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Garrett Duke

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  1. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    Yeah they are pretty sad. They got a new coach, so hopefully next season will be better.
  2. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Yeah they are pretty sad. They got a new coach, so hopefully next season will be better.
  3. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Thank you for the smile, Roger. That would make for a PERFECT 2025! My NASCAR and baseball withdrawals are through the roof right now! Sunday night showed a little hope.  The 16th will bring some light. But my true happiness won't settle until baseball starts back up. Then I'll have them both!
    I hope Sunday night's race is what NASCAR 2025 season will look like. . .I'd be excited for sure! (In other words, not be like my Chicago Bears where they can win every pre season game that doesn't matter but once the season starts, forget how to play as a team and lose majority of the games. So sad and yet so true!) I just hope I can watch some of it...but I am not holding my breath. But Chase seemed to do good without me, so maybe that'll be on his side.
    Now to get my fantasy NASCAR and baseball into shape!
  4. Love
    Garrett Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    your Bears sound like my Dolphins....in pre-season, when it doesn't  count, they can't be beat! On TV...everybody  watching ( esp. Monday, Thursday night etc.)  they get killed!
  5. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    Thank you for the smile, Roger. That would make for a PERFECT 2025! My NASCAR and baseball withdrawals are through the roof right now! Sunday night showed a little hope.  The 16th will bring some light. But my true happiness won't settle until baseball starts back up. Then I'll have them both!
    I hope Sunday night's race is what NASCAR 2025 season will look like. . .I'd be excited for sure! (In other words, not be like my Chicago Bears where they can win every pre season game that doesn't matter but once the season starts, forget how to play as a team and lose majority of the games. So sad and yet so true!) I just hope I can watch some of it...but I am not holding my breath. But Chase seemed to do good without me, so maybe that'll be on his side.
    Now to get my fantasy NASCAR and baseball into shape!
  6. Love
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Forum Update Planned   
    Thanks as always ❤ 
  7. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to Meadowmufn in Forum Update Planned   
    Ok. I FINALLY got around to this. Recovering well from surgery, but I've been spending more time in my recliner than I have been online. 😃 As usual, let me know if you have any problems from the upgrade.
  8. Haha
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Garrett's 4 steps to a happy 2025 
    1) NASCAR starts back up
    2) The Cubs start playing
    3) Chase Elliott wins every race 
    4) The Cubs win the World Series 
  9. Love
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Well y'all I was excited for the NASCAR Clash Race this past Sunday night at the Bowman Gray Stadium...especially since Chase Elliott got the pole. I was all set that this is the year that I get back into actually WATCHING the races and not just following it on my phone as the past few years. Well. . .my TV (or my antennae) ruined all that as it kept kicking me out until I finally gave up on watching it after 30 laps. So I can't really go into detail on all that had happened other than that Chase Elliott started there race on the pole. Chase Elliott dominated the race. Chase Elliott won the race.
    The race is a pre season race so there was no points on the line and only certain drivers were able to enter.  Bowman Gray Stadium is only a quarter mile race track, so you blink, you missed a lap. LOL
    Cook Out Clash at Bowman Gray Stadium Race Results, Lineup | Official Site Of NASCAR
    This upcoming weekend may be the NFL Super Bowl game, but the real Super Bowl is the Sunday after that in twelve days...the Daytona 500!!!! 
  10. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    Other than a few location shots for the Hollywood expeditions and location work at the Warner Ranch, Warner Bros. Studios was the only LA location used regularly for filming, and as far as I know that area north of the Hollywood Hills (home to many studios) is free from fire. All the movie ranches were around Santa Clarita or even further away.

    BTW. The Warner Ranch, home to the Bewitched house and Friends fountain was razed in 2023 to make way for offices - see here.
  11. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in Word Association   
    I've certainly heard of it over here, although I may not always use it correctly. With me and my friends, it may be said when someone wins something or gets some kind of bonus or bigger share, but we also say it when someone's actually having chicken for dinner.

    The source of the phrase is disputed, but it's thought to be linked to gamblers in the US in the 1920s or 1930s. One version says that chicken dinners in a Las Vegas casino were $2, which was also the price of a standard bet - if you won your bet, you got your chicken dinner. I'm not sure how it crossed the Atlantic, but it was most likely in movies and TV shows.
  12. Confused
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    (Exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you for not disappointing me ) 
  13. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    The Bears can now say that they won every game this year . . . and the Packers have lost every game this year. HA. Gotta look on the bright side. Seriously though, that game was very dramatic how the Bears were ahead for most of the game only for that ugly green team to come out to lead with a minute left and then the Bears end it with a 51 yard field goal at the last second to win the game. So glad they won. At least they end on a good note and something to reflect back on.
  14. Love
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Word Association   
    (Exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you for not disappointing me ) 
  15. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to Meadowmufn in Forum Update Planned   
    Well, I didn't get to the update yet, so it'll probably be next week.
  16. Love
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Word Association   
  17. Love
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Green Kawasaki! Speaking of green, I see your Bears finished on a high note, beating that green team, 24-22!
  18. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Where to watch the DUKES!   
    Sorry you and your friend fell out. But glad you got the DVDs as well.
  19. Care
    Garrett Duke reacted to Meadowmufn in Forum Update Planned   
    I will be doing a software update to the forums soon, hopefully this week if time allows. I have surgery coming up on Wednesday, so if the update isn't before then, it will likely be sometime next week after I've recovered sufficiently.
  20. Care
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    We got our first snow of the year last night, and it started again this morning. It's that horrible wet snow that's leaving thick slush everywhere. We're due for freezing temperatures over the next few nights, so I'm expecting the roads to be very slippery. I briefly ventured into town after lunch and they were already quite bad. I don't think we got snow last year (at least none that settled) so we're not used to it here. All the shops were closing early tonight and people have been panic buying supplies for a few days. My friend's daughter's family are out in the country, and they're cut off for now.
  21. Care
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Panic buying is going on down in Virginia right now where they are expecting a major winter storm. We have a lot of snow on the ground here on Lake Erie and no temps above freezing predicted for at least a week. Too bad you didn't get that snow for Christmas Hoss. 
  22. Care
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    I'm not saying we're nearly as badly affected as some US states, but we never seem to be prepared for it. Very few people would have winter tires as it happens so infrequently. I'm back to work tomorrow and even though I only have to drive across town, I'm not looking forward to the journey. Even the main roads weren't clear today.
  23. Love
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Pro Dirt Bike racing starts on Jan 11. 
  24. Sad
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Let me guess...it's not the Bears. HA. The Bears get to go hibernate after Sunday's game. HA. 
  25. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    I would, but I don't know if my poor heart can take any more bad luck seasons than I already do with my Bears and Cubs. Everyone I follow tends to do poorly and breaks my heart even worse. If I wasn't a Chase Elliott fan, he'd probably have won the last three championships... (Sorry Chase...but I did help you win the most popular driver award again.  ) Plus, I'm too old to learn any new sport. It took me forever to understand football and I still don't understand all of it. I understand it enough to know my Bears will most likely earn a great draft pick yet again next season. HA. One more game left of the season . . . would be great if they could end this year with a win.
    Though with their season done, I have no one to follow until Daytona. January is going to last forever! (As always. January is by far my worst month...as is February. The only good thing with February is NASCAR and Daytona!) 
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