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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Now...I know...what I went through is a lot different than what you're feelin'...heck...if I was in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same..."

    He bit his lip. "Now I don't know why your folks ain't come back for ya... but sometimes..." He sighed hard. "Sometimes...bad things happen to good people. Ain't no reason...they didn't do nothin' t' deserve it, it...just happens...now your folks...they must have a real good reason why they didn't come back....somethin...musta stopped em...cuz anyone'd be lucky t have a little boy like you...they'd be crazy not t come back," he said softly.

  2. "I uh...I brung ya somethin'" he said, taking from the pocket of his jean jacket something carefully wrapped in a napkin. "S'a couple cookies...Daisy made 'em this mornin'. Now I know you probably don't feel like eatin' right now...but you can save 'em for a snack later...or give 'em away...whatever you want..." he suggested setting the cookies carefully on the window ledge beside the little boy.

    Luke bit his lip. Swallowing hard, he said something he had never told anyone...not even Bo. "You know...even years after my folks died...I'd still...imagine them comin' back for me somehow.... wasn't that I didn't like bein' at the farm but...I just missed 'em so much...I guess I thought...if I waited long enough...God'd send a miracle..."

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