General Grant
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Everything posted by General Grant
Good One, Roger!!
Thank You for asking that question, Roger, I was wondering that myself. I've noticed a couple of really weird posts like that from the same person. It was starting to get me alarmed. So, I don't think that is a stupid question, Roger, it is a very intelligent one!! Okay, here's a question: Supposing it is a spammer, what does that mean, and is it harmful to me if I am on this site? General Grant
Hey North!! I am so sorry to hear about your job, but it appears that all of your fellow Hazzardites are cheering you on! I have total confidence that you will find a job soon, and you'll probably be much happier. But please, don't settle for a job that will not make you as happy as you can be at a job. I'm sure it is hard to go to work day in and day out at a job that you absolutely hate and one that you dwell on so much it almost seems to take over your life. If you ever want to talk, feel free to private message me. Just from talking and chatting with you on this site, you seem like a really great person with a lot of talent, and I have all the confidence that you will find a job to suit your needs. But, find one that makes you happy, and one that has people you respect and admire. Again, I am sorry to hear about your job loss, but I am sure you will find one even better. Never give up hope. General Grant
Does watching the Dukes affect your driving?
General Grant replied to Luke's Babe's topic in General Discussion
Hey Y'all! Lori- why on earth do people call you possum?! Are you always saying Possum on a gumbush, or something? It sounds like you must have a good time at school! Anyway, this is a fun thread, and thank you to whoever started it! General Grant -
Hello Mike! Welcome to Hazzard Net! That is so cool that you got John Schneider's autograph! I am so happy for you! Have you gotten anyone else's autographs or met any of the cast/crew? I hope that you stick around for a while and enjoy your stay! General Grant
OHHH! That makes sense about what the abbreviation stands for! Thank You... I guess I learn something new everyday! Anyway, hope to see you all around Hazzard! General Grant
Hello Jim! It is great that you found your way over here, and you are a writer, too! I hope you decide to stick around for a while!! Okay, I have a question now... what does CGLFC stand for?? (Sorry Y'all, I am no good at this abbreviated computer talk!!) Anyway, I hope you have fun here and enjoy yourself. General Grant
I third that! Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! I hope you had a truly wonderful day, and a special time to spend with your family. Thank You to all of you... without all the wisdom and kindness all of you (moms) give, we'd be lost! Again, Happy Mother's Day General Grant
Hey Lori! That is great that you like horse racing! I guess in a way it is like car racing, or anyother type of racing, it does give one a rush. I agree with you in all but the first point you made. I think that the females can do just as good a job as the males. Sometimes speed and muscle isn't everything. Being smaller makes them better adapt to squeeze through that crowd, and they are probably able to run longer, even if they do go slower. I don't know, I'm no expert. Anyway, when is the Triple Crown and Kentucky Derby? I take it you are cheering for Big Brown? See ya at the races! General Grant
Hey Lori! Well, I personally wouldn't race my horse like that, but don't worry, I won't jump on your case!! What do you think about horse racing? To me, racing is fun, but I don't think that it should come with as high a price, if you know what I mean. I did hear about that horse that had to be put down, but I didn't know why or anything. Thank You for sharing. I take it you must like horse racing? Hope to see you around Hazzard General Grant
Welcome Back, Shannon! I'm glad that you decided to re-join us! This really is a great group of people! It is always so nice to see another Dukes fan, esspecially a returning fan!! Hope you enjoy your stay! General Grant
That is okay Lori, I don't mind waiting!! Anyway, thank you for sharing. I just love when I have those days when a brilliant idea pops into my head. Unfortunately, I don't have many days like that! I think that you could not have picked a better name for your character! General Grant
Hello All! Emy-Rae, correct me if I am wrong, but Emy-Rae is the name of your character that you made up, right? Anyway, why do you want to change your name? General Grant
Wow, 2 Lost Good Ole Boys, what a great story! I am so, so sorry to hear about the passing of your friends, I am sure that is very hard for you, but I think that the name is a really cool idea to remember them by. Thank you for sharing that, it was really cool to read about! General Grant
"The Beginning" ~ An Online Review
General Grant replied to GADuke01's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Hey Y'all! I have never seen the "Beginning" movie, but I did watch the first Dukes movie that came out in 2005. That was when I just started getting into the Dukes, and if I would have seen that movie before I even watched the series, it would have scarred me off! But, anyway, back on track... Like I said, I haven't seen the "Beginning" movie, but I have read the back of the box, and seen some pictures. From what I've seen I doubt that I will like it. Do these producers not understand that the Dukes is about the people, and has some moral value to it? I think it is safe to say that the true fans here watch the Dukes simply because it is a good time, the car chases are fun, and all of the characters have such great personalities and traits that we sometimes wish more people had, I don't think we watch it to see people parade around half naked and encourage morals even more horrible than I've seen in the world today, let alone without broadcasting it on national TV and tarnishing the Dukes legacy by associating that name with it. Do they really think that is what they call fun?? Not to be rude or demeaning to anyone here... but... are the producers/writers just so ignorant to the Dukes way that there is something they don't understand, or is it the money? We all know how Boss Hogg likes his fair share of money, but I don't think even he would stoop to such degrading behavior. Almost makes me think twice about telling people I'm a Dukes fan!! It is sad that you can say you are a Dukes fan to someone and they can get two totally different images! One can be of good ol' down to earth fun, great morals, respect, family values, etc... and the other is some foreign junk that I don't know how to explain! But it is GROSS! Maybe we'd all be happier if they named it something else, like the Kings of Grossville! Okay, I'm sorry y'all, I'll stop. I hope that I don't come off as rude, or blunt, or cutting any one down. I just get so annoyed when Hollywood keeps popping out more "Dukes junk" and expecting us to pay for (not to mention like) it. YUCK! Please, GADuke01, don't think that the Beginning movie captures the Duke mindset! I haven't seen the movie (and from what it sounds like I don't think I want to) but from the review you gave, the Dukes is on the opposite side of the scale! The Dukes is just a family of high moral character, integrity, and a group of good ol' country folk who know how to have a good time. Anyway, maybe in another couple years we'll be saying how much better this movie was than the next one... I hope not!! Well, I hope that someone in Hollywood takes the initiative to watch the ENTIRE Dukes series and make the logical move either one of two ways: Leave it alone or make a film to give justice to the Dukes name, way of life, and mindset. Maybe someday someone somewhere will stumble on that brilliant discovery... I hope! General Grant -
Hey Y'all! Great question! I have never been to a Dukefest, so given the chance (even if the General wasn't there!) I'd go! I guess to me the Dukes is about the People, and Dukefest is about the fans celebrating a common bond they share, and that is their love for the Dukes series. So, to stop babbling on and just answer the question... Yes, I would go. General Grant
As Roger said, Thank You for serving our Country! That certainly deserves a big ol' round of applause! Again, thank you, and welcome! General Grant
Welcome... to Hazzard County! Y'all just sit back and enjoy the ride!! Seriously, though, I am so glad that you decided to join HazzardNet. We're all just a bunch of fun-loving, fast driving, Duke Fans!! Although sometimes it gets a little crazy around here (just like in Hazzard!!) it is a blast to be a part of! I always get excited when a newcomer joins, esspecially people who grew up watching the Dukes! I, too, am a small town person, so it was cool to hear about that. I hope that you enjoy the stay, and you'll be around for a good long while! General Grant
Hey, that's cool, y'all! Garrett Duke- That was funny to hear about the doggy sweaters and coats. I can picture Rosco putting one of those on Flash! How does Lilly like wearing the sweaters? Lizzy Jackson-Davenport- It sounds like you have two very nice dogs! Even if you are only petsitting the one! Denver C.- Actually I got the idea from you about this thread! Over in another thread you started talking about your cat, and That is how I got the idea about the thread, so really, you get the credit there! We also live out in the middle of nowhere, but I love it! We have a ton of cats, I only listed my "babies" though! Roger- I hope Flash sticks around! Have you ever tried playing with it? I don't know if it works on all cats, but we had a real fiesty MEAN cat and the way I tamed it to actually like humans was by playing. It turned out to be a very sweet cat. But, I'd sit on the floor (or ground!!) and have a piece of string and play with him every day. Each day I'd shorten the string until it got to the point where I'd have him running across my legs, and eventually he let me pet him. But don't try petting 'em until they are good and ready. I did that a couple of times and it scared the poor cat to death! It also set back the "training" a couple weeks!! Did that make any sense?? Anyway, I hope that Flash will stick around! It must like you if he/she came back!! Thanks Y'all for chiming in! I really enjoy hearing about your "Velvet Ears"!! Again, if you know how and if it is okay with the moderators, I'd love to see pictures of you little pals!! General Grant
Hey Y'all! Rosco always treats Flash like Family, afterall, when he wrote his will he gave everything to Flash except of course those things his mamma would want! Anyway, do you have any animals that you feel are just like family? Okay, I'll start... I have a Big Ol' Paint Quarter Horse, Frankie; a miniature, Boomer; a white cat, Ratty; another white cat, Adrian; and my favorite, a black cat KITT. Unfortunately they all live out in the barn. I'd keep them in the house if I could, though! The cats I mean, not the horses! I treat KITT like a king because he deserves it! Anyway, hope y'all don't think I am totally crazy! I get that look when Rosco and Flash come onscreen because it reminds my family of me and KITT. But I like to think KITT is a lot smarter, a lot more cute, and I don't think I act like Rosco... I hope. No offense to Flash or Rosco though, KHEE! KHEE! Anyway, do any of you have your own little Velvet Ears? Oh, and if they hit a milestone, please share. For Example... if you gave them their first doggy num-num today, or if they took their first steps, anything, I'd be just delighted to celebrate that mile stone!! Or, if you can post pictures (providing the Moderators don't have a problem with it) of your little Velvet Ears! I'd be absolutely delighted! General Grant
Maybe one day you both will get to meet at least one of them! Maybe if we ask nice enough?? they'll come?? I feel just awful for both of you! Hey North- is Byron Cherry a nice person if real life? Is he from Canada? Anyway, I hope that someone can help you out, dukefan, and I would like it even better if you both got to meet at least one of the cast! General Grant
Garrett Duke- Oh, I didn't know that you have two IDs. I guess that makes sense now why on some posts people call you Kristy!! Thanks, I was really wondering about why people called you Kristy, I guess now I know!! Have you watched the "Christy" series? If you have, what do you think about it? Denver C.- Oh, thank you for telling me what a manx is!! I am glad I am not the only person who didn't know that. I've never heard of a manx, but then I don't read a whole lot about cat breeds and such. KITT is a barn cat, I'm not sure if he is specific breed, but he's all black, and just the sweetest cat you'd ever want to meet (although I'm sure you beg to differ!) I always call him King KITT because I treat him like a king and he knows he deserves all his stuff. I have an old table with a cat cage and a blanked inside that, I call it the KITT Table and we have a wagon we call the KITTMobile. He's the only cat that has his own dish and the "$25 for 12 pounds of food" stuff. Oh well, I get lauged at and all and KITT gets called spoiled, but he deserves all his stuff!! BoJames- very interesting! So, let me get this right (for once!) You made up Bo's middle name, right? Well, it is very clever, and it does flow nicely! DaisyMae- I never caught that Jesse said Daisy's middle name. That is interesting! Do you and BoJames role play a lot? It sounds like fun. You really are good at staying in character! MaryAnne- I've read a couple stories with MaryAnne in it, but never put two and two together (at least not to get four!!) That is clever. How did you come up with that name for the character? Noth_of_Border1- that sounds cool! I wish I thought of clever stuff like that. I always figured you put the 1 in there purposely!! Lori- I remember you saying that once, and I was confused for a week! I thought you were talking about yourself, when in reality you were talking about your character (that is before I realized about the Role Playing and Fan Fiction!!) How did you come up with the name Lori for your character? Jamanda- that is clever, too! If your parents do that, do you know which one of you they are trying to call? B.L. Davenport- that is cool that you could carry over your real life experince (being called B.L. in real life) and put a Dukes (or Davenport) spin on it. Very Clever! Thank You all, this is really interesting! General Grant
Very cool, everyone! Denver C.- That is so cool that you have a little pal to watch the Dukes with you! Okay, I have a question for you that will probably make me look like a fool (if y'all didn't already think that!) is a manx a breed of dog?? Anyway, I have a cat (named KITT) but he's an outdoor "barn" cat. I wish I could bring him in to watch an episode of the Dukes with me! Capt_Redneck- It sounds like you really have some great memories with your dad there! I'm sure that you won't ever forget that day, it sounds really special. Roger- Thank you for the compliment about starting the thread! I always enjoy a good compliment!! Anyway, I think that is a perfectly grand idea about your username! It makes perfect sense to me! Hey... who wouldn't want to be a Duke?! Well, your real last name might not be Duke, but you are a Duke at heart, and you really are a lot like Uncle Jesse. I can't think of a better hero to have! i1976- Don't feel clumsy! You, too, have a wonderful username! You might feel like you don't have a cool username, but I think it is a fine name! Besides, it isn't about the names around here, it is about the people! I'm glad that you joined in on this discussion, and it is great having all of the Dukes fans on this website. Thank You for sharing, it was interesting!! Julieduke- That was nice to hear about your brother's cat! What breed is it? Very good, about the username. That, also makes a lot of sense. Thank You everyone for sharing! I hope a couple more people join in. This is really interesting! General Grant
Hey Y'all! Just curious here, and thought I would ask everyone this question: What is the reasoning behind the usernames y'all picked? I'll go first... General Lee was the General for the confederate army in the Civil War, General Grant (my username) was the General for the Union Army in the Civil War. Well, the Dukes are from the south, I'm from the north. It seemed fitting since thier car was the General Lee, to have my username as General Grant. Did that make any sense?! Anyway, it would be interesting to hear about how everyone else got their usenames. General Grant
That is so sad, dukefan! Never even having the chance to see a Dukefest... I know how you feel, though. I have never been to a Dukefest, and I am not sure if I ever will. But, I hope that someone can help you out. Although, nothing beats the feeling of seeing one of the characters in person. I've only ever met Cooter (last month, I think!!) and I still have a big ol' grin on my face from that! Every time I watch the Dukes and Ben Jones' name comes on the credits, I grin because I remember meeting him. He is such a great person to talk to. Anyway, I really hope that some one can send you a tape of Dukefest! General Grant