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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke sighed and looked out the window. "Where'd the time go..." he said to himself.
  2. Luke raised an eyebrow. "Seems t me you got a few momorable ones yaself..."
  3. "Got further than we did tryin' t joust with her...don't think the goat ever forgave me for that.."
  4. Luke smiled a little. "Remember the time we tried t train Maudine to be a racehorse?"
  5. Luke nodded softly watching them. " Don't seem so long ago that that was me leadin' you around on Maudine...."
  6. Jaime was leading Maudine around by a rope. Troy sat on her, hanging onto her mane with all his might a big grin on his face.
  7. Luke stared at his motionless feet before looking over to Bo. "I didn't mean t drive you away."
  8. "Feels like...ya don't know if yer comin or goin' half the time...." said Luke quietly.
  9. For once Luke didn't have a plan. Never before had things gotten so out of shape that they couldn't be made right again. Now things were spiraling out of control and Luke felt like he was falling with them.
  10. You know, I agree with all of you... I don't think the newer movie actors should be allowed. John once said when asked about the movie that "it was true to whatever it was...I'm just not sure what it was." It wasn't Dukes. Part of John's reason for making Collier was because these movies that grossed so much money were not in the wholesome spirit that the original Dukes brought to television. I cannot see John inviting them because of this and also because one of John's goals is to make the tv a family friendly passtime... and I am pretty sure Dukesfest will be the same way. Nothing against the actors, but not one of them are known for their family-friendly appearances.
  11. Well, it might end at 15 but here goes: Adam Venable Chestnut Road? Osage County not real sure about the second one
  12. Luke swallowed hard, not knowing what to do, still hugging Bo, almost as if he was afraid if he let go, he might lose him forever.
  13. Luke bit his lip before returning the hug. "I miss you Bo," he said a tightness in his voice.
  14. Luke stared at a spot on the wall, willing back the tears that threatened his eyes. Somewhere, things had gone wrong...horribly wrong. He felt as if he was not only possibly losing an uncle, but that he had lost a brother too. He missed him. Of course he didn't say any of this- there was a time when he wouldn't have needed to...Bo would just know... but now... He sighed though it sounded more like a low wimper.
  15. "I don't know," answered Luke, his voice quivering a little as he spoke. "But I don't like it."
  16. Luke laid his head back against his pillow with a sigh. "You used to talk to me.." he said quietly.
  17. "Ya are Bo...look in the mirror...your eyes.." pleaded Luke. "They's so sunk in...an yer pale..."
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