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Posts posted by RogerDuke

  1. No Laura, I don't want any other vehicle than what I got. I wouldn't even trade it for a brand new white Ford pick-up. Them things have so many computer gizmos on 'em a feller can't even replace spark plugs any more unless the blasted computer gives ya permission. It makes me mad (and sad).

    Hey Bo and Luke, how much can ya bench press? Daisy, how'd ya learn to flip guys? (like you did when you became a deputy) I know yer Uncle Jesse didn't teach ya that stuff.

  2. I found them. They're called Dukes of Hazzard "Annuals" The older ones were published by Grandreams in London England and the newer ones were published by Purnell Publishers from Paulton Bristol (is that in England?) The older ones were printed in Holland and the newer ones were made in Italy. Two of the 5 that I own have recipies in them. When I get more time, I'll post Uncle Jesse's Baked Beans and Daisy's Terrific Truffles.

  3. You're right TomBo. Now I feel inspired to contact the folks at the Canton Ohio auto show and see if they would consider trying to bring in more Dukes stars. Rosco was there recently and the long line to meet him went through two large rooms and into the lobby and remained that long the entire time. Imagine how many tickets they could sell if they had other Dukes stuff and stars there too. Tickets = money so maybe they'll listen. I'll get my northern Dukes Fest yet!!!

  4. Bo, Git out there on the back 40 and git that fence fixed.

    Sorry Daisy, I forgot what I said about you being the hope of the family. I did say that a long time ago though. Bo's cleaned up his act a little bit since then. Maybe after he gits back from fixin' that fence he'll start treating you better.

  5. All I know how to fix is roadkill Daney but I really like this idea you have here.

    I wish I could remember that recipe for crawdad bisque.

    Seriously, I have an Uncle Jesse recipe that I'll look up. It's from a Dukes of Hazzard book that came from England and came out in the early 80s....and we thought BoJamesDuke was the best thing to come from England.

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