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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I've read through this thread and thought about it....so now I guess I will throw in my two cents...

    I admit...I have used one-liners before...I really try not to, but sometimes it makes for a smooth transition so the other person can continue....and my one liners tend to be more than three or four words... As Mary Anne said, there may be on occasion a time when something like that is needed...as my aunt used to say, "There should be a place for everything and everything in its place."

    For me though, I take my writing very seriously...I am choosy about who I write with, who I RP with and even the stories I read. I am definately not easy to please. I am a teacher after all...As such, if I see a story that is one liner after one liner, or jumps from one thought to another, it drives me crazy. It just makes for poor writing...the readers get bored...and chances are...when you do so many one liners, the "flow" is not there, making it very hard to read.

    Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a writing expert. But I have written enough to know what makes for a good story, and constant one liners do not. Besides...I think Hazzardnet is a quality site...I think the admin strives to keep quality high on the threads and with the members. I think the fan fics andd rrs should be no exception to that.

  2. J'ai un bon anniversaire merci...nous sommes aller au restaurant-tres bien!

    (I speak French also Duke fan...well un peu de francais!)

    I went out to lunch with friends earlier, than tonight I went out to dinner with my hubby....he got me two charms for my Pandora bracelet... :) My dad lives in the Philipines but he wished me a happy bday, as did my wonderful big brother and many friend...including the ones on here! The night ended with Chocolate cake with oodles of hot fudge all over it...

    a day ending in chocolate cannot be bad! I also bought myself two early bday Superchick with my daughter and tickets of seeing Tom in concert in December with a friend....so my birthday technically aint over and the best is yet to come.

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