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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Tracy looked at them and she said do I have to call sercerty. Booy looked at her and said Trac, we just came here to see if Miss Duke was all right? Tracy looked at him and said It's Dr. Spencer to you. you lost your right to call me that a long time ago. Now get out of here. Luke Just looked at her.
  2. It will take us 30 hours to get there strait driving.

  3. I Live In Maine Now.

  4. Tracy was in Dasy's room . She was checking on her. and Luke had Asked Tracy Out And she said Yes, Daisy smiled and said Leave it to My cousin
  5. Hi, Ya My Parents Live in Oklahom and I graduated high scholl in Oklahoma. I loved living there.

  6. Just then The Ewangs walked in and Tracy walked over to them and said what are you doing here? JR started to Laugh as he looked around and said Well the best doctor in Dallas has redused herself to A hick hospital. Tracy said If You are not hurt get out. and she went to walk away and JR said Kyle Spencer. Tracy stoped and said what does my father have to do with this? JR said I wonder what he would say if he finds out his only daughter is working in a place like this. Tracy walked over to him and said I could care less what my father thinks.I go were I'm Needed. and then she walked away.
  7. Uncle Jess Smiled and said No Baby Girl , I'm Happy and he got up and hugged her. Then they heard Luke Yell YEEEEEE-HAW.
  8. Dr Spencer came out of Daisy's Room and she had a smiled on her face and Luke walked over to her and said Trac what's going on? Tracy smiled at the nick name and said Well I was alittle worried about your cousin But She is Awake Enos is with her Now and She wants to see you and Bo. Luke Smiled and Kissed Tracy and said Thanks and he And Bo walked into the room.
  9. Uncle Jesse was quite for a minute and then he sat down in his chair. MEANWHILE OUTSIDE..... Luke and Jenny were walking and Luke stopped and said Jen Marrie me? Jenny Looked at Luke and said Luke are you sure? Luke smiled and said I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't. Jenny smiled and said Yes, and she went in Luke's arms and Luke swung her around and he did a YEEEE-HAW
  10. hi nothing much here Just getting ready to go to Oklahoma for a couple of Weeks.

  11. Uncle Jesse Stopped and said Sure Baby girl. Luke looked at Jenny and said Sweetheart want to go for a walk? Jenny looked at him and said sure. and Luke took her hand and they left.
  12. Bo tells Luke and Luke Started to get worried. and then they saw the doctor. Luke Smiled cause he met her when him and Boy was on the NASCAR Seric and Bo renised her also. Dr Spencer Walked over to them and she smiled and said Hello I'm Dr.Tracy Spencer. Your cousid Has a concusion when her head hit the ground when she was threwn out a window. She is Still Uncouious. You Make go in and Talk to her But 1 at a time. and Luke and Bo Let Enos go in.
  13. Bo walked up to the Nurse's Desk and he Smiled at the pretty nurse and said My cousin Daisy Duke Came in with Julie and the nurse smiled and said Oh Yes Daisy is here she Passed out and Dr Spencer is Looking At her now.
  14. Luke walked over to Jenny and said Hay Sweetheart. Jenny Smiled and Then they heard Uncle Jesse's truck and Ducan's Car and then 2 seconds Later Uncle Jesse and Ducan came in the hose and Luke Noticed that Uncle Jesse looked Upset and He said Uncle Jesse Is everything all right? Uncle Jesse looked at him and said everything is fine Just fine and he walked over to Kathy and he hugged her and said everything will be all right. and he walked to his bedroom.
  15. The Nurse Sees a doctor and she said Dr. Spencer and the doctor looked and she walked over and the Doctor was a beatiful young woman. she was Slim 5FEET 7 INCH tALL. She Had Long Dark Hair which was up in a Pony tail. Dr Spencer Looked At Daisy.The Nurse Had told her what had Happened. and the Doctor took her to an exzam room. MEANWHILE..... Luke and the other heard about Julie and they went to the hospital.
  16. Ok Thanks Enos. Luke said. MEANWHILE AT THE HOSPITAL... Uncle Jesse said I better be getting back to the farm. Ducan Make sure she leaves Hazzard. and Uncle Jesse Left. Heather looked at him and said Ducan Is Jenny Imortal. Ducan and said Heather I would want this life on her. You know how man friends and Loves I had to say good bye too.. Are you really the selfish. Ducan started to walk away. and Heather stopped him and said Ducan you are right. Jenny would die if she couldn't be with Luke. Ducan said That's right.and he said I better get going too. and he walked away. and heather had a smile on her face. and she walked out of the Hospital.
  17. Luke said I Don't Know Enos i just can't put my finger on it. But I did see a woman at the Hospital she was all in Black and she was watching Jenny. and Then I saw Ducan go over to her and start talking to her. Something is Off there. Can you check it out for me Enos?
  18. then they all went in to help pick up the mess in the Boars Nest
  19. Welcome Home and welcome to Hazzard County.

  20. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Uncle Jesse Knew about Ducan and Heather. and he walked over to Heather and said What are you doing here? Heather looked at him and said I came to saw good-bye to my husband. and to see if my daughter was all right. Jesse Looked at her and said Heather when you came back from the dead after you were killed. You and Robert decited to go your seprate ways.and he would raise Jenny as a single parent. Heather looked at Jesse and said I know Jesse but she was only 2 years old and now she is a beautiful woman. Jesse said No, Let my Nephew take care of her now. Heather said her young man is your nephew. and she just smiled. Ducan said Heather I will have to agree with Jesse, Jenny will know that there is a connection between the two of you but she wouldn't know what. Heather looked at her and said Ducan she knows a bout you. Ducan said Ya but I nevr was dead to her. Heather think how this will affect her. Never seeing her mother grow old and she will grow old. How will she explain that to her children. what you become the family secret. I don;t think so. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM... JENNY was talking to Daisy. Luke and Bo and Enos was outside and Luke said something doesn't feel right.
  21. Bo and Cooter came out of the Boars Nest. and said Luke you missed all the fun. Luke smiled and said No I didn't. Enos came out and he saw Daisy and he said Daisy you all right?
  22. Jenny Smiles at her friend and said I'm fine now.I have You all and Thanks for being here with Me Uncle Jesse Looked at her and said I will help Ducan Make the arrengments. Kathy said Thanks Mr. Duke. Uncle Jesse smiles and said Call Me Uncle Jesse. Jenny felt someone watching her and she turned and she saw a woman In all Black and she looked Like she was in her mid 30's . Jenny Just walked closer to Luke. Luke took her in his arms and said come on sweetheart lets go to the farm. Jenny smiled and said Ok. and Bo , followed out the door. With Daisy and Enos right behind them. Uncle Jesse and Ducan stayed behind and Made the arrangements for Robert. OUTSIDE... Luke helped Jenny in the General and Daisy and Enos got in Dixie. and they all headed back to the farm...
  23. AT THE HOSPITAL... Luke was holding Kathy. and Ducan was talking to the doctor and then Ducan said Jen come on we need to leave the room. Jenny looked at Ducan and said No, I will not leave my dad. and she ran to the bed where her father's bady was. Luke looked at Ducan. then he walked over to her and said sweetheart come on. I will take you to the cafateria and get some coffee. Jenny looked at him and she smiled and she said ok. She took Luke's hand and they left the room. As they were coming out of the room. Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Enos came threw the door. ALL OF A SUDDEN.. Ducan senced another imortal in the hospital and he said I will be right back and he went in Robert's room and there stood Roberts Old Love Heather and she was standing there crying Ducan walked over to her and said Heather Why are you here. Heather looked at him and said I'm saying good-bye. Ducan said What if Jenny sees you? Heather smiles and said she won't. Ducan said Robbie let her care to me and her Boyfriend Luke Duke. Heather smiled and said well she just got another protector. and Ducan said Becareful and he walked out of the room.
  24. Outside... Luke Pulls the General Lee in the parking Lot and he saw Daisy on the Ground and he runs over to her and she sat up and she smiles and Luke said Daisy are you all right? Daisy said Ya I'm fine THen JR and Bobby walks out and Julie says Luke He threw Daisy out the window(pointing at JR) Luke walked over to him and said you threw my cousin out the window mister and he just punched JR and he landed on the ground and Bobby picked him up and they left and Luke yelled AND DON'T COME BACK.
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