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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Please leave comments for "Hazzardous Hotel" here.
  2. Hello Savannah, if you have a minute or two I would like to meet you in the chat room and get to know you a little better.

  3. B.L. stood in line with all the others waiting for the tour to begin, scanning the plush carpets and beautiful victorian furniture of the lobby, wondering which of them would be the lucky winner of the raffle. Looking up as the mirror came crashing down glass shattering all over the plush carpeting. The prospect of winning a free night in the luxurious hotel for herself and 4 friends didn't seem like as wonderful opportunity as it had ten minutes ago. The hotel employee smiled at the now rather nervous looking group before him "relax folks it was probably just all the comings and goings this morning jarred it off kilter. Step this way and we'll start the tour." The group toured the lobby and then moved onto the big dining room with several sets of smaller versions of chippendale dining tables and chairs set about the room. Sideboards lined one wall where trays of things were set for those who wished to have a quick meal of cereal or fruit instead of ordering from the menu choices of scrumptious foods. Next they took a quick trip through the modern kitchen with it's top of the line commercial sized appliances. While the group had been going through the lower floor of the hotel listening to the employee's commentary on the furnishings and what not, another employee had been busily cleaning up the broken pieces from the mirror having no idea that she was being watched by the ghost who had become a part of the nearby wall completely camaflouged. Back in the lobby the "tour guide" moved toward the stairs encouraging the marvelers following "now if you'll follow me we'll start the tour of the upstairs." Rubbing her arms a chill settling into her bones it seemed, she put it down to being giddy from the tour of such a glorious establishment. Climbing the stairs with the rest of the group noticing that she had lagged behind the female Davenport cousin stepped up her pace to catch up to the rest of the group marveling at all the splendor as she followed.
  4. Luke's brother Jud Daisy's Aunt Hortense (just guessing here I don't remember an aunt of Daisy's) Jeremiah Duke
  5. Roger were you asking about my visitors messages not working or something else?

  6. L.B. Davenport B.B. Davenport Jeeter Davenport
  7. Straight Arrow Archery Shop High Top Road Road Pirates
  8. "Me neither" BL nodded looking back at the new building in all it's glory nodding to the deputy "yup...I gotta see just how fancy this place is on the inside too." She marveled at the beautiful archway stepping inside for the tour along with other people each one just as curious as she and Maryanne were to see the splendor held within the walls.
  9. B.L. and Cooter walked across the street toward the new hotel, B.L. grinned to see such a turn out for the event “whoowee this is some turn out just for the opening of a new hotel.” Cooter nodded, reaching over B.L.’s shoulder stealing a chunk of the fried dough she was eating. Frowning at her thieving cousin B.L. mumbled around a mouthful of the sugary treat “get yer own”. Wandering over closer to the building B.L. tilted her head back looking up at the four stories of sparkling windows wondering what on earth they needed such a big hotel for in little bitty Hazzard, popping the last bite of dough in her mouth she brushed her hands together ridding them of some of the sugar, licking off the rest. Parting ways they agreed to meet up later on for some BBQ. Cooter going off to look at more of the booths, then he was going to head back over to the garage until time to meet B.L. Looking all around the outside of the majestic building watching people come and go from inside B.L. could hardly wait to see the inside of the huge hotel. To some it might just be the opening of yet another hotel but to the people of Hazzard it was really something to celebrate, especially with it being the biggest establishment in the little town. Along with the fact most of them would never get the chance to see the inside of such a grand place because they just couldn’t afford it, herself included. Seeing Maryanne Coltrane approaching, B.L. waved a greeting “Rosco sure did do the town proud with this place, it’s really something.”
  10. No-Tell Motel Moose Creek Swamp Molly
  11. Cooter picked up the newspaper reading the headlines as he turned back to his chair. "Hey there's more work to be done but I seem to be the only one doing any this morning." B.L. protested with her hands on her hips, there really wasn't that much left to do though except wait for their first customer of the day. Cooter looked over the newspaper at her again reclined back against the door in his folding chair, "because your so good at it" he grinned. Turning on the gas pumps the last thing that needed doing before the first customer arrived B.L. pulled up a chair beside Cooter looking over his shoulder at the newspaper "are you planning to go to the bar-b-que later and take a tour of the new hotel?" "Of course I'm going to the bar-b-que ya ever known me to turn down food and besides everybody else will be there so business will be slow here. I doubt I stick around for the tour, somebody in this town's gotta work." A gust of wind ruffled the corner of the pages as the mechanic answered her. B.L. pulled her light denim jacket closer around her still reading the newspaper over his shoulder thinking she just might stay around for the tour, curious as to what the inside of the new hotel looked like and if it was as fancy as some had said. ~Hazzard Court House~ Across the town square at the Hazzard courthouse, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane looked out the office window at the new hotel his eyes almost registering dollar marks instead of irises thinking of all the cash the bigger and better hotel would bring into the county. Since the death of his brother-in-law J.D. Hogg he had run the county with a underhanded sneakiness, scheming every chance he got to make money that would have made Boss Hogg proud. "Khee this time next week the place'll be filled raking in the dough" the aging sheriff/boss mumbled to himself chewing on his skinny unlit cigar. (Cue Anyone)
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