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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. B.L. Davenport stood outside the Hazzard Garage finishing getting things ready to open the day for business. Her cousin Cooter Davenport sat in a folding chair leant back on two legs against the big bay doors of the garage as he sipped coffee and ate donuts. "Hey Coot whatcha reckon caused the hotel to burn down?" the blonde Davenport woman asked as she looked the smoking ruins of the building it had been there for as long as she could remember. Cooter thumped the chair legs to the pavement and stood up walking over to B.L. looking at the rising smoke himself. "Nope coulda been the wiring I reckon or maybe lightening from last night's storm hit it" waving at the youngster on the bicycle as he rode by tossing a news paper at their feet, "mornin' Billy". "Mornin' Cooter, Miz Davenport" greeted the freckle faced youngster riding past them splashing through a large puddle that had been left by the storm that had come through town the night before. (Cue Anyone)
  2. LOL....I agree with Bo here you should change Roger's title to Uncle Jesse.....Thank you and texasdaisy for the well wishes......all this attention is either gonna give me a big head or make me cry. Ya'll are all great and I love coming here to hnet every day to see what's going on. B.L
  3. Thanks for the well wishes BoJames, Redneckwoman and Maryanne! I have a thought on this fan of the month thing and this seems like a good time to mention it. Some folks around here has aquired titles that show on each of their posts and I think Roger should be bestowed such a title that shows what he does around here selecting fan of the month but the problem is I can't come up with a suitable title, all that comes to mind is something along the lines of 'fan of the month judge'.
  4. Thanks for the well wishes DaisyMae, Lori and DaisyXEnos, I still can't belive out of all the deserving fans here that Roger chose me as fan of the month.....Ooo flowers and a crown......DaisyXEnos do you know something the rest of us don't about winning fan of the month? Roger what's this about a crown? B.L
  5. Thank you Roger! I am deeply honored that you would choose meas fan of the month, out of so many other members who have been around much longer than I have. I truly do love the Duke's they have been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have been to two Dukefest and met the entire living cast and that was just so awesome getting to meet my childhood 'heros'. Once again I am so very honored to have this title even if it's only for a month. Thank you Roger you have made my night! *Accepts bouquet of flowers from Chet smiling* Thank you Chet, for the flowers and the kind words you are one of my best friends on here.
  6. LOL I know just how you felt Maryanne I about wore my refresh button out I hit it so many times.
  7. I have to say Chet does deserve a break he's been working his butt off to make changes in the rr so the quality of stories will hopefully return to what they once was. (They say rules are made to be broken) but with that said he only broke the rules once by interfering in a story before getting permission to post this petition which has gotten alot of positive responses. B.L.
  8. Chet it looks like you shoulda kept your mouth shut you may end up with a nickname yet as soon as Brian thinks of one that's suitable to post on a family board.
  9. I couldn't get in either for a little while and I know at least two more people that could not get in for a short time last night .
  10. *smiles pulling Lori into a hug* Now how about we get that drink?
  11. I'm truly sorry cousin. *holds hand out to shake in sincerity* will ya forgive me?
  12. *pats Lori on the head* aww poor thing, you can come along and I'll buy you a drink too.
  13. How about a drink at the Boar's Nest dukefan? I'm buying.
  14. yay! LOL it takes so little to amuse me or make me happy sometimes.
  15. Glad someone's reputation is improving around here, I been a member since 2007 and my reputation box is still black/grey
  16. I got a score of 17 out of 20 lol not bad I'd say since its 2am here and I should be sleeping instead of taking a Duke Quiz
  17. Cool!....Can't wait for the quiz Roger, I enjoy playing Duke or Dupe and Trivia so this sounds fun. Do you plan on trying to make this a weekly event or something like Duke or Dupe and Trivia?
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