their love has been threw alot. So I think they can handle anything Dad can dish out.
  9. Luke smiled and said I was Lost and someone found me and took care of me and then he interduced him to Sarah. and Sarah said we better get him back to the hospital.So Luke Helped Bo Up and in Sarah's car and took him back to the hospital.
  10. Luke walked to the barn. and he sat on a bail of hay. and his mind driffted back to when his frien was killed and how they hung his body and left it there. AND Luke blamed himself cause he was in comand. Luke got up and Just started to hit the punching bag they had in the barn. and then yelled IT'S MY FAULT. and then he fell to his knees.
  11. Can I post 3 pictures? I think I have one that will be hard.
  12. i knew it because it's on of my fav eposodes.
  13. Kathy walked into Adam's room and Luke was there. And she walked in Adam smiled and said Well It's the big Buness women. Kathy Just gave him a strange look. Adam Laughed
  14. The BOARD MEMBERS din't like hearing that Kathy wasn't moving to Dallas. Kathy said Bobby I have to go And Check on Adam and see if he can travel. Bobby said Ok I will be at the Hospital Later. and Kathy smiled and she left. One of the board Members said it isn't right that the main stock holder in Ewing Oil Isn't even in Dallas. Bobby said She loves living in Hazzard and her husban is a country Boy he will never Make it in a big city Like Dallas.
  15. MEANWHILE AT THE BOARD MEETING... The Board Members Had lots of Questions for Kathy. Like was she and her family going to move here to Dallas. Kathy said No, We are Not moving to Dallas. If you want to get a hold of me . Tell Bobby and he will let me know or. My Husbands Cousin Bo Duke is a Texas Ranger. You could let him Know.
  16. Luke walked out and Uncle Jesse said Son How is he? Luke looked at him and said Uncle Jesse, He went threw alot in the prison camp and so did i and nearther one of us are ready to talk about what we went threw. and he walked out of the house. Uncle Jesse looked at Daisy and said mY BOYS have been hurt and there is nothing I can do to help them.
  17. Sarah and Luke Shows up at theaccident sean and they got out of the car and he walked around and his head started to hurt and he went down on his knees. Sarah ran to him and said Luke. Luke said I see an orange car in a ditch and he remembered he said Bo. Sarah smiled. and then Sarah saw someone and she said Luke and they walked over and he looked and said That is Bo. My cousin. Luke Said Bo. Bo come on coz wake up Sarah said it looks like he was in the hospital and walked out Luke we need to get him back to the hospital. MEANWHILE AT THE HOSPITAL Uncle Jesse was really letting the hospital have it for letting his nephew walk out and nobody stopped him. Daisy and Cooter tried to calm him down but it wasn't working.
  18. Clark Shows up at the Bucannon house and he uses his x-ray vision to see if he can find them. and he spots them and he runs and starts digging and he pulles out his mother lou-ann and then his father and tommie said Scott is in there he has a beam on him I couldn't get it off him and Clark ran in and he saw Scott and Scott said Tell Levi and then he passed out and clark got the beam off him and he heard the ambulance. and clark came out with Scott and they rushed them to the hospital. Tim said Tell Leventa and Clark said I will bring her right to the hospital and he said ok.
  19. Luke and Sarah headed for hazzard to the scean of the accident
  20. Sarah heard Luke and she came in the room and she saw him sitting up and she walked over to him and said are you all right? Luke looked at her and said I think I remembered something. But it's just faces I don't renise. Sarah said tell me about it and we can put the puzzle together. Luke smiled and he told her what he remembered and she wrote it down. and she looked at Luke and said dose Hazzard County sound formiler to you? Luke looked at her and said yes it dose but I don't know why. Sarah smiled and said that is where I found you.Luke smiled and said Take me to where you found me. Sarah said Sure come on. and they got uo and got in her car and Left.
  21. Luke was dreaming of a orange car being chased by the police, a blond man, Driving the car. a beautiful dark haired young women and and Old Man with over alls and a red cap. Luke Sat up and he said who are those people?
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