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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. How's it going Emy? Hope all is well with you and that you are staying out of trouble ;) I know, what's so fun about that, right?

  2. Garrett Duke


    *Innocent look* Who? Me? *pouty look* How dare you insinuate such a thing as of me causing trouble. I never cause trouble. *Innocent look*
  3. Awww thanks Lori! Knowing that...it don't matter what that light means...at least I know I have you as a friend.
  4. Garrett Duke


    Well Lori...I think that's the first time I heard you speak the truth. And go figure, it's about causing trouble - something you seem to be so good at. (Sorry Lori, you know I love you. Right? I just couldn't help myself! )
  5. Well, B.L. don't feel too bad, I think I am on the same road as you are. LOL. Perhaps we got turned around somewhere and got lost.
  6. Hi Daisy - Thanks for inviting me to your friend list. ;) It was great chatting with you the other night - hopefully we can do it again soon. :)

  7. I'm glad someone asked the question...I have always wondered what the squares meant and why they are there. Well...now I know. LOL.
  8. Dixie- Thank-you for adding me to your friends list! It was great talking with you tonight. Hope all is well with you. Keep it between the ditches ;)

  9. I hear you Lori...I just find it sad they have to put that stuff in there. A lot of the times, there is no need or reason for it. Don't get me wrong with my post, I am a big Country music fan and I do listen to the modern music that is out there. . .Toby Keith, Alan Jackson, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, and Tim McGraw, are my favorites. But it is still not the Country that everyone knew and listened to several years ago...they'd probably go call most of those Rock or easy rock or something like that. So perhaps it shouldn't be surprising to see Country Music opening their doors for rock artists. . . (Once again, this being of my opinion)
  10. I'll admit the tune is catchy and it is upbeat...but I am not a fan of the song nor of Kid Rock. I can't see him or Jessica Simpson as being country, but that is of my own opinion. Then again, country isn't the country it use to be either.
  11. Hey Lori, remember me? ;) If so...wanna chat? I don't have AIM which is why I'm writing you here. So it'd have to be in chats here. If not, that's OK too. Just thought I'd ask. . .

  12. Emy- You wanna chat for a little bit? It'd have to be on here, I don't have my AIM.

  13. Well...I voted for Bo. But I have to agree with all that was said - I've always said that you can't have one without the other (Bo and Luke) but that also goes for everyone. The show wouldn't be the same if you were to take anyone out - they all seem to add onto eachother to make the show as great as it is.
  14. Well Redneck Girl, as I said, I didn't read your article nor heard anything else about it until I hopped on here tonight and read what was wrote. So I probably shouldn't have stuck my nose in where it don't belong by posting my opinion by the little information I had. I agree with you both. Hope I didn't get you upset if I assumed the wrong thing by what I read.
  15. Well, I hadn't heard anything about this until just now reading what y'all have wrote. . .but I agree with Lori and what she had said. God made this earth and I think it will be up to Him to when He decides to end it. . .not just a couple of scientist -no matter how smart or how much money they put into it. There's my two cents worth. . .
  16. That is an interesting and fun idea, Roger Duke. I don't know how the whole pop ups would work, but I am sure someone around here may know. It would be a way to keep everyone updated and in the know. . . I am glad that I was able to point something out for all that didn't know...not very often that I am able to do so. I recieve Country Weekly through the mail and had just picked it up and started to look through it and was very excited to see the picture of Bo and Luke and the article.
  17. Hey y'all... Just wanted to mention that on Saturday, August 16, 2008 it will mark twenty-three years since CBS aired the last episode of The Dukes of Hazzard...meaning August 16, 1985 was when the last episode of the Dukes was originally aired. Good thing TNN and CMT had picked up the reruns and had aired them as long as they did to gather new Duke fans and to reignite interest in the fans that had been watching when the show had originally aired. In the latest Country Weekly, there is an article and a nice picture of Bo and Luke sitting in and on the hood of The General Lee - it is a nice picture of the boy and an interesting article. It is in the issue of August 25, 2008 in Country Weekly with Alan Jackson and his wife Denise on the cover. It is toward the back and is part of their Flash Back section that they have in each magazine.
  18. If it were on a safe road and enviroment for racing...such as a race track...I would love to race Tom - he would definately win, but it'd be fun trying at least. As for Garrett...he'd race Luke anywhere and anytime if or when he is given the chance and given both of their driving abilities...it'd be hard to say who would win or lose in that race.
  19. Being a big NASCAR fan, that is some interesting information, Julie. Thanks for sharing it.
  20. Y'all who are getting to go, are sooooooooo very lucky! LOL. I've gone to the last four Dukefests - two at Bristol and two at Nashville - and I had the time of my life at all four of them. It is amazing to go and see all the people that are there - all the fans that showed up and all the DOH vehicles that are brought and worked on. Unfortunately for me, I don't get to go this year due to gas prices and it being farther away this year, being in Atlanta and all. I was really wishing to go, but this year is a no. So fo anyone that is going to Dukefest - I hope you all have a great and fun time as I know you will! Enjoy it and take lots of pictures.
  21. I agree with Daney. I've been to Dukefest several times and had just as much fun talking and being among other Duke fans as I had looking at the cars. It is great looking at the cars and I love The General as I do the other cast members, but it isn't the only reason why I love the show. Nor is it the only reason why I went to Dukefest.
  22. Yes - this thread is very interesting to read and to keep up with! As for "Christy" - I have never watched the series or if I had it was only small pieces at varying times. I just knew that John had something to do with it so I thought it would be neat to incorporate something of John into my character. I never meant to confuse anyone with the two IDs, though I can see how it can! I originally had meant to have one ID which was Kristy since she was the character I knew more and could write easier for. Then Garrett kinda took over and it seemed the right thing to do is to follow his lead and to use him as my "lead" character (he is more vocal than Kristy - Kristy is more quiet). If any of all of that makes sense. But yeah, that is the reason why people will call me Kristy - and I will still respond to her name. I still use both characters and both characters have their strong and weak points - Garrett is just the ID I usually use lately.
  23. Well...I have a cat that is what they call a tortouis shell (I think) kinda like the calico, but no white to it. Her name is Daisy Mae Duke...though she goes by Daisy and lives with at my parents' house with their boxer and chihuaha-minpin mix dogs. I also have a corgi-bichon mix three year old dog that is named Lilly or Lillianna that does live with me. She didn't achieve any big milestones today but she did get her first summer hair cut (of this year-I only get her hair cut in the summer so she doesn't get too hot) last Wednesday...of course now that she got all her fur shaved off, it has been freezing cold here! Just my luck, oh well, she's got plenty of doggy sweatshirts and coats to wear until it does get warmer outside.
  24. Sorry Denver to throw you off by using the two different user names...I usually try to stick with one ID over the other just so it won't get so confusing. When I first started writing, Kristy was the one I felt and knew where Garrett just kinda hid in the corner. So I used her more than Garrett. Well now, it has completely changed and it is Garrett who has stole the spotlight and shoved Kristy in the corner. Which isn't surprising since Garrett is my more outspoken character and Kristy being more quiet. So now I use Garrett as my ID and hardly use my Kristy ID...though she does remain in my stories. Anyway, sorry to change the subject! It is really interesting to see where everyone got their ID's started.
  25. Nice thread! It is always intresting to hear how people chose their user names or their character names! As for me, I just went with my DOH fan-fic characters that I created...Garrett and Kristy Duke.(They are half brother and half sister to one another - Garrett being Bo's twin) I use to use Kristy all the time, but for the past couple of years or so, it's been Garrett. Just who is more vocal at the time I guess. As for the names, Kristy's full name is Kristian - for their religion, shorten it to Kristy since John had something to do with "Christy". (I know it is spelled differently, I just thought it would be kinda different to spell it with a K). As for Garrett...I really don't know where or how I came up with his name. If I recall, it took me a while to get a name I liked and could go with (along with the character). Sorry for the long introduction or explanation to my user names that I use . Sorry if I bored anyone there!
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