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  1. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    I was at the dirt track tonight and talking to a friend of mine. I asked him if he's still following NASCAR and he said not since Brian France banned the Confederate flag. He also said attendance at NASCAR has dropped since that happened. If he's right that's proof that if you offend your customers they won't want your product anymore.
  2. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Does Anyone Else Hate The Movie?   
    Welcome to the HazzardNet Kamryn. We're sure glad to have ya. I agree. It stunk in every way imaginable. I watched the whole thing once and never will again. The two reunion movies weren't as bad but I still didn't like them and will never watch them again. There's no way all three Dukes would have moved away and left a frail Uncle Jesse by himself...and no way Boss would have died. Those things don't happen in the real Hazzard County. 
  3. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Rollman in Does Anyone Else Hate The Movie?   
    Welcome to the HazzardNet Kamryn. We're sure glad to have ya. I agree. It stunk in every way imaginable. I watched the whole thing once and never will again. The two reunion movies weren't as bad but I still didn't like them and will never watch them again. There's no way all three Dukes would have moved away and left a frail Uncle Jesse by himself...and no way Boss would have died. Those things don't happen in the real Hazzard County. 
  4. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Rollman in Advise?   
    I agree about season 2. Rollman, the good thing about season 5 is the "Welcome back Bo 'n Luke" episode. I remember how good it felt when that ep originally aired. I was walking on a cloud for a long time. To this day when I watch it I still feel that joy rush back. It's always the episode I watch if I need cheered up.  
  5. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    It's always nice to log in and see there's a lot going on. We have so many great folks here and I am so appreciative to everybody who contributes. 
  6. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Another Question   
    I've never seen you spell moonshine wrong.
  7. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in More Dukes of Hazzard Hate   
    A lot of folks think this is just a preview of the one world government predicted in the Bible. Thinking like a race, nation, community, family or individual will not be permitted. We will all be forced to think and act like the global government wants us to and it will be easy to watch us since we put all our finances, hobbies, social and medical issues, family stuff, fears, hopes and thoughts on the internet.
  8. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Another Question   
    They always implied on the show that Enos was around the same age as Luke and Daisy but in real life Sonny is nearly old enough to be their father...and he still looks way younger than he is..
    .......just went back and checked....Enos is 81...Luke is 65....Daisy is 63......Cooter is 75....Cletus is 71....Bo is 57 which is easy for me to remember since John is exactly one week older than me. 
  9. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Luke Duke Arrested!   
    LOL...That's funny Hoss....no it's not.....yes it is....I'm having trouble deciding....LOL
  10. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    Good to see you back in town Garrett. Thanks for the info about NASCAR. I miss your weekly race review. How's your fantasy baseball team doing? I'm in first place in 2 leagues and second place in another.
  11. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from TheGhostOfGeneralLee in Darkest/most serious episode?   
    Bo and Luke drowning in a pond. It doesn't get much worse than that.
  12. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from TheGhostOfGeneralLee in Least favourite episode?   
    I can see one or maybe even two of the younger Dukes moving away but there's no way all 3 would have gone and left a fragile Uncle Jesse by himself. I'll never watch a reunion movie again.  In my mind Hazzard County hasn't changed since its prime (seasons 2-4) and never will. Jesse, Boss, Rosco, Lulu, Miz Tisdale, Waylon ....all still alive and well if you ask me.
  13. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    There sure are some disappointed Jr fans out there. I wonder if he'll just take a couple years off and then come back. I'm still not convinced that Jeff Gordon is going to stay retired.
  14. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    Mr WINKLE ......if you're looking to adopt a dog he's the man to see. 
  15. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Spike in Guess this will be the start of the General Lee car bans @ Car Shows   
    We have a group of folks in America called "Progressives".  They expect everybody to conform to their ways. If they think a subject is politically correct, even though it didn't used to be, they expect everyone to change and agree with them but they think they never have to change. I know a lot of rednecks and I don't know a single one who likes the Confederate Flag because of racism. The all like it because it represents the good things about Southern culture. The flag may or may not have represented something bad in the past. If we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it did they should give us the benefit of the doubt and assume the meaning has changed. But they only want us to accept the change they approve of not the good change others cling to. The are self centered and don't have a clue that the flag represents good to some people. They want to destroy that goodness and only focus on the very small minority of people like mass murderer Dylan Roof who used it for evil. You can take anything good and make it bad. Progressives wouldn't like it if a person with an Obama shirt on did something bad and a conservative said that was proof all Obama supporters are bad. That is stereotyping and anybody who has been victimized by stereotyping knows it is wrong. Progressives are always embracing change. It's time they embrace the fact that rednecks have turned a flag into something good. If they think it used to be bad they should be happy that it isn't any longer.
  16. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in Cooter 1967 Ford wrecker project   
    Thanks for the update. Keep up the good work!
  17. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    Thanks so much Roth. I love Jesse with the piglet!
  18. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Spike in Congratulations HossC   
    We love you MM and we're hoping and praying you get better. The June Fan of the Month Award is an easy one. Congratulations Meadowmufn. I believe this is the first time you've won it isn't it? Of course It's no secret that you should have been the Fan of the Month every month since you founded HazzardNet. 
  19. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Spike in A Return to Sanity   
    I've seen two things recently that have given me hope. An article about Ray Kohn's jump in Detroit mentioned that the flag wasn't a big issue since people like Dukes so much. I'm pretty bad with finding stuff on the web but I saw an article about how even the mayor had a picture taken with the General. (If someone can refind that and post the link here I'd appreciate it).
    I also opened my Sunday newspaper and saw a section called Parade that has been around in Sunday's paper as long as I can remember. On the front was characters from the TV series Dallas comparing what those stars made to modern stars (adjusted for inflation). Inside was a picture of Bo and Luke with the hood up on the General and no mention of the flag controversy.
    Politically correct winds change direction with time and I hope that is starting to happen. I'm not saying that society here in America will make any more TV shows with the flag on it....unless it is in a historical context....but I do think folks have woken up and realized there was nothing racial about the Dukes....or any other show or movie  that showed the flag. Simple logic shows this. If a person watches "Gone With the Wind" they are not watching something that is promoting the return of slavery or justifying it in any way. But sometimes logic doesn't always win out in tragedies like the one that happened in South Carolina. Taking the Dukes off the air and punishing innocent Dukes fans for the acts of a madman was wrong. I get it. Sometimes knee jerk reactions happen. That's human nature. It is my hope that the tide is turning and we will see a return of the reruns someday. It may not happen soon but as the healing continues and we head in the right direction it is possible. It's like old Waylon says "In Hazzard we tend to like happy endings."
  20. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Cooter Challenge   
    That makes me want to dig out his book and read it again. He sure is an interesting man who overcame some obstacles in life and through hard work and determination became a household word. Unless you're really young everybody knows who you're talking about when you say the name Cooter. The same could be said for all the main stars. The Dukes of Hazzard was so popular its mark on television will live on a long time. The best example of that is "Daisy Dukes". Today's teenagers might not recognize Catherine but they know what Daisy Dukes are. 
  21. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from DixieDavenport in Where is everyone??   
    That confused me too but I think Dixie means that "nothing" has been posted on fanfic
  22. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from DixieDavenport in Am I the only one   
    If you're the old fart, I'm the older fart. I just turned 50 (a week after John Schneider).
    I think I'm the oldest person here who posts on a daily basis. In fact, I may be the oldest person here period. I'm probably not though. James Best was posting stuff last year and I know he's older than me....Khee Khee!!!
  23. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A Return to Sanity   
    I get what you're saying but I'm fine with Kwanza. If anybody tried to take away Fourth of July because its offensive to British people or St Patrick's Day because it's offensive to folks who aren't Irish then I would be mad. People should be permitted to celebrate their culture as long as they don't take away somebody else's right to do the same. That's what was so outrageous about taking Dukes off the air. It took away the freedom of others to enjoy it.....especially innocent Dukes fans who did nothing wrong. I don't celebrate Kwanza because I don't want to. People who don't like the Dukes because of the flag should just not watch it if they don't want to. Taking freedom of choice away from the folks who wanted to see it was just plain wrong. 
  24. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A Return to Sanity   
    Comparing Hogan's Heroes with Dukes is something I hadn't heard before. It is a good comparison and makes a lot of sense. Many of the founding fathers in America owned slaves and nobody here is proposing that we rewrite history to boycott them and pretend they never existed. People are smart enough to consider the way the thought process of society at that time worked. After the South Carolina tragedy some people forgot that which caused the knee jerk reaction to happened. It looks like we are returning to sanity and society is once again learning that the Dukes of Hazzard is good. Things like this move slow but at least we appear to be heading back to the right direction. 
  25. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A Return to Sanity   
    I've seen two things recently that have given me hope. An article about Ray Kohn's jump in Detroit mentioned that the flag wasn't a big issue since people like Dukes so much. I'm pretty bad with finding stuff on the web but I saw an article about how even the mayor had a picture taken with the General. (If someone can refind that and post the link here I'd appreciate it).
    I also opened my Sunday newspaper and saw a section called Parade that has been around in Sunday's paper as long as I can remember. On the front was characters from the TV series Dallas comparing what those stars made to modern stars (adjusted for inflation). Inside was a picture of Bo and Luke with the hood up on the General and no mention of the flag controversy.
    Politically correct winds change direction with time and I hope that is starting to happen. I'm not saying that society here in America will make any more TV shows with the flag on it....unless it is in a historical context....but I do think folks have woken up and realized there was nothing racial about the Dukes....or any other show or movie  that showed the flag. Simple logic shows this. If a person watches "Gone With the Wind" they are not watching something that is promoting the return of slavery or justifying it in any way. But sometimes logic doesn't always win out in tragedies like the one that happened in South Carolina. Taking the Dukes off the air and punishing innocent Dukes fans for the acts of a madman was wrong. I get it. Sometimes knee jerk reactions happen. That's human nature. It is my hope that the tide is turning and we will see a return of the reruns someday. It may not happen soon but as the healing continues and we head in the right direction it is possible. It's like old Waylon says "In Hazzard we tend to like happy endings."
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