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Everything posted by pendragon1980

  1. *clears throat* Hows your health insurance, my dear?
  2. Indeed. Heck with the popcorn, I'll have a cup of cop coffee before it melts through the table. As far the arrests go, I'm rather glad the law never as far as the "W"s yet
  3. I think Alex is gonna to have more than Maryanne for an audience for his courting.
  4. Don't let us stop you. Carry on with the cuffing and stuffing.
  5. Im my opinion, while the topics of stories can bend the rating guidelines its how that are written that should be considered. I'm guilty with this because I've written stories about death, drug use and highly personal psychological issues. As have several authors on Hnet. Done well, "hard" topics can make powerful stories. Truly good writing isn't just sunshines and kitten, it makes you think and stays with you. A personal story of rape can be done with dignity not break the ratings, if its done just for the shock value, I can see the issue. And also, Daney, I think lumping stories that could an another probably alot of personal angst to put to paper to just some free spirited fun between some authors is highly insulting to the authors you mentioned.
  6. Uh huh, by the absolute enraptured look on Alex's face I can't say it was entirely different situation, but I'll spare your cousin and the rest of the Hazzard County the sordid details. For now.
  7. I'm been watching this thread for some time, now I can't resist jumping in. I'm not surprised about the handcuffs, Brian I do remember a time or two another Hazzard badguy, blackclad at that, was entranced by that sound. Doc
  8. I'm all for a Hnet Weight Loss forum. Maybe not so much for stating actual weights like WW, much more for tips and support. My tips for eating right is to "trick" my craving. Want Chocolate? That's sweet so have fruit juice. Potato Chips, have some crackers or even a pickle. After a while, when your body craves those tastes instead of the junk food, you'll be craving the healthy stuff instead. If you craving is intense, occupy yourself with something else like a walk, a book or a craft. Cravings only last 15-20 minutes. Also if I must must have chocolate, drink a glass of Oval-tine in milk. Better for me and still get the chocolate fix. Of course, best tip is just not the keep the junk in the house, sometimes I'm weaning my husband off of.
  9. This is about a week early but I wanted to get it out of my system. It's been a couple of years since I added to this thread, but since its a milestone for me, I'd thought it would be appropriate. It's been 10 years since that night and I feel my life has come full circle, now instead of healing myself, I can work to heal others. Since that night, I've pushed myself though nursing school, met and married the man of my dreams, and found my faith again. Next years, my husband and I will be looking for a house and hopefully starting a family. Now on this Halloween night, I found myself working as a nurse in the same hospital I spent a lonely and very scary night in 10 years ago. In fact, one floor above exactly. If you had asked me ten years ago where I saw myself now, I would have probably answered either dead or living dependent on one of my parents. But instead I am thriving, and I owe a great deal of that to my family and friends, alot of whom I met through this site. I'm not here to brag, I'm here to say thank you. I could not have been here without you. So again, To friendship, to survival through hard times and paying forward the kindness of others, to Hazzard....To life. Pendragon Ten years, still here.
  10. I also went on search for an appropriate picture-present for you, Brian. However, most the pictures I found weren't suitable to post on a G-rated site. However, I do want to extend a belated but very heartfelt Happy Birthday to you as well. Doc
  11. If Alex doesn't want the Easter gig, I'll consider it. I already got the ears. Doc
  12. I just want to make some clarifications. I can be civil with Alex. If there were a chatroom, a story and anything else, I wouldn't be rude or ignore him. Right now, I'm feeling pressured by several emails I received tonight to renew a friendships back to the old standard within a few days. That I'm not ready for. These things take time and while I appreciate everyone's thoughts and support, I also need their patience...and thier trust. I have priorities in my life right now that don't ignore being online for several hours at a time almost every night, nor being on the phone for two hours every day. Those of you who know my AIM name, expect to see me once or twice a month, for a couple of hours. And communications by email and Hnet. That is the crux of what I can offer you. A slow start, but a start.
  13. I've said what needed to be said, Mufn. You can lock this thread now or do whatever with it you must. I apologize for airing my dispute on a public forum.
  14. Nothing like having the olive branch thrown back into one's face. I'm sorry, Alex, for you, I'm not reextending it.
  15. I wouldn't usually get a message like this on a public forum, but my methods of communications to the group I would like to get in contact with is rather limited. But I'll keep this short. Several weeks ago, I made a right ass out of myself to several friends on this forum, friends I'm been with for years, friends who have been with me through my lowest and best days, friends whose presence I felt even when not online. But in the heat of the moment argument, I lost those friendships, probably forever. I am willing to live with my decision because I do not think I would be taken back now. But I do miss them. I just wanted you to know, my friends, if you are reading this. You are not forgotten. Mush, Doc
  16. *Also closes her eyes with the kiss, hands coming up to touch the dark hair fondly, as she had many time before. when the kiss is broken long moments later, sh egave the blackclad man a gentle smile and spoke with quiet confidence.* I'll see you soon.
  17. *forgive the delay - in the process of moving* Listening to all this, Doc looked thoughtful. "If Morrison hadn't already seen me as part of the act, I would suggest we turn up Brian's idea a notch to a dead duck routine. Being a doctor, I could provide enough evidence if we could fake Brian's death, that would certainly satisify Morrison to leave Hazzard for good. But the evidence could no longer come from me, I'm already under suspicion for that little 'sprained ankle' routine I pulled. It would be easy enough to pull out a fake death certificate and autospy report and then Brian could lay low for a while."
  18. *After having been unsuccessful in distracting the policeman from Brian, Doc had returned to the office for a bit, with no sign of injury of course. Being a slow day, the action being elsewhere in Hazzard, she had stopped to the Boar's Nest for a drink. Uponing seeing Brian and Alex, she raised her eyebrow and nodded, acknowledging them, unsure to greet them and blow their cover, given the visitors in town*
  19. Limping over to the chair, leaning her "bad" side against the cop's. "Hurts like hell, funny thing, since I'm the town doctor. Maybe you should take me over to the clinic....I'd be..." She gave him her best southern belle sigh and smile. "much obliged to you."
  20. "I think so." Doc made sure she responded breathlessly. Suddenly letting out another gasp, she lifted her foot and leaned into the cop, as if for balance. "I can't put any weight on my foot, I think I sprained it on the way down."
  21. Doc nodded. "Least I can do, since I wasn't able to humilate Alex, seems he was doing that well enough on his own." She slipped the fifty out of her pocket and tucked it into the black jeans pocket with a little pat. "Lunch in own me after all, darling. Stay here and needs be, you can make a dash to the clinic." With a wink and a grin, Doc left the cafe and sauntered back over to the courthouse, noting quite a crowd had gathered by now. Well, nothing like an acting debut for an audience. Good thing too, she had worn her spike heel boots, which would make it believeable to anyone she could trip. Pushing her ways through the booking room doors, Doc spotted the cop in question and walked over, pretending to regain her spot in the crowd. She took one step onto the steps, and let her heel slip off it, letting out the appropiate femenine gasp, she stumbled and fell into the Atlanta cop and Rosco, making sure she had to catch him around the waist to halt her "fall". femenine wiles won't work, my foot, she thought, she didin't know a man alive would wouldn't be distracted by a buxom blonde suddenly throwing herself at him.
  22. *watching all the fuss from the inside of the courthouse, Doc could only shakes her head and snort. Giving a sigh, she headed back outside. Apparently Alex was too bent on impressing MaryAnne for her ploy to work, even with their alledged "affair". Once down the steps, she noticed Brian was no where to be seen. Thoughtfully touching the fifty still in her pocket, Doc decided lunch was on Brian today and headed over to the Busy Bee Cafe. She walked past the first booths, then stopped and grinned. The dark head may be hidden by the newspaper but noone could mistake that blackclad jacket, nor that blackclad backside sitting on the stool. Walking past him, she lightly touched his back, lowering herself onto the stool next to him* Buy a girl a coffee, handsome?
  23. "You need a script for reading glasses as well there? " Doc raised an eyebrow, knowing full well she had written Alex's name at the top of the script as shehad made her way into the booking room. Why on earth would she had written anyone elses? She tapped the name. "Maybe it's just old age catching up with you." (Nice try, Alex.)
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