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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. The next morning BL came into the kitchen getting herself a soda and some saltines looking like something the cat dragged in she'd been up sick off and on all night. Cooter watched her get the soda and crackers then slump down at the table. He knew she'd went to see Doc yesterday about not feeling good lately. "You alright cuz?" he asked as she opened the soda taking a sip. Nodding BL smiled a little and looked at Cooter saying. "Yeah I'm ok, just pregnant." Cooter went slack jawed, shell shocked his mind racing all three Davenport women pregnant at one time, heaven help Hazzard he thought.
  2. Lori nodded a little and said quietly "yeah" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie dialed the number and it rang and rang before it was answered by BL as she passed on her way to apologize to Konrad for being so mean to him because Lori had took a dig at her in the Doctor's office when she found out BL was pregnant. "Hello" Dixie could tell BL had been crying about something and sounded a little down. "What's the matter honey? she asked concerned BL sighed thinking to herself here it came.....
  3. B.L meanwhile was still in hers and Konrad's room cussing a blue streak an occasional crash heard as she threw whatever was handy at the wall. After a while Konrad peeked in to check on her because things had gotten quiet he'd been able to hear the crashes from the front porch. The minute he cracked the door a shoe came his way..... "ARGH!!! MEN!" BL screeched as she threw the shoe which narrowly missed Konrad's head as he closed the door back before it hit him. "B calm down please" came Konrad's muffled reply through the door he wasn't going to chance opening it again and getting beamed upside the head with a lamp or something. "GO AWAY" another object hit the door......he turned and went back into the livingroom and sank down on the couch to wait for her temper to cool.
  4. BL stomped out of the doctor's office getting back in the car Konrad following her at a safe distance he didn't want to get to close in case she decided to let him have it. The ride home was silent BL cussing under her breath the whole way. Dixie would just love this as soon as she found out after what BL had said to her the other day she wouldn't let BL hear the end of it. Once back at the farm BL still hadn't said a word just got out of the car and stomped toward the house. It wasn't that she didn't want the baby she did but it had ruffled her feathers to know that Lori had been there to rub it in her face. Konrad followed her in the house and asked. "Are you alright sweetheart?" BL turned to him her eyes blazing and said through gritted teeth stressing every single syllable. "No I am not alright and it's your fault!" Konrad looked at her his mouth falling open then he chuckled and said "Now sweetheart it takes two to tango and you were willing." that made B.L. even madder she couldn't see straight she was so mad, stomping to their room and slamming the bedroom door shouting "DON'T GO TO SLEEP KONRAD YOU MIGHT WAKE UP A GELDING!!!" With those words Konrad slunk out of the house thinking it best to leave her be for a while. Cooter raised up from under the car's hood that he was working on and said. "Will do Lucas." He had heard Lori's threat he was just glad it wasn't him she'd been threatening because she just might go through with it. Cooter was sure glad he didn't have to live with a pregnant woman unknown to him that BL had been to see Doc and she was pregnant too.
  5. Cooter looked at Konrad with raised eyebrows as BL fled to the bathroom. Wondering if she was coming down with something. Konrad shook his head and followed BL to make sure she was ok he could hear her being violently sick before he ever reached the bathroom door. Going in he held her hair back until she managed to get stomach under control then helped her up so she could rinse out her mouth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning Dixie was sure glad that Luke (or anyone) had the boys. She wasn't sure she could face a breakfast table. Jumping up she ran to the bathroom getting sick. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was then that Little Luke and Jesse woke up and ready for the DAY! They came bounding down into the garage and asked Luke excitedly.....
  6. Luke didn't answer Lori however except for a soft snore he'd fallen asleep from the long hard day he'd had with it's early start this morning with the wrecker call for Sheriff Little. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BL was not having a good morning she felt terrible after peeing she had started to throw up and hadn't stopped for the last five minutes. Konrad wandered into the bathroom hearing her throw up and knelt down beside her holding back her hair. "You alright darlin?" he asked tenderly. BL shook her head and then threw up again from the motion. The room swam and tilted crazily. "I don't feel so good think I'll go back to bed." Standing up BL's legs wobbled as the room spun, Konrad catching her before she fell picked her up and carried her back to the bed bringing her a cold wash cloth to put on her forehead. Once she was settled he went to the kitchen to find her something to settle her stomach. Back at the Duke farm............
  7. BL smirked "are you sure it's not partly psychological?" Bo was doubled over laughing by now, BL threw a pillow at Bo hitting him in the head. "Shut up Bo." Bo stood up and kept the pillow out of BL's reach! "Beth could ya hurry and get those things before she kills me with a flying missle."
  8. Luke sighed feeling bad that he wasn't there with her while she wasn't feeling well. Bo heard the sigh and said "You alright cousin?" Luke thought about it before answering "Yeah, just tell Dix i said hope she feels better."
  9. Luke went to work on Elmer Matlock's car that needed an oil change he would be by to pick it up in a little while. The garage was relatively quiet except for the clanking of tools as the two Davenport cousins and Luke worked on the cars that was there. Little Luke in the meantime had woke up again and was sitting in his bedroom floor playing with his toys glad his Mama hadn't made him go to school today. He really didn't like that place one bit. He would have been down in the garage pestering the adults to let him help them work on cars if he'd known his Daddy was down there.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beth stopped him in mid sentence "It IS working just give it time." BL feeling a little irritable and like she was coming down with something muttered. "If it is working then how come Luke still ain't here with is wife."
  10. At the garage the alarm had been going off for nearly and hour now. Luke hadn't made it back from the wrecker call for Sheriff Little so wasn't there to wake them. Cooter walked in the garage humming "Camptown Races" when he heard the alarm and shouted up the stairs. "Lori get up Little Luke's gonna be late for school!" Lori however was in no mood to get up this morning either and groaned rolling over pulling the cover over her head until it registered the alarm was going off and then she jumped out of bed running to get Little Luke up. "little Luke wake up ya gonna be late for school." Little Luke....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie however didn't make it to inside the house and the bathroom before she threw up. Beth went over to her friend holding her hair back from her face while she was sick. BL pulled up at the farm seeing Dixie bent over in the yard with Beth holding her hair and she got out going to see what was going wrinkling her nose saying. "Now see this is why I'm not pregnant I don't enjoy tossing my cookies that well to do it everyday." Beth............
  11. Lori said "i don't usually have time to wait on him to dilly dally picking them up so I do it." Luke sighed frustrated and answered back "Well how is he ever gonna learn responsibility if you do it for him? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie told them about school and little Jesse wanting Luke and how he'd left anyway with a promise to come visit little Jesse. This made all of them a little perturbed that Luke could just leave and go with Lori leaving little Jesse crying for his Daddy. BL had dropped by to ask Dixie how her plan was going and to hear about little Jesse's first day of school she nearly came unglued hearing about school and little Jesse wanting Luke but Luke still left to her that was about the lowest thing he could have done to leave his child crying for him to go with another woman and his other child he barely knew.
  12. Luke went into the bathroom where Lori stood naked as a jay bird fixing to get into the shower. "Want some company?" he asked even though he'd already had one shower. Lori looked at him and smiled coyly getting in the shower crooking her finger in a come hither motion as her answer. It took Luke all of 3.5 seconds to strip and join her in the shower.......
  13. Mrs. Smith was thouroughly confused by now and just nodded at Luke's statement about where to reach all of them. The adults talked a few more minutes and then it was time to go Lori went over to little Luke and told him. "C'mon sweetie we're going home now." At the same time Dixie went to Little Jesse to tell him was time to go.....
  14. Lori sighed "I'll be there" and then hung up the phone turning to Cooter saying. "I've got to go to the school 30 minutes early to pick up little Luke he's been in trouble already and it's only the first day!" Cooter laughed at this "Yup he's yours and Luke's son alright"
  15. The rest of the Duke house was quiet as everyone had been asleep for a while all except Bo that is. He was wide awake wondering what was going to happen next. He just hoped that things turned out the way Dixie wanted them to with her plan he didn't want to see her hurt anymore and he wanted to still believe Luke had meant what he said about loving Dixie with all his heart. At least Bo thought everyone in the house was asleep but there was at least one other person awake and that was Jesse he to was pondering over all this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things were just as quiet at the Davenport house Cooter had come home and just relaxed enjoying his night off, the first he'd had in a while. BL and Konrad had went out to a movie but they had been back for a couple hours and had went to bed BL layed snuggling next to Konrad her head on his shoulder his arm around her but she wasn't sleeping either her mind kept going to Dixie's plan and she had to stifle the giggles everytime she thought of what the look on Luke's face must have been like when he got that $53 check to live on for two weeks.......
  16. BL was nearly dying with laughter as she listened to Dixie on the phone talking to Luke. She couldn't believe he wasn't screaming his head off after what Dixie had done only sending him $53 to base camp that wasn't much to live on for two weeks life was going to be harder than hard with that little piddly amount. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori was dressed in a black tanktop with a low cut neckline and spagetti straps. She was dressed fit to kill any man that looked at her his tongue would be hanging out to his knees. Luke's practically was as she came down the steps and strutted over to him wrapping her arms around his waist. Luke...........
  17. Dixie and BL waisted little time getting to the garage BL nearly giddy at the idea the plan had worked so easily for once Lori was gonna get her comeuppance. BL looked at Dixie and said "This is gonna be soo good to watch" Dixie frowned at her slightly and said "BL if ya don't cool it yer gonna blow the whole thing being so dang happy about it." BL tried to put on a suitable expression just as they got to the garage....
  18. Dixie wanted to believe Bo but she was still hurting from what Luke had done to her. She wanted Luke back home where he belonged but she wasn't going to make it easy on him to get forgiveness. BL had come back to check on Dixie to see how she was holding up and was still there when Bo came back and told them what Luke had said she wasn't convinced not in the least and muttered darkly. "Sure has a funny way of showin' her he loves her"
  19. Lori saw red hearing that she'd been booked at the Boar's Nest every friday and saturday night for the next month. All she wanted to do was lay low until she could get out of this county and go back to Nashville. She ranted "YOU BOOKED ME AT THE BOAR'S NEST?!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bo didn't know if Cooter knew yet what was going on or not but he couldn't lie to their long time friend and anyway this concerned his family too. "I just wanted to talk to him about things, seems him and Lori were 'together' again and Dixie's back at the farm really upset I can't believe he'd do this to her." Bo was not exactly happy with Luke but trying to keep his temper in check at the moment it wasn't Cooter he was mad at anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BL had went home after her rant and almost murdering Luke she knew if she ran across Lori anywhere she WOULD kill her. So she sat on the porch swing absently scratching behind Konrad's german shepard Shadow's ears. She wanted to beam Luke with that hammer everytime she thought of what he'd done to Dixie. She knew it wasn't totally his fault though Lori was a conniving little hussy when she wanted to be but this time she'd gone too far.
  20. The headlights came closer to the house as Lori looked at them wondering who it could be and what they wanted. She hoped it wasn't anymore of her family she'd been yelled at enough for one day. The vehicle finally came to a stop in front of the house but Lori didn't recognize the vehicle but alot changed in five years so she wouldn't know every vehicle anymore. The person got out of the car and it was clear who it was at that point and Lori.....
  21. Unknown to the two men in the Garage BL had pulled up needing to borrow something but when she had heard what was being said inside she had stayed outside listening. Now that Luke was on the phone though she stomped inside her eyes blazing,picking up the nearest tool which happened to be a hammer. "Lucas Duke you two timing low down dirty son of a gun I'll bash your brains in for doing this to Dixie. Then I'm gonna kill that snake of a cousin!" BL screeched as Luke hung up the phone making her way toward him the hammer raised ready to knock him for a loop only she never made it to him. Cooter grabbed his enraged cousin around the waist to stop her advance on Luke. "Now BL this ain't our fight so ya just stay out of it. And ya best leave Lori alone!" BL struggled trying to get loose from Cooter all but hitting HIM with the hammer she was kicking and biting though as she fought. "BL STOP IT THIS INSTANT" Cooter said loudly as wrenched the hammer from BL's hand. "BL I....." Luke started to say but was cut of by BL yelling at him. "SAVE IT LUCAS I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING YOU'VE GOT TO SAY!!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the farm Dixie was still in hers and Luke's room......
  22. Luke covered his face dragging his hands down it slowly. With a deep sigh he sat on the bed he didn't know what to say to that everything Dixie was saying was true and he deserved all he was getting and more. Out in the yard Jesse was waiting for the 'strom' to be over inside the house while BL paced around trying to cool her temper. Bo didn't quite know what to do on one hand he wanted to try and help Luke out of this mess but on the other he was mad at Luke for doing this to Dixie.
  23. Luke just stood there listening to Dixie he knew he'd messed up but there was no turning back he couldn't change it all he could do now was repent for his sins. "I'm sorry Dix you'll never know how sorry I am." BL had chased Midnight Rider to the end of the driveway throwing rocks and screaming cuss words at the top of her lungs. Then she turned walking back to where Bo and Uncle Jesse were. "BL that's enough." Jesse spoke gently but firmly when Lori was gone.
  24. Bo thought and thought but he couldn't think of a suitable explanation for Uncle Jesse because he didn't feel like it was his place to explain. He stuttered...."Uh..uh" In the meantime BL was heading for Luke's truck face as red as a fire engine brown eyes like Dixie's had changed to orange the way Dixie's did when she was really mad. Yanking open the passenger side door BL grabbed Lori by the arm and yanked her out non to gently. "LORI HOW COULD YOU?! TO YOUR OWN COUSIN NONE THE LESS, ALL YOU EVER DO IS CAUSE TROUBLE WHEN YOU COME HOME I WISHED YOU'D JUST STAY AWAY!" Lori saw BL raise her fist and tried to pull from her cousin's grip, BL was madder than she'd ever seen her before. Before Lori could get loose though BL's fist slammed into her face knocking Lori out cold. BL didn't stop there she straddled Lori and continued to pummel Lori.
  25. BL muttered quietly so neither one heard "Yeah your coming down with guiltitis." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori shrugged a little giving Luke a look "Wishful thinking?" Luke just rolled his eyes again and went back over to his pickup getting in and when Lori had gotten into the passenger side he drove back across the back 40 toward the farm. "We might as well face the music together 'cause Dixie's gonna kill us both." Dixie was still on the porch looking at Bo who was looking sicker by the minute.
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