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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "You're welcome," answered Luke setting the glass of milk in front of him, just watching him quietly.
  2. *pacing nervously back and forth, longing to go help his uncle and feeling helpless-a feeling he hated*
  3. "There they are...comeon..." With that Luke picked up the small boy, monkey and all, and set him on a chair handing him a cookie. "Want some milk?"
  4. Ode to Billy Joe- I have Tom singing it but he did not sing it originally
  5. Cool Hands Luke and Bo (one of my faves)
  6. *grabs the CB* Jesse you be careful...*hurries to do as he asked, loading up the shotgun and making sure there were dynamite arrows for the bows*
  7. Uncle Jesse...do you read me...Shepherd this is Lost Sheep One do you copy, over? *sighs throwing the CB down angrily when he got no response*
  8. Oh shoot...no Mary Anne is right I think... I retract my answer...I got confuzzled...
  9. C: *nods pushing back his hat* Just go easy on him...these backroads are hard on an engine...
  10. You comin' to get me or not?! *snaps his face flushing the hairs on the back of his neck standing up in anger*
  11. Luke opened the door for him inviting him inside. "There we go. There's cookies on the table. Help yerself."
  12. I can't go anywhere...in case you're forgettin' you took my half of the car! *says with a hint of anger in his voice*
  13. cool.... Im from Montrose...little town about the size of Hazzard

  14. Hopefully we'll get to 'em before they get to Jesse....*explains* Unless you and your infinite widom has any better ideas....
  15. Come get me...we need t find these folks...teach em some manners *gritting his teeth*
  16. Uncle Jesse...Uncle Jesse...Bo are you hearin' any of that? *thinking now was not the time to be at odds with each other* Bo come back...
  17. Jesse...high tail it back to the farm...make sure ya aint followed...
  18. *frowns going inside*You got Lost Sheep 1 here Jesse...
  19. Not much...you okay? /you look like ya lost yer best friend...
  20. *sighs just continuing on with work his face flushed wiith anger* C: Hey there buddy roe! *to Bo*
  21. *soon is swinging away at the unfinished wood waiting for Jesse to come back or Bo, hating the way he got blamed for everything*
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