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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Ok Im home now....

    Let me give more detail:

    I was sitting front row center and we had an empty chair at our table. He came down and sat in it and watched his band play an instrumental. He saw my drink (it was a mixed drink called...the General Lee) and asked if that's what it was and if it was good. I said it was and he asked if he could have a drink....of course I said yes!

    He took a drink, and made a face (it had watered down considerably), said he wouldn't be drinking many of them....then went back to sing. I got the bartender to give me the cup and told Tom it's not every day I get to share a drink with you and asked if he's sign my cup, which he did.

    He sang some Christmas songs and some off his latest album...it was so awesome.....loooove Tom....

  2. Hey Rog....

    frying pan

    –noun 1. a shallow, long-handled pan in which food is fried or with which rude men who think they are being funny are struck.

    —Idiom2. out of the frying pan into the fire, free of one predicament but immediately in a worse one.

    You know Rog...both definitions kinda fit you to a T.:lol:

  3. This isn't so much a favorite quote but a favorite scene, also from "Repo Men" when Bo's complimenting her on her dress and her shoes and all. And she's all grinning from ear to ear. Too funny!

    Is there a woman alive who wouldn't be grinning ear to ear after compliments from Bo Duke? Heck, I bet Miz Tisdale even got a quiver in her liver when he flashed those dimples at her! It would be just plain unnatural otherwise....

  4. Uncle Jesse don't get yer feathers in a ruffle now...Bo probably tol' me an' I forgot...*of course he knew it wasn't true...but if there was one thing Luke hated more than anything else was when someone was accused of wrongdoing and was not able to defend themselves....besides, he could make Bo pay him back for covering his hind end later*

    Just the fence needs mendin? *asks as he climbed down the ladder and went to get the post hole digger as well as the bucket of nails*

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