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Everything posted by vinsmouse

  1. Yep, Hardy Boys aired in 1978 and ran 3 seasons. It starred Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson. The first two seasons was actually the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries and the shows traded off each week. Dinosaurs was really fun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosaurs_(TV_series) That's the easiest way to explain it, you'll get a lot more detail than I could give you. Not to mention I might get something wrong.
  2. Dukes of Hazzard(complete series) Smallville(seasons 1-5) Macgyver(complete series) Stargate SG-1(complete series) Supernatural(seasons 1-3) Hardy Boys(seasons 1-2) Magnificent 7 (complete series) Dinosaurs(complete series) Emergency(seasons 1-3) McKenna(complete series) High Mountain Rangers(complete series) Jesse Hawkes(complete series) Eyes(complete series) and way, way, too many more to mention. What can I say, I have a lot of favorites.
  3. Chatahoochie(Alan Jackson) Good Directions and Turnip Greens(Billy Carrington) I can so easily see Bo in that song. Before He Cheats(Carrie Underwood) Can see some girl one of the boys dated doing this...even wrote a story about it. Alyssa Lies(?) Every time I hear this I picture Daisy and Uncle Jesse Waiting on Three Pink Lines(?) Easy to see either boy dealing with this...another one I wrote a story about. Old Red(Blake Shelton) Does that busting out of prison scheme not have Luke Duke written all over it? I'll probably think of others later, but that's all I can think of right now.
  4. It was good, got several things I've been wanting for a while. Your's?

  5. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it

  6. This is a great recipe for cornbread, you can really taste the corn flavor in it. Great with pinto beans. Southern Style Cornbread: 3/4 cup corn meal 1 cup flour 1/3 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. cream of tartar 3/4 tsp salt 1 cup milk 1 egg well-beaten 2 tbs. bacon grease or lard, melted Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk, egg and grease, bake in shallow buttered pan 20 minutes at 425 degrees F or until dry spaghetti strand inserted in center comes out clean.
  7. Getting to know your friends Have Fun! 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper 2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial, why kill a tree just so we can decorate it for a short time and then get rid of it. Not to mention, don't have to buy a tree every year. 3. When do you put up the tree? About 10 days before Christmas usually, sometimes sooner but rarely later. 4. When do you take down the tree? New Year's day or the day after. 5. Do you like eggnog? Nope 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Little House In The Big Woods, received from my 4th grade teacher. 7. Hardest person to buy for? My oldest daughter, she's too picky. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? A nativity scene? I have 3; pewter, kind of a papier mache type thing; and plaster. What can I say? I love nativity scenes. 9. Mail or email cards? Mail 10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? A can opener and yes my husband still hears about that one. The fool. LOL 11. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life, not Christmas without it. 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? October or November, usually done before Thanksgiving. 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Can't say as I have. 14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I have to choose? Oh, all right...deviled eggs and cranberrry sauce, I can't narrow it down any further. 15. Lights on the tree? Absolutely 16. Favorite Christmas Song ? My Name is Christmas Carol. It always makes me cry, but it's such a beautiful story. 17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home 18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yep...Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Prancer and of course Rudolph. 19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel 20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day 21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. TBS running A Christmas Story for 24 hours straight....Turn it off...please, I'm begging, turn it off. 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Love the old-fashioned wooden ornaments and the ones my children have made through the years. 23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Decorating the tree with my kids while Christmas music plays and we sip on homemade wassil. 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My Volvo up and running, yeah, that would be good. 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anybody and Everybody
  8. I've heard, I think it was John that said it, that it's the first 12 notes of Dixie
  9. Disclaimer: I don't own the Dukes of Hazzard, not making any money, just cheap thrills. Warnings: Angst; Tissue Warning Rating: FRC Summary: Based on the song Christmas Carol. Luke Duke and his wife get a very special gift for Christmas. Christmas Gift When I woke up that morning, I had no idea that by the end of the day, Christmas Eve, our lives would be forever changed. It had only been two years since Kim and I had stood before our family and friends to exchange our vows. Those two years had been filled with some joy, but it had been outweighed by the shadows of grief. I met Kim on a trip to Atlanta. She was so beautiful and I couldn't believe she had agreed to go out with me. Bo used to teases me that I'm just lucky he wasn't there or she never would've looked at me. He stopped after he said it in front of Kim though. I nearly fell out of my chair when my sweet girl just looked at my cousin and asked him why he thought she'd want a little boy when she could have a man. Bo blushed redder than I've ever seen him, but he stopped teasing me. What can I say about Kim? She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Emerald green eyes with red hair and a temper to match. It's not just the outside that's beautiful either, her soul is just as beautiful. She reminds me sometimes of my Aunt Martha, and like my aunt it seems she won't be having any children of her own. Twice in the past two years she has come to me with the news that I was to be a father. The first pregnancy ended in an early delivery, our daughter didn't live long enough to take more than a few breaths. We laid her to rest next to my parents. For a while I didn't think Kim would survive the loss, sinking into a black depression that wouldn't seem to leave. My wife is strong though, she has that in common with my aunt too. Somehow she pulled herself out of her grief, moving on with life, eventually finding happiness again. The second pregnancy had barely gotten started when it ended, thanks to Hobie. I had never hated anybody as much as I hated him that day. I was at Uncle Jesse's working with him and Bo to harvest the crops we shared. Kim was at the house with Daisy, canning garden vegetables, some of which would go to our home just over the hill. A case of jars fell, breaking and leaving them short of the number they needed. Kim offered to drive to town and pick up some more, she never made it. Hobie, drunk as usual, was driving on the same road. I'll never forget the hollow feeling when Enos came out to the field to tell me. I still don't know how I got to the hospital. I vaguely remember Bo offering to take me, but the trip there is a blur at best. I waited for hours, alternately praying that I wouldn't lose my wife and cursing Hobie for the destruction he'd caused. When the doctor finally came to talk to me, the news wasn't good. The child Kim had carried had been lost, nearly taking Kim with him. The doctor told me that she had hemoragghed badly, the damage from the wreck had been extensive. Thank God they had been able to save her, but the doctor said she would never be able to have another child. Frankly at that moment I didn't care about that, I only cared that Kim was alive, that she hadn't been taken from me. It was only later, when I had to tell her, that it began to hit me and I realized how hard this was going to be. It was of course hardest on her; she had finally come to terms with it, though there was a lingering sadness in her eyes, especially when she saw a child on the street. They say that God works in mysterious ways and I guess that Christmas was proof of it. Uncle Jesse was supposed to play Santa in the town square, like he did every year. Two days before his scheduled appearance, he came down with the flu. It was clear there was no way he could play Santa and it was equally clear that the kids couldn't be disappointed. Before I knew what was happening, I was sitting in a big chair in the gazebo that sat in the square, greeting children as they climbed up on my lap to whisper their wishes for Christmas. It was nearing the end of the day when the cutest little girl I've ever seen climbed up on my knee. She looked to be about 3 or 4, with the bluest eyes and coal black hair. I looked into those wide eyes and asked her what Santa could do for her? She said my name is Christmas Carol and I was born on Christmas day. I don't know who my daddy is and mommy's gone away. All I want for Christmas is for someone to take me home. Santa, does anybody want a Christmas Carol of their own? I swallowed past the lump in my throat, told her I'd do the best I could. Reminding her to be good, I set her on her feet and watched her walk away. As the tears began to streak my cheeks, she turned to wave good-bye and I was sure glad she wasn't close enough to see old Santa cry. I couldn't get her out of my head, the words she'd said kept ringing in my ears. When I got home I had a long talk with Kim. By the time I'd finished the story, we both had tears in our eyes. One look into my wife's eyes was all it took, without a word she agreed to my idea. Early Christmas morning I got up and called the orphanage. After I told them what I wanted, it didn't take long to make the arrangements. They said we could pick her up that day if we wanted to. Wanted to? There was nothing that could've stopped us! I drove to the orphanage in record time, while Kim stayed home to make a big Christmas breakfast. Things moved fast, papers were signed giving us temporary custody of the girl, her small bags were packed and we were on our way home. My two girls got along like a house afire. Like a ghost, Chris slipped into our hearts and our lives as though she'd always been there. After Christmas, the most joyous either of us had ever had, we really got to work on the process of adopting her. Living in a small town, a place where everybody knows you, has it's advantages they say. I know I love it, and that year I was especially grateful for it. Being known and respected made the process much easier. There was a home visit from a social worker, but it was more of a formality than anything. We signed the papers that would allow us to adopt our little girl and several months later it became final. I look around the table at my family, silently thanking God for the gifts that he's given me. A year has passed, it's Christmas day again and my little Christmas Carol will never again have to say: My name is Christmas Carol I was born on Christmas day. I don't know who my daddy is and mommy's gone away. All I want for Christmas is someone to take me home. Does anybody want a Christmas Carol of their own? The End. Hope y'all liked my little Christmas offering. It is based on my favorite Christmas song. My Name Is Christmas Carol by Skip Ewing. Carol's words to Santa come from that song. If you'd like to hear it you can email me and I'll give you the link. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please review.
  10. Thanks. I like the look of b&w photos myself, though I'm still new at taking them.
  11. Hey y'all, I am currently attending college, studying for a degree in photography. I have uploaded the pictures I turned in for class, along with a few others. The class ones are easy to spot, they have a black border as they are on mat boards. I'd love to read any comments any of you might like to leave either on the deviantart site or here. The link is: http://vinsmouse.deviantart.com/ Take care and Merry Christmas, Mouse
  12. Toys for Tots is a great program, we've been giving to it every year for over 20 years. I wanted my kids to understand that Christmas wasn't just about what they could get. Sure it's nice to receive presents, who doesn't enjoy that, but it's not anywhere near the most important thing. As for the Christmas decorations alongside the Halloween stuff, it does seem to come earlier every year doesn't it? Before ya know it, they'll be putting up the Christmas stuff in July. I'd laugh, but I'm afraid that it's not as much of a joke as I think it is.
  13. Say no to Wal-Mart for Christmas I was pretty angry last year, as I'm sure many of you were when Wal-Mart decided to get rid of layaway. That was a pretty dumb and mean-spirited decision on their part. I personally know many people who are only able to buy Christmas presents for their families because of layaway. Well they're playing Scrooge again this year, though they may very well have done this in the past without anybody noticing. A month ago, a friend of mine sent me the money to buy her a 1:10 scale remote controlled General Lee at Wal-Mart. Here's where the Scrooge part comes in, a month ago the price was 30 dollars. I thought I may buy one for myself. So today I was at Wal-Mart and decided to see if they still had the cars. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the price is now 70 dollars! I can only suppose they raised the price because of the upcoming holidays. I for one will not only not buy a General Lee from them, I will not do any of my Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart. Down with corporate greed.
  14. Jill Dodson
  15. Boss A.C. Tate Jr.
  16. Yes, you got it.
  17. Sorry that's not it.
  18. You would be correct, it is Hortense, Lulu and Rosco's sister. Long an enemy of moonshiners, both Jesse and JD had a run-in with me when they were younger. Who am I?
  19. Sorry Julie, the answer isn't Rosco. I'll give y'all a hint; this person only appeared in one episode. To answer your last question, wasn't it Jimmy Lee Fong?
  20. Hey BoJamesDuke it was Earl Hooper(probably gave him that last name because of the Burt Reynolds movie Hooper) I'm old, skinny and can keep JD Hogg in line, who I am unfortunately related to, though not by blood.
  21. Thanks for letting me know MaryAnne
  22. I have a question, as long as it's taken to get a tally, how long is it going to take for the stories to be posted? Hmmmm?
  23. A Dukes/Barbie crossover, oh my and I thought I came up with some twisted crossovers. I think that might even beat my Dukes/Rocky Horror Picture Show crossover. Though that is a tough call. LOL So what's the story count up to now with only a day to go, or two if we have until midnight on the ninth. Just what is the cutoff time for this? For those of you who have yet to submit a story that is. Mouse
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