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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. You forgot about the Daytona 500? How could anyone forget about Daytona 500?! *sighs dramatically* Well at least you remembered sometime through it. The candy sounds yummy though don't know if I'd be able to eat it with Gordon on it or Johnson for that matter. Jimmy Johnson...that's the football announcer! Jimmie Johnson is the race car driver and my second favorite! Sorry had to give you a hard time about that!

  2. Old? Me? HA! Eh I guess I can't laugh too hard, there are days I feel old. LOL. As I said, glad you like snow.Someone hasta like it. Glad you got a snow day outta it! Congrats on the General Lees! And of course you can dream!

  3. Sadly I don't have time to chat. I should be getting ready for bed as it is. One of these days we'll have to chat. Perhaps Friday night? Just can't be nine central time...Numb3rs is on then (talking of which I got to chat with the creater of Numb3rs Sat. night...well mostly listened into other people chatting with her. Oh well) Anyway it has been awhile since we did chat.

  4. *Sits on motorcycle with a cigarette and watches Chet leaving the jail* Heard what was happenin, bro. Good luck. You know where to find me if you need me for anything. *Drives away*
  5. OK after chatting with you Saturday night, I have to ask...did you watch the race? If so, what you think? LOL.

  6. PS: What is up with the beards? First Jr and then Tim McGraw had one when he sang before the race. . .LOL. Just had to ask. Though I think Jr's beard is growing on me...a little, it didn't bug me as much as it had during the SHootout!

  7. When they parked the truck there after the second time of repairing it in order for the cars to miss it, I was thinking they should just park the truck over it and let them race. Right after that, DW said the same thing! LOL. Found that funny too. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time when they interviewed McMurray and McMurray was saying something about how he said something to his wife about winning and then he stopped and said I'm gonna cry and then he did. All that emotion right there. I am happy he won and for Jr comin' in second. (Did Edwards' wife had her baby yet? LOL) Well I will let you be, sorry to be writing you this long and boring book. Feel free to tell me to shut up any time now. Am looking forward to hearing what you thought of the race!

  8. Well it is me again...sorry for all these messages. Though felt as if I should write again due to my sour mood over the race last night. It was a good race...up until the ending that is. LOL. Am very happy for JR - that is what him and his team needs. He was funny to listen to - a girl I work with is a JR fan and I guess she and her friend got a sprint phone and can listen into the drivers - she said they listened to Jr yesterday communicating to his crew cheif and said he was funny to listen to there too. Loved when he said "That it was fun, but don't know how productive it is" about being loose on the track. Or his baseball trvia...or when he told them to cover the hole with a cone and they will miss it.

  9. OK sorry to vent...six hours of watching that plus what it took for the prerace show plus the anticipation of it throughout the winter and just for him to wreck at the very last lap. I knew it could happen, it could have happened to anyone, just frustrating. I guess we are off to California - hopefully Gordon rebounds with a win and Johnson a runner up. Jr can finish third to prove he has what it takes to make it this year and that it wasn't on accident he finished second today. I'll shut up before boring you to death or upsetting you with my complaining. I am glad that your drivers did great today! I bet you were very excited...and rightfully so. :)

  10. As for me...am frustrated with it. Was a great race up until the last few laps or so. I mean first Johnson goes out and has his issues and the announcers made that catty remark about how he's not gonna win it. (like duh!) Sorry I like them (the announcers) just the comment bugged me. Then Gordon gets into the back of Kahne to wreck Kahne and the announcers made that big deal of how Gordon started it. And then Gordon wrecks on the last lap and they really don't even show until way past the end of the race and I still don't know what happened to wreck him. 26th and 35 finishes for my two drivers. ERRR. HOw frustrating it has to be for Gordon to be wrecked at the last lap and not be able to finish it!

  11. I hope you got to watch the race. I am looking forward to hear what you thought of it. All of your drivers seemed to finish great! McMurray won, I thought of you with him and was hoping he would win over Biffle (though Biffle is a pretty good guy I think) though would have been happier if Jr woulda passed him to win it. Though Jamie deserves it as well. (though not as much as Gordon did if you ask me...HA HA)

  12. It is great to see you back on here at an almost regular basis! Welcome back!

  13. I hope that you get to watch some of it too Texas Daisy - Tim McGraw is going to be singing before the race. I am highly hoping they will air that on TV! I am planning on watching and am looking forward to it!
  14. NASCAR don't make no sense whatsoever to me. Kyle Busch and Brad Keselowski go into an accident on the last lap (Busch lost control of his car and Brad got into him) well NASCAR didn't put a yellow flag out until after Stewart won the race. Like what good does that do? Dunno, didn't make any sense to me especially since it happened a few minutes before Stewart crossed the line, they should have done it right away if they were going to do it and extend the race. Give everyone a chance and all. That would have made it a closer race than what it was...though Edwards finished second so I guess his wife didn't have the baby yet. If so she had it in advance enough time for him to be racing. . .

  15. Well I know you probably won't see this or any of my other messages I may be sending you with Daytona tomorrow, but figured I'd send it to you anyway. (I hope you will have a great three day weekend and that you will return rejuvinated and reenergized! Everyone needs time off to relax and to do what one loves to do!)

    I saw the last fifteen laps or so of the Nationwide Series race. They must be really trying to sell Danica to everyoen because on the bottom line banner they kept saying over and over again how she got taken out in the 12 car pile up. Anyway Stewart won it and if you just listened to the announcers you'd think that Allgaier was right next to him and it was really close. It was close, but not as close as they made it sound out to be.

  16. Well with the new NASCAR season starting back up tomorrow with the Daytona 500, I thought I'd remind people of Hazzard County's NASCAR club. If you want to talk anything NASCAR; be it the track or the races or the drivers or their crews, this is the place to be. It is open to all who wants to join! Hope to see you there!
  17. *Shakes head* How could anyone like the snow? Beats me, but am glad at least someone does. HA HA. Glad you are getting the stuff you like then. Hate the humidity as well, but at least you can drive in it without going off the road or what not. Or at least I can take Lilly, my dog, outside without having to get all dressed up for it...plus she does her thing a lot better when there isn't all that yucky white stuff on the ground. LOL

    Consider yourself lucky...I have all seasons on DVD of the Dukes and yet can't recall the last time I Sat down to watch an episode. How bad is that? Good luck at getting the rest of the seasons while you rewatch the seasons you have!

  18. *Shakes head* Well Brian, can't believe you of people would be the one to slip up and allow something like this to happen. Oh well. Now you know how the rest of us felt when you locked us up...innocently. Anyway, if there is anything I can do for you while you rest up in your purdy little jail cell there, just let me know. Perhaps I could take your fancy little car over there for a drive for you while your locked up all tight, you know, to keep the tires spinning. Sounds fair to me. Afterall, it was you, that stole my motorcycle while I was locked up and drove him...though I am grateful for you returning it just as it was when you and MaryAnne had arrested me; as I knew you would. Anyway good luck on your bail, hopefully MaryAnne isn't too rough on ya, especially after what you did to her. Though gotta admit she did a great job on her bail you gave her.
  19. *Smiles* I noticed that too when I saw her collage and wondered how I earned such an honor to be top and in center of the collage. Though I'll have to be careful being in between the likes of Cowboy and Alex. ;)

  20. You did an awesome job on the collage MaryAnne! Congratulations on your newfound freedom...how does it feel to be out and about now? Nice fast one that you pulled on your cousin over there, I'm sure he ain't too happy about it, but he'll get over it eventually. Hopefully at least. . . *Turns to Brian* How's it feel be locked up in there? Guess you now know how the rest of us feel being locked up for something you didn't even do...Anyway, let me know if there is anything I can do for you while you spend your time locked up. Perhaps I can take your car out for a drive just to keep the tires spinning. Sound fair to me. Afterall, you got to steal my motorcycle and take him for a ride while I was locked up.
  21. He better have a back up plan other wishe he's in trouble. LOL. And it would be a dumb mistake, if you ask me, if he were to miss his baby's birth to the race. I agree with you there. I am sure there are drivers out there that has experience and would be able to drive for him. Willingly. Good luck to him on that.

  22. BRRRR...I am glad that you didn't get all that snow, but it sounds like you got a lot and too much to start off with. That is probably wise then not to throw a party. Too bad about having to cancel the parties though, that would be disappointing.

    As for me, I have to admit the winter and the snow and all of that stuff has seemed to drag me down as it always does. I keep telling my parents I'm going to move somehwere where it's warm year round. I am beyond ready for spring and of now, I'd love to see the rain. Though like you said, definately not freezing rain.

  23. YUCK the dentist! I hope your appointment went well. Not the best place to spend the afternoon especially when there is a race to listen to. Lucky for you though that you werre able to listen to some of it at work. Gordon finished tenth in the first one with Johnson beating Harvick by .005 to the finish line. I didn't get to see any of it, just that was what NASCAR.com article titles stated. The second one looks as if it is still going on so I guess I could have caught some of it if I went home to see it. Too late now. Just my luck for today. . .

  24. Hi DaisyxEnos...remember me? Long time no see. I hope all is going well and that you are enjoying school. Not much here. NASCAR is starting up on Sunday...Daytona 500 - the Superbowl of NASCAR ;). Anyway, hope all is well with you.

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