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  1. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    I agree with Hobie. It was pie. 
    Skipper and Hobie are right about the safe deposit box. 
    Here's 3 questions about Cooter's daughter. 
    1) What is her first name? 
    2) What is her last name? 
    3) What state did she come from? 
  2. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse watches in horror at the sight of the smoke as everybody in the crowd gasps and moans at the black fog coming out of the orange Charger. 
    Just as Bill started pulling away something surprising happened. The black cloud remained but the exhaust of the General Lee cleared up and it surged forward, leaving the smoke behind. The boys were back in it. They had some ground to make up but they still had a chance. 
    Daisy cheered with glee and hugged Garrett then kissed him on the cheek. "I wonder what happened." Daisy asked. 
    Jesse quickly responded "I think the General just had a temporary vapor lock. I think it worked it's way through. Let's just hope that's the last time it happens."  
  3. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Garrett jumps slightly at Daisy's excitement and nods at Jesse. "They'll catch up," he slowly states, offering her a smile before turning back around to watch the race in time for Bill to slip on some mud  that was on the track and the orange car catches up, leaving the rest of the cars behind. "Told ya." Ernie gives him a glare and Garrett just shrugs. "Sorry Ernie. Every race needs a little drama at the end."
    Ernie sighs. "True that," he responds as he mutters something into his walkie talkie to Bill before saying, "we are about to the finish!"
    With that everyone yells around them, jumping in excitement as Boss stands feet away, holding the checkered flag. "They are about here, Ladies and Gentlemen!" Hogg yells into his speaker, "They are neck and neck. Bill Elliott against Bo and Luke Duke. Who's going to win?!"
    Everyone around them begins to cheer out for Bo, Luke, or Bill. Jesse and Daisy yelling out for Bo and Luke with Ernie yelling out for them all. While Garrett remains silent, hands shoved in his pocket, holding onto his lighter.
    With that, the orange car and Bill's red and white car cross the line. Looking identical. The crowd goes silent, waiting for Hogg to announce who the winner is.
    "And the winner is," Hogg pauses as the cars stop as the cross the line, "never mind. We got ourselves a tie! The first time in history we got a tie at our great race. Bo and Luke Duke tie with Bill Elliott!"
    Garrett watches as Bo and Luke climb out of their orange car, followed by Bill Elliott. Smiles cross all three of their faces as they all high five each other as the other cars pass them by and Hogg fights to read off the names of the cars as they go through.
  4. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    It was pie
  5. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    C. Jesse Duke
  6. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    In the episode Swamp Molly, what did Molly and Cousin Alice bring for the Dukes to eat?
  7. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Uncle Jesse Duke
  8. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    petey's daughter QUESTIONED cooter's skills after the crash
  9. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse watches in horror at the sight of the smoke as everybody in the crowd gasps and moans at the black fog coming out of the orange Charger. 
    Just as Bill started pulling away something surprising happened. The black cloud remained but the exhaust of the General Lee cleared up and it surged forward, leaving the smoke behind. The boys were back in it. They had some ground to make up but they still had a chance. 
    Daisy cheered with glee and hugged Garrett then kissed him on the cheek. "I wonder what happened." Daisy asked. 
    Jesse quickly responded "I think the General just had a temporary vapor lock. I think it worked it's way through. Let's just hope that's the last time it happens."  
  10. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse watches in horror at the sight of the smoke as everybody in the crowd gasps and moans at the black fog coming out of the orange Charger. 
    Just as Bill started pulling away something surprising happened. The black cloud remained but the exhaust of the General Lee cleared up and it surged forward, leaving the smoke behind. The boys were back in it. They had some ground to make up but they still had a chance. 
    Daisy cheered with glee and hugged Garrett then kissed him on the cheek. "I wonder what happened." Daisy asked. 
    Jesse quickly responded "I think the General just had a temporary vapor lock. I think it worked it's way through. Let's just hope that's the last time it happens."  
  11. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    "Why wouldn't I do it? You're family and a Duke. Family and us Dukes stick together thru thick and thin and come what may. We protect and look out for our own. Let's join Daisy up there shall we?" "Yes sir." Garrett happily states, following Jesse to 2 empty seats beside Daisy. They continue watching the remainder of the race together as a happy family. Balladeer:"Awe folks. Now, don't that warm yer heart?" Suddenly out on the track, the General Lee starts spilling out smoke like the stack on a steel mill. "What's wrong cuz?" Luke asks. "I don't know Luke. The General is breaking down." Both boys in unison as they draw an immediate conclusion. "Boss! He's behind this somehow!"
  12. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Prom Queen
  13. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    A) prom queen 
  14. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Garrett watches in half amusement at seeing Hogg on the ground before slowly getting up and trotting after the deputies as they head to Rosco's wrecked patrol car. Rosco glances over at Rosco as he kicks the tires of the car, as if it was the car's fault that he wrecked. Shaking his head he glances over at the race as the orange car takes a small lead ahead of Bill momentarily before Bill catches up alongside them. "Looks like your boys are giving Bill a run for his money," Garrett dryly states to Cooter and Bill, "I'll be right back."
    With that he walks away from his own wrecked patrol car and away from Bill and Cooter who nod before they themselves leave the car and start walking back to the stands to join Daisy for the rest of the race.
    Turning back around, Garrett walks over to Jesse who was leaving the concession stand to where he looked to be heading back to where Daisy was at himself. "Hey Jesse," Garrett slowly states to gather his uncle's attention. Taking a deep breath to swallow his pride and ego he gives him a slow smile before saying, "I saw you talking to Boss in what looked like a heated conversation." He pauses a moment, thinking his words through. "I assume it was about my cut brake line as it was right after we found out about it." He pauses again as he motions towards his car. "You didn't have to do all that. I know I don't deserve it." He flashes a small smile. "Thank you."
  15. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Buildings of Hazzard   
    Yes, I know I'm resurrecting a very old zombie thread...
    Yes, two cars can fit in the garage, but barely, and not side by side or in a row.  In early episodes, you can see another vehicle parked inside at a right angle to main 'bay' in the middle.  Like this:
    Untitled by Mark, on Flickr
  16. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Buildings of Hazzard   
    I never noticed that! Thank you so much for pointing that out!  Like my friends Bill and Ted have said   EEXCELLENT!!  
  17. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse was still poking his finger into Boss's chest. Always one to take advantage of an opportunity Boss fell to the ground pretending to be hurt and squealing in fake pain. 
    He yelled at the top of his lungs. "Help me! I'm injured. Jesse Duke is trying to murder me. Cletus...Enos, get over here and lock up this menace to society!"
    Cletus got over to them first after hearing the commotion from a distance. "What's going on here Cousin Boss?" 
    "You heard me you dipstick. Arrest Jesse Duke for assault and attempted murder of a government official....namely me! He hit me so hard I can't even walk" he lied while still on the ground.
    Enos then ran over. "Mr. Hogg! This is terrible!" 
    Boss responded "You'd better believe it. I'll probably never walk again after that brutal assault! Arrest that monster Jesse Duke!"
    Enos looked confused.  "But Mr. Hogg. I was talking about the race. Rosco has done crashed into a tree!"
    Without hesitation Boss started running toward the crash. Jesse laughed "Crippled for life huh Boss?"
  18. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Square   
    Yes to both and thank you!  I've been quite busy over the last year or more so I've missed spending time in Hazzard.
  19. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Square   
    Back to Hazzard Square, I'm working on signage for all the storefronts.  
    Untitled by Mark, on Flickr
  20. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Hazzard Square   
    we've missed seeing you in Hazzard Mark!
  21. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Jesse was still poking his finger into Boss's chest. Always one to take advantage of an opportunity Boss fell to the ground pretending to be hurt and squealing in fake pain. 
    He yelled at the top of his lungs. "Help me! I'm injured. Jesse Duke is trying to murder me. Cletus...Enos, get over here and lock up this menace to society!"
    Cletus got over to them first after hearing the commotion from a distance. "What's going on here Cousin Boss?" 
    "You heard me you dipstick. Arrest Jesse Duke for assault and attempted murder of a government official....namely me! He hit me so hard I can't even walk" he lied while still on the ground.
    Enos then ran over. "Mr. Hogg! This is terrible!" 
    Boss responded "You'd better believe it. I'll probably never walk again after that brutal assault! Arrest that monster Jesse Duke!"
    Enos looked confused.  "But Mr. Hogg. I was talking about the race. Rosco has done crashed into a tree!"
    Without hesitation Boss started running toward the crash. Jesse laughed "Crippled for life huh Boss?"
  22. Care
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Hazzard Square   
    Good to hear from you Mark. Are you having a good 2024 so far? I hope you had a great Christmas. 
  23. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Yep. It was Miz Tisdale, my secret crush. 
    Here's the next one: In Hack of Hazzard it was revealed that Daisy was what in high school? 
    A) prom queen 
    B.. class president 
    C) cheerleader
    D) female wrestler
    E) basketball star
    F) blonde
  24. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Cousin Roger's girl friend!!  
  25. Thanks
    RogerDuke reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Square   
    And in 'The Shootist', you can see inside that room that is labled 'office' in Dukes (they never showed inside of that space in the series). 
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