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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "You know...George looks a bit hungry to me... You think maybe you an him'd like to go for a ride an get some ice cream?"
  2. Luke smiled as he felt Zac cuddle into him. "Things'll be ok..." He promised softly.
  3. "I know ya do Zac," said Luke softly,keeping his strong arms around him. "I wish I could bring em back to ya."
  4. Luke nodded gently wiping Zac's tears away with his thumb. "I know so."
  5. Luke wrapped his arms around the sad little boy. "I'm sure they still love you Zac," he said softly. "Just sometimes folks can't take care of their little boys... And they love em so much they hafta give them up so they can be taken care of em... So you see...yer folks must love ya somethin fierce t be willin' t give ya up."
  6. Luke swallowed. "I don't know why Zac," admitted Luke. "But I know one thing...it wasn't your fault... Sometimes mamas and daddys do things we don,t understand...but it ain't yer fault Zac... You're a good boy."
  7. Luke swallowed hard near to tears himself remembering when he felt the same way. "I know...I know..."
  8. "I don't know how they couldn't with a good boy like you waitin' for 'em," said Luke softly stroking a hand through the little boy's hair. "But you can bet you won't be alone if they don't...you got lots of folks here t take care of ya....ya got George...ya got me ....I'll be yer friend if ya want...."
  9. Luke rubbed his tiny back comfortingly. "What if...they don't come back?" he asked softly.
  10. Luke swallowed nodding a little. "We could always..leave a note tellin em where ya was for the day...." he offered feeling more and more that the little boy would never leave the window.
  11. Luke nodded saying gently, "Maybe sometime you could come visit the farm...while you wait...see our chickens...goats...take a ride on Maudine the mule..."
  12. Sorry BL...but Im gonna disagree....here's hoping I dont regret it Cross Creek Road Yreka County Jeeter Davenport
  13. "A monkey...well, I'll bet he's a nice one..." he said softly. "You like animals?"
  14. "George..." repeated Luke with a small smile. "That's a nice name. What is he?" he asked, trying to get a peek at him although Zac held him so close it was hard to see. "Can I look at him?"
  15. "So um....who's your friend?" asked Luke, nodding to the animal clutched tightly in his arms.
  16. Luke shook his head. "No...they didn't. It made me real sad for a while... I cried a lot."
  17. Luke wasn't sure what to do. Telling the little boy to give up hope was more than he could do. "I lost my folks too," he offered softly. "But mine didn't come back."
  18. Luke swallowed. "You know... Ibet they'd like you to be enjoying yourself while you wait...I bet they wouldn't mind if ya came awaY from the window..."
  19. The soft answer would have melted a tougher heart than Luke's. Quietly Luke answered, "Bet you miss 'em huh?"
  20. Luke tried to hide his surprise that the little boy answered him. "That so?"
  21. Luke's keen eyesight noticed the glance but made no mention of it just staring out the window with him, commenting on how blue the sky looked. "Good day for lookin' out a window," he added.
  22. Luke bit his lip, but didn't budge. Instead he just made himself more comfortable on the part of the bed he was on, rested his elbows on the windowsill and looked out, right alongside Zac. Not for nothing had he always been told he was stubborn as a mule....
  23. Luke sighed, his heart aching for the little boy. "My name's Luke..."
  24. "You mind if I look too?" asked Luke inviting himself to sit on the bed next to the little boy and staring out the window with him.
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