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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. *inside was a ticket to a NASCAR race, and a VIP pass so that he could talk to all the important people* L: *eyes his face*
  2. *watches as the paper falls to reveal a small box*
  3. Luke rubbed his head, tears glistening in his eyes hating that he made Bo cry. Lavinia came and scooped him into her arms* "There there Bo....shhhh...s'alright."
  4. Will..I'll let you go...but don't you forget me... I'll miss you horribly cousin...
  5. "OW! Bo Leggo!" he yelled trying to free his hair from the small hands.
  6. You can open it now...er later...dont really matter *says softly his mind divided between Bo and how to get the farm back*
  7. Luke couldn't resist the laughing baby blues looking up at him, and soon found himself planting kisses on his soft cheeks, tickling him more.
  8. *pulls it out of his pocket handing it to him* I know this aint zactly the time but...
  9. Luke snuck up behind him as he reached for the pillow and tickled him.
  10. *doesnt know what to say, Bo's birthday gift still in his pocket*
  11. He reads more than any of us, which accounts for his car magazines in the outhouse. If ya want my opinion, he probably had some Dickens out there too and just didn't wanna get teased so kept it hid...s'why he's so smart
  12. *sees his tears and pulls him into a hug* I'm sorry...I shoulda just let ya be...
  13. Lavinia nodded and got up. "Be a big boy and hold Bo for me, ok Luke?" "Yes Auntie, " said Luke obediently.
  14. *looks over to Bo; if they were going to fight this thing they had to be on the same side; as Luke knew from his time in the Marines, a divided unit would easily fall...so, though he still was upset, he decided to try* Bo...Bo I know yer mad still...but...but we need to be together on this...an' I never meant to hurt ya...*adds honestly*
  15. "We can't lose this farm...Jesse worked too hard...*can't get complete sentences out* We can't....we just can't *determinedly*
  16. Luke nodded a little, hugging Bo that much closer, hating to see the poor thing in pain.
  17. "Dang right we ain't...." returned Luke. "That fat marshmallow is gonna get a piece of my mind!"
  18. *shakes his head in defiance* No... no... *pushes himself up off the log angrily*
  19. I always look at the entertainment...and of course the gossip columns... Bo looks at the funnies...or no...wait...I meant Bo is funny-lookin...*giggles*
  20. Luke looked over worriedly. "It's ok isn't it?"
  21. At this moment the fawn shifted making a small noise. Luke looked over anxiously.
  22. Lavinia wrapped an arm around Jesse too. "Quite the pair...aren't they?"
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