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Garrett Duke

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Status Updates posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Great post...:D Garrett was surprised to see Lori!

  2. Just thought I'd send you a hello and welcome to Hnet. :D I take it you are a Dale Jr fan...

  3. Hi redneck girl! How's it going? Hope all is great with you. Saw you on so I thought I would say a hello! You miss highshool yet?

  4. Think Garrett forgot how to smile...Lori reminded him how to. :)

  5. Thanks Roger! You did an awesome job of writing and leading it! Thanks!

  6. I am so glad to hear that you are ejoying college and that you are getting along with people. I never missed high school either once I was out. Great hearing from you!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emy-Rae...hope it is as great as you are :D

  8. Hi Dixie, how are you? How's the writing coming along? Hope your muse is cooperating well with you! My muse is it's stubborn and ornery self. Had been stuck for awhile on my solo story. After deciding to stick with first POV, started to write with my idea I had started with, but it had little to no connection with my idea or what I had wrote. Oddly enough, I had just found a way to possibly make it fit in with my idea and with my prologue that is already wrote. Was beginning to think I'd had to start chapter one over again or to find another idea to go with what I wrote...LOL.

    Anyway, saw that you were on and thought I'd say hello. Hope all is well with you and that you are able to find some time to relax in your busy schedule.

  9. Ooops...I meant to say my series story. Not solo story. Sorry about that.

  10. Glad to hear you found some time to write. :D That is another problem of mine...of finding the time. Good luck with it!

  11. Well don't let the bed bugs bite. ;) Thanks...I am hoping on enjoying the race tomorrow. I will definately be watching it, just hope for a better outcome than we had at Texas last weekend. HA HA. Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  12. See that you are on...how are you? Hope all is great.

  13. Hi MaryAnne...how's it going? Hope all is well with you. Saw that you were on so thought I'd send a hello your way. It's been awhile since I talked or wrote to you last. :)

  14. Well like you, I have found myself being busy most of the time. Guess it keeps me out of trouble, but it also keeps me from writing. My muses have been their stubborn self, but they have been workable the last few times I had found the time to put them into use. Hope your's is behaving themselves as well.

  15. Hoss...happy belated birthday! I hope you had a fun and special day and that you got to eat lots of cake. Sorry this is soooo late!

  16. LOL Roger! Never thought of that...I post a couple more posts, I'll be at my birth year. Perhaps I'll stop there. KHEE!

  17. Thank-you Roger! I was excited to see it reach 2,000. But now looking at your post count, puts me to shame! I've been here longer and yet you have almost trippled number over me. How can that be? LOL...Thanks for the compliment...your posts are well earned and rewarding. You add alot to Hnet. :)

  18. Dang it...I"m too late! LOL. Sorry I missed y'all in chat. Bet you had a good time. Hope you have a great New Year!

  19. See that you are on and thought I'd say howdy. LOL. Hope you had a great New Year's and the upcoming year will be great for you and your family. Have a good week!

  20. Welcome to HNet Hobie! Hope you enjoy it here. :)

  21. Just a quick hello. HOpe your son is feeling better. Hope all is well in Texas for you. :)

  22. Hope you enjoy your stay at Hnet!

  23. I am glad that your son is doing better. Things are surely going around this time of year. I am not feeling the best today and kids at the day care have been sick as well as a few staff. Am so ready for spring (warm weather, NASCAR, and baseball ;) ) I really hope you get feeling better. Definately not fun. God bless

  24. Thanks for your comment about the Bears. It was sad to see Cutler get hurt...even worse to read how other players are criticizing him. If he's hurt, he's hurt. No need hurting the knee worse than what it already is.. It was a disappointing loss. My football season has come to a halt two weeks too early. Thanks.

    GO CUBS!!!!!!! Only two more months until the first official throw of the official season. LOL. Only 24 more days until Daytona...the real Super Bowl.. LOL (Have I turned you into a Chicago fan yet? LOL)

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