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Everything posted by pendragon1980

  1. That ready-to-bolt look. I'm only trying to help. You want some painkiller before I look at your wound? I don't think you need the same octane as Brian at the moment.
  2. and darnit, I have to work. Someone write down the highlights for me.
  3. *chuckles, leaving Brian to his sweet dreams, then turns to her another patient, raises eyebrow at Garrett* I know that look, do I need to sedate you too before I start?
  4. *grins wide, recalling that as well* Fun with medicine. *quick glance upward at visitors* Careful, dear, or you'll be entertaining everyone with the all the sordid details of our relationship. *finishes up the bandages* Now you gonna behave for a bit, i have another patient. *touches the dark lock of hair*
  5. The morphine or the close company? *grins, continuing the work, snugly wrapping the ribs, keeping Brian's attention elsewhere*
  6. *smiles* I like you misbehaved, just not like this. All for all your misbehaving, you can pay me back..later..when you feel better...and in private *seeing the drugs take effects, movement from the other side of the room catches her attention* Garrett, don't move. You're next. *giving the Duke a 'i mean it' look, turns back to Brian, starts wrapping the binding around his waist, keeping her touch light but swift to combat the pain*
  7. *smiles, keeps speaking to distract, while administrating the medication on the handcuffed arm* You know, by now I'm almost used to this bad guy antics of yours and the damage to the clinic and yourself. By you still give this doctor a coronary every now and then...
  8. *chuckles softly* Don't worry, I'll keep your black jeans on and your modesty intact, just a little poke in the arm. You know me, I can be gentle when I want to be.
  9. I know you hate shots, Brian, but you'll hate the pain even worse. *brushes her palm over his eyes, coaxing them to close again, keeping her voice low and soothing* You won't even feel it.
  10. Shh...*winces a little in sympathy* This'll only hurt for a moment, Brian. *reaches to a nearby cupboard to gather supplies, including a syringe and small vial of a mild pain killer, then fills the syringe with the clear liquid*
  11. Meanwhile, back at the clinic, Doc had been watching the exchanges, smiling with Brian's weak but usual antics. Now that the worst of the danger to the patients had passed, walks over quietly to check on Garrett, seeing his wound is well bandaged. Giving his a comforting smile and nod, showing all is well. Then stepping up to the bed Brian was laying in, subtly smoothing back the fallen lock of dark hair, then assessing with a gentle touch which ribs were broken* You're going to be fine, Brian, We'll take of care you. I need to bind your ribs, I'm going to give you a little something for pain first."
  12. *continuing Luke's chain of thought* Only Hazzard. *pauses* There's been no symptoms of further internal bleeding, but that could change. Which is why we are monitoring closely. *realizing they could be in for a long night, says to the crowd* The patient rooms upstairs are empty, if anyone wants to stay close.
  13. *Having keep silent until now, busying self with monitoring the patients, and watching the increasing crowd of the clinic. goes over to Lukas, letting him know the status of Brian and Garrett, keeping her voice low not to disturb the other conversations* They're both hurt bad, Luke, but stable. Brian has a concussion, several broken ribs, and from what I could tell, some internal bruising. We won't know more until he wake up. *sigh, she ran a hair over her head, pushing the worry to what other injuries may be lurking aside* As for Garrett, he has a clean wound, very well stitched and we're monitoring his blood loss.
  14. *Doc's black bronco pulls up to the clinic, having been called away from town on a seperate medical emergency. Upon seeing her door hanging open and broken, run inside at full tilt and comes to a screeching halt seeing the unconsious men and their caretakers.* "My God, what happeaned?" *gently checks on each patient, noting the good work on their wounds and their stable condition* "You guys do good work, they both work stabilized, just weak. I'm sorry I wasn't here, but I'll take my turn watching over them over the night."
  15. Unfortunately, even living in Pittsburgh, I won't be able to make it that weekend. (Does it show I'm a geek when I'm just as excited to see the stormtroopers as Bo Duke?)
  16. In my opinion, a finished story isn't worth the lives of two long standing characters on Hnet. I say stop the story, better to amputate the limb then lose the patient or patients.
  17. (Spend a week moving into a new home and look what happean, Doc will be at the clinic if anyone needs medical attention, safe haven or any of the above)
  18. Since I have neither a avatar or sig, I guess I'll have to pick one. If you want one from me, Maryanne
  19. And I'm just realizes I'm totally rocking the purple PJ pants in the one picture.
  20. Its official here...state of emergency. They've shut down all roads and you will arrested if you are caught on the roads. Ambulances and police vehicles are only responding to extreme emergencies. A friend of mine was actually told by a the hospital "if you're not dying, don't bother calling 911" More pics of me and my husband valiantly trying to dig out our cars. http://s897.photobucket.com/albums/ac176/pendragon1980/Blizzard2010/
  21. Stay Warm, stay inside and if you do have to go out, drive carefully. I measured the snow outside my car for a whopping 14 inches, I can't even see my tires. My car is the second to the left.
  22. My favorite quote is when Rosco is talking Enos having an "optical contusion", Stranger in Hazzard, I think?
  23. So I guess that means I'm out flowers and candy then.
  24. There are some from the great state of PA... === No more than two packages of beer at a time may be purchased, unless you are buying from an official "beer distributor" You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth. You may not catch a fish with your hands. (this is except if you get them drunk in Ohio) It it illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors. You may not sing in the bathtub. (There goes my Saturday night) Fireworks stores may not sell fireworks to Pennsylvania residents. Dynamite is not to be used to catch fish. (We apparently like to blow up things too) It is illegal to have over 16 women live in a house together because that constitutes a brothel. However up to 120 men can live together, without breaking the law. (16!?!?!) Though you do not need a fishing license to fish on your own land, but a hunting license is required to hunt on your own land. Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue. A person is not eligible to become Governor if he/she has participated in a duel. Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass. If the horses appear skittish, the motorist must take his car apart, piece by piece, and hide it under the nearest bushes. Ministers are forbidden from performing marriages when either the bride or groom is drunk. All liquor stores must be run by the state. A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling. It is contrary to Pennsylvania law to discharge a gun, cannon, revolver or other explosive weapon at a wedding
  25. Cause you're cute, and your a Coltrane. And I don't care about the whole practice thing. Cause I'm the final exam.
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