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Status Updates posted by RogerDuke

  1. *in Rosco voice* Good news Good news. My heart valve isn't getting any worse. They suspect the test in January might have been inaccurate so they'll test it again in December to see if it was a false alarm. Thanks for asking.

  2. Poor texasdaisy, your reign as fan of the month is over....

  3. Hi there hazzardboy, You sure are a great addition to the HazzardNet. I hope you stay around a long time because you definitely sound like a serious fan.

  4. Hey there!! I see you're logged in.

  5. Congratulations on getting your degree!!! I'm so proud of you!!

  6. Hey B.L. I see you're logged in. Check out "Last Letter First"

  7. It looks like someone has a birthday coming up!!

  8. Dukefan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi there.

  9. Happy Birthday redneck 1911

  10. Hi Garrett!! I see you're logged in so I thought I'd drop a line. I'm logging off so I'll catch ya later. Have a great weekend.

  11. Hi B.L. Things have been a little slow here on the HN lately huh?

  12. Hi Roy. Welcome to the HazzardNet.

  13. Hey there!!! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile. I hope you're doing okay.

  14. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I haven't talked to you in so long. I hope everything's going okay for ya. I'm doing well.

  15. Hey buddy. Check out the "Save the Duke Farm" thread on General Discussion. We could sure use your computer talents in being able to get ahold of the stars.

  16. Hi MaryAnne. If you get a chance check out the "Save the Duke Farm" thread on General Discussion. We could use all the help we can get. Any idea, no matter how crazy would be welcome.

  17. Hi buddy. Check out word association. Some idiot is trying to sell you.

  18. Hi Bo. How's the air over there? CNN reported that the volcano spouted for 2 years the last time it erupted in 1821. I sure hope it ends soon.

  19. Hi MaryAnne, would it be possible to get NASCAR put in all capital letters on the hobbies forum? I typed it in caps but it went to small letters. I've had that happen before. Sorry for being nit-picky but Hazzard folks take their NASCAR seriousely. Thanks

  20. Hi T.J. You're sure a welcome new addition to the HazzardNet. I sure hope ya hang around a long time.

  21. Hey Nash, I thought I'd be the first to say howdie on your visitor message board. YEEEHHHHAAWWW!!

  22. LOL

    Gotcha Garrett!!

    (Check out Emy's response to "guys...." )

  23. Hey, I see you're logged in now!!

  24. Congratulations Garrett on post number 1000!!!

  25. BO!! I see you're logged in. You're up pretty late. It must be 3 in the morning across the big Hazzard Pond.

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