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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. *whispers* psst Roger *peeks through the window outside the jail* don't worry if Brian don't set bail I'm sure somebody'll bust ya out.
  2. Thelma Claire Rogers Mayapple Road The New Dukes
  3. This may sound harsh to some of you and I'm sorry if it does that is not my intention at all but Lizzy if someone is truly dedicated they will want to entertain the reader as well as themselves with the story.
  4. Rosco stepped up on the makeshift podium announcing above the den of noise made by the crowd that was talking about the tour they had taken of the new building in awe struck tones. “Ya’ll gather ‘round for the drawing to see who the lucky person is gonna be to stay in this here brand new building of the Hazzard Hotel.” The crowd gathered close, each hoping it would be their ticket that was drawn for the free one night stay in the brand spankin’ new shiny building with all its Victorian furniture and other fine furnishings. Some were contemplating who their guests would be while others knew it would be their family. Reaching into the big vase that had been the container for all the entry tickets Rosco reminded them “now you all remember whoever wins this gets to invite four friends to stay with them.” Someone yelled impatiently “hurry it up Rosco before we’re all old and grey!” Pulling out the winning ticket Rosco announced to the crowd “the lucky winner is Miss, B.L. Davenport and four of her friends. Just tell ‘em at the front desk you’re the winner of the contest and they’ll give you the keys to the rooms.” The dirty blonde, with a country flair hurried off in search of the four people who she was going to invite to be her guest. The rest of the crowd disperse, some going back to the shindig other’s calling it a day going home. Seeing Chet and Amanda Duke across the room near the mahogany with glass panels revolving door, B.L. waved calling “Amanda, Chet! just a minute…..” the Davenport woman weaved her way through the mingling citizens hurrying to catch them. (cue anyone)
  5. Thank you!! GeneralLeeGirl, Lori, Garrett, daisyXenos, Roger and Daney
  6. Enosgal it's venting that might get some changes please if you have more to say post it that is the only way your voice and the voices of other frustrated readers will be heard. B.L.
  7. Lizzy this is no excuse for just plain bad writing, a person does not have to post EVERY day or night. I myself have been working on a post for "Hazzardous Hotel" for almost a week, I am not happy with my work and I am not going to post it until I am satisfied it is the best I can do. As for getting on late at night when someone else can't same rule applies don't post until you can post a decent post even if it takes a week to write. It wouldn't be the first time it's been done. For Ex: the "Going Home" series by Dixie Davenport and Bethie88 sometimes will go months between posts because they don't have time to post very often but wait until they have something more than one short line or a run on sentence to post.
  8. Chet and Lori's right, it's not rocket sience people read the forum descriptions and you know right where to put things! I'm not seeing anything that says any of you CAN'T write any better it's all a matter of WON'T. I don't expect correct grammar or spelling anymore than Chet or anyone else but I do want to be able to comprehend the story when I read it. So bottom line is either post something that is worth the reader's time or don't post.
  9. Oh my gosh! I was honored to get fan of the month in October but this is just words can't describe it. Thank you to the Hazzardnet staff for this honor, the Dukes have always meant alot to me as Maryanne said and Hazzardnet is a site I visit regularly not just once a day but several times throughout the day when I have time. I know there are others who deserve this more than me, which makes it all the more special to me. I have made many good friends here at Hazzardnet and have always felt welcome, I enjoy every minute I spend here whether it's surfing around the forums or in the chat room.
  10. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
  11. Crystal Lake Ancient Choctaw Indian Caves Ma Harper
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