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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Daisydukex... from all my encounters with him....I can tell you that what you see in Enos is Sonny...the whole character of Enos was created with Sonny in mind...the sweetness, gentleness, down-home goodness that you love about Enos is what you see when you meet him...it must have been a very easy part for him to play. Like I said before, the first time he met me, he remembered me by name the whole weekend...even though he met thousands of people he took the time to remember me....that is the type of person he is...if you ever have a chance to meet him do it....you will not regret it...

  2. I agree Daney...in MI the unemployment rate is 15 percent....5 percent higher than the national average, largely in part to the automotive industry's fall. It's very sad...everyone is moving away, houses on every street just left because the families could no longer afforrd them, kids are coming to school hungry, and violence is terrible because of depression and people not knowing how to feed their families....

    very sad times here

  3. I agree with ya Garrett...I think I'll repost....see if anything changes!

    1. I was chosen as an ultimate Dukes fan at the last Dukesfest.

    2. I have met all of the surviving Dukes cast except for Vance and Lulu.

    3. I've been kissed by John Schneider

    4. I have two cats named Boo! and Phoebe

    5. We adopted two teenagers four years ago...that's about the same time I lost my sanity!

    6. My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Comes to Willow Creek.

    7. The house we live in is nearly 100 years old.

    8. I own a DOH Lunch box with every cast member's signature (except Rosco-gotta do that soon)

    9: I only like pizza if there is ranch to dip it in.

    10. I love to write.

  4. Well of course he wants to make money. He's got bills to pay like everyone else...especially when one kid is in college and two going soon. I guess I can't blame him in that respect.

    I know what ya mean, but then again if I knew someone adored me enough to pay $200 to talk on the phone to me, I guess I would do it too. Aren't you glad he talked on my cell to you for free BoJames...I saved you two hundred dollars!!! LOL

  5. Luke swallowed, butterflies starting to form in his stomach. "I mean...maybe...you could stay with me...permanent....if ya wanted to that is," he added quickly.

    Luke Duke wasn't a coward. In fact, he had been awarded a medalin the Corps for showing exemplary bravery. But now the old familiar fears of rejection and loss, the ones he kept hidden since his parent's death, reared their ugly heads. What if he said no?

    He gulped hard, forcing himself to face the youngster, trying to read his face and somehow prepare himself for the answer, no matter what it might be.

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