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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "Yeah we could we can worry about that later though we've got other things to think about right now." Goes to Daisy's room looking through the closet deciding on a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt,coming back out and heading for the bathroom B.L. calls back over her shoulder "Thanks" Ten minutes later B.L. comes out dressed in the pink t-shirt,jeans and her own black boots, combing through her shoulder thick brown layered shoulder length hair. Sitting down on the couch B.L. parts her hair down the middle quickly french braiding it into two braids. Back at the hospital the doctor knocks softly on the door getting a nod of entrance from Jesse who is sitting in the chair by the window. Entering Bo isn't visible at first but upon further entrance the doctor sees the two slumbering young men on the opposite bed the blonde still breathing with slightly raspy breaths but much easier than the doc's last rounds. "How long has he been out of the tent?" Uncle Jesse looks at his pocket watch then back to the doctor with a happy smile "About 2 hours now I'd say and he's been breathing more or less ok the whole time. Had some trouble at first but it righted itself with a bit of coachin from Luke." The doctor nods pleased with the progress as he writes the information down on Bo's chart. Then setting the chart down he steps to the other bed "I really don't want to disturb either one of them but I need to listen to Beaureguard's chest." So being careful not to bother either Duke boy the doctor puts the disc of the stethascope to Bo's back and chest listening and noting that the congestion is greatly improved. Removing the instrument from his ears the doctor turns back to Jesse. "The infection is clearing nicely I don't hear near the amount of congestion that I heard even this morning. I think I can easily dispense with the IV antibiotics and give him something by mouth now to finish clearing it up." This news is greatly accepted lifting a massive weight off Jesse's chest as he shakes the doctor's hand "That's good news Doc,how long before he can go home if he's going to be on antibiotics by mouth?" The doctor turns to the same cabinet as before taking out a few alcohol pads,cotton ball,bandaid and examination gloves before going back to the bed and placing the alcohol pad over the needle slowly removes it from the back of Bo's hand then replaces the pad with the cottonball and bandaid as he ponders the question. "I'd say possibly later this evening if not then it'll be tomorrow sometime. If his breathing stays this good of course." "Of course Doc, Bo'll be real happy to hear that when he wakes up." Jesse bids the doctor goodbye and returns to the chair by the window while the boys sleep and he waits for the girls to return.
  2. "Yeah we could we can worry about that later though we've got other things to think about right now." Goes to Daisy's room looking through the closet deciding on a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt,coming back out and heading for the bathroom B.L. calls back over her shoulder "Thanks" Ten minutes later B.L. comes out dressed in the pink t-shirt,jeans and her own black boots, combing through her shoulder thick brown layered shoulder length hair. Sitting down on the couch B.L. parts her hair down the middle quickly french braiding it into two braids. Back at the hospital the doctor knocks softly on the door getting a nod of entrance from Jesse who is sitting in the chair by the window. Entering Bo isn't visible at first but upon further entrance the doctor sees the two slumbering young men on the opposite bed the blonde still breathing with slightly raspy breaths but much easier than the doc's last rounds. "How long has he been out of the tent?" Uncle Jesse looks at his pocket watch then back to the doctor with a happy smile "About 2 hours now I'd say and he's been breathing more or less ok the whole time. Had some trouble at first but it righted itself with a bit of coachin from Luke." The doctor nods pleased with the progress as he writes the information down on Bo's chart. Then setting the chart down he steps to the other bed "I really don't want to disturb either one of them but I need to listen to Beaureguard's chest." So being careful not to bother either Duke boy the doctor puts the disc of the stethascope to Bo's back and chest listening and noting that the congestion is greatly improved. Removing the instrument from his ears the doctor turns back to Jesse. "The infection is clearing nicely I don't hear near the amount of congestion that I heard even this morning. I think I can easily dispense with the IV antibiotics and give him something by mouth now to finish clearing it up." This news is greatly accepted lifting a massive weight off Jesse's chest as he shakes the doctor's hand "That's good news Doc,how long before he can go home if he's going to be on antibiotics by mouth?" The doctor turns to the same cabinet as before taking out a few alcohol pads,cotton ball,bandaid and examination gloves before going back to the bed and placing the alcohol pad over the needle slowly removes it from the back of Bo's hand then replaces the pad with the cottonball and bandaid as he ponders the question. "I'd say possibly later this evening if not then it'll be tomorrow sometime. If his breathing stays this good of course." "Of course Doc, Bo'll be real happy to hear that when he wakes up." Jesse bids the doctor goodbye and returns to the chair by the window while the boys sleep and he waits for the girls to return.
  3. B.L. nods she hadn't even thought of it possibly making Bo worse if they brought something in for him,only thinking about making him feel better. "Your right Bo can't handle catching anything else right now I hadn't thought past just maybe making him feel better." Follows Daisy back down the hall into the livingroom as Daisy puts the bag by the front door "Yeah that way you can have as long a shower as ya want. Uh can I borrow some clothes?"
  4. B.L. nods she hadn't even thought of it possibly making Bo worse if they brought something in for him,only thinking about making him feel better. "Your right Bo can't handle catching anything else right now I hadn't thought past just maybe making him feel better." Follows Daisy back down the hall into the livingroom as Daisy puts the bag by the front door "Yeah that way you can have as long a shower as ya want. Uh can I borrow some clothes?"
  5. "Sure thing Daisy" B.L. picks up the phone asking Mabel to get her the state police. When the call is put through she asks for the man Alan Dresdon that Daisy told her to ask for. Once he's on the line B.L. explains the situation of Bo being in the hospital and just saying there was a attempt on his life after he found out something he wasn't supposed to. Which isn't exactly true but it was enough to get Alan Dresdon to agree to bring some agents and meet at the Duke farm to get more information. Thanking Alan and then hanging up B.L. goes in search of Daisy telling her. "That Alan Dresdon fella said him and some others from the state police would be here in 45 minutes. That gives us time to shower,change,and get a bite to eat. Maybe even make something to take back for Uncle Jesse and the boys I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Maybe some homemade icecream for Bo that'd be easy on his throat."
  6. B.L. nods "Ok guess he's right ain't none of us helpin Bo if we're all tired and nervous as a sore tailed cat in a room full of rockin chairs. I'm the only one that's had a good night's sleep in my own bed,so it wouldn't hurt you none to take a nap." B.L. turns onto Mill Pond Road leading to the Duke farm not even questioning what Daisy has told her that Uncle Jesse said for them to do. Arriving in the yard of the farm B.L. steps out out of the car going toward the door then turning back to wait for Daisy.
  7. giggling "Yup and Rosco's always lockin 'im and Luke for some trumped up charge or another. Which means if Bo thought it was Rosco and Boss' doin he wouldn't be mad at you." *comments idly* "Wouldn't hurt none if ol Luke was held prisinor too he looks like he could fall over from exhaustion any minute." Picking up the cb mic B.L. hands it to Daisy "How about givin Cooter a holler to meet us at the farm that way we can fill him in,call the state police and get clothes for Bo all in one stop. Get back to the hospital sooner that way."
  8. B.L. laughs with an evil twinkle in her eyes "You could always borrow Enos' handcuffs and cuff him to the bed for those two weeks. I should still be in pretty good standing though I don't have to live with him and enforce bedrest."
  9. B.L. wrapped her own arm around Daisy's waist as they headed for the car. "I can't say I blame him fer not likin them gowns....they's not only embarissin but drafty!" Getting in the driver's seat of 'red fury' as Daisy gets in the passenger seat and they start out of the parking lot headed back to Hazzard. Looking over to Daisy grinning feeling better than any of them has felt for days. "Guess we'll be Bo's favorite girls for a while if we bring him some real clothes. Better get some for Luke too he's been wearin the same ones ever since Bo was brought in. Bet after they get home they'll both sleep for a week."
  10. B.L. wrapped her own arm around Daisy's waist as they headed for the car. "I can't say I blame him fer not likin them gowns....they's not only embarissin but drafty!" Getting in the driver's seat of 'red fury' as Daisy gets in the passenger seat and they start out of the parking lot headed back to Hazzard. Looking over to Daisy grinning feeling better than any of them has felt for days. "Guess we'll be Bo's favorite girls for a while if we bring him some real clothes. Better get some for Luke too he's been wearin the same ones ever since Bo was brought in. Bet after they get home they'll both sleep for a week."
  11. B.L. stands stretching her long legs grinning "I think your right about Bo and the hopsital gown. Think I'll come with you I'm pretty sure Uncle Jesse can handle anything that comes up with those two all on his own." Uncle Jesse stops at the door to Bo's room not hearing a sound,stepping into the room not seeing the boys at the window first anger at the thought they had left the room and then panic that maybe Bo had gotten worse again,but as he looks around the room spotting both on the opposite bed sound asleep a smile of relief creeps onto his face. Looking in the small closet space in the room Uncle Jesse pulls a light blanket from the top shelf covering the boys neither one stirring with his actions. Luke is completely unknowing of the things around him, his sleep is a dreamless sleep so deep that its almost like a coma.
  12. Uncle Jesse stood stretching his own muscles the joints in his knees creaking and popping with the movement after being inactive for so long. "That sounds like a good idea, while your at it why don't ya go ahead and contact the state police and so they'll be ready to move in." Returning Daisy's hug before they seperate "You girls should get ya a hot bath while your at the farm you could both use the relaxing before the rest of the excitement starts." B.L. looks up smiling as Daisy approaches shrugging at Daisy's question "Hey....yeah I'm ok question is how are you?"
  13. Uncle Jesse looks at the clock on the waitingroom wall not having realized that he and Daisy had been sitting there so long. Giving Daisy's shoulders another squeeze "You wanna go see what them cousins of yours is doing? Ya don't hafta if you don't think ya can handle it in which case ya might wanna go see where B.L. wandered off too she's been gone a long time herself. But I need to check on them they've been by themselves fer a quite a spell now."
  14. Luke chuckles as he puts his forehead on the top of Bo's head whispering,running his hand through Bo's blonde locks "It won't work Bo" Soon however Luke can feel himself getting drowsy as Bo rubs his back. Rubbing his eyes Luke tries to fight the fatigue that is catching up to him now that he's being still and the knowledge that Bo is getting better. Laying his head down on the same arm but now outstretched Luke thinks to himself he's only going to rest till Bo's asleep but the rythmn of Bo's breathing although still a little raspy has the same effect as the quiet night sounds around the farm and Luke's on breathing slows and evens out in slumber.
  15. Luke allows himself to be pulled onto the bed relaxing for a full minute on the inviting matress as soon as he can feel his eyes closing though he quickly props himself on one elbow in order to see Bo's face. Wondering if Bo's actions was just his need to feel secure after all that has happened or a ploy to get him (Luke) to get much needed sleep but he doesn't bother to ask, Bo doesn't have his paper and pencil and shouldn't talk too much yet so Luke is content with the companiable silence the only sound being that of both their breathing.
  16. Luke leaps at Bo wrapping him in a bearhug having believed it was going to be quite sometime before Bo ever spoke again. Whispering in Bo's ear tenderly briefly biting his lower lip to will the tears away in case Bo mistakes them for something other than happy relief. Gulping to try to get rid of the sudden huge lump in his throat before speaking. "Love ya too Bo. Lord I thought at one time I'd never hear ya speak again and at best it'd be a while yet."
  17. For the first time since Bo got sick Luke starts to loose his fear but the worry or at least some of it is still there. Relieved that Bo's breathing is returning to normal from just the simple act of following his own this being a sign to Luke that Bo may indeed be able to help in the plan without too many bad affects. Squeezing Bo's hand back Luke notices the same look of admiration, Bo has always given him when he has been in a situation that Luke has had to help him out of. This look in Bo's eyes that alot of people probably wouldn't notice has always made Luke feel special in a way that only Bo's total trust in him could. "If you keep this type of improvement up I don't see any reason for the doc or Uncle Jesse to object as long as ya can keep your breathin under control with me coachin."
  18. Uncle Jesse leans his head on Daisy's glad to hear her tinkling laughter even if it's still mingled with a few tears/ "The Good Lord will take care of him." Luke smiles as he notices Bo copying his own breathing to steady his. Breathing slow and easy Luke watches Bo for a few moments then trades the paper and pencil for a cup of ice chips. "Good boy Bo just breathe with me." Turns back to Bo offering him a couple of the chips still breathing slow and easy as Bo copies him. "Here ya go cuz"
  19. Uncle Jesse kisses Daisy's forehead with the slightest grin on his lips "Because he's a stubborn Duke" Luke holds Bo close for another minute then gently pushes him back. Reaching in his own back pocket pulling out a handkerchief Luke dries Bo's tears. "C'mon at least rest a few minutes on this other bed ya look like ya ready to collapse again. Just take as deep a breaths as ya can to calm yerself then I want to know what's going on in that head a yurs." This said Luke guides Bo to the extra bed in the room sitting Bo down then gently lifting his feet up onto the bed and propping the top part up so that Bo is sitting up. Then grabbing the notebook and pencil off the bedside table waits for Bo to gain enough composure to hopefully write down what he is feeling.
  20. Uncle Jesse kisses Daisy's forehead with the slightest grin on his lips "Because he's a stubborn Duke" Luke holds Bo close for another minute then gently pushes him back. Reaching in his own back pocket pulling out a handkerchief Luke dries Bo's tears. "C'mon at least rest a few minutes on this other bed ya look like ya ready to collapse again. Just take as deep a breaths as ya can to calm yerself then I want to know what's going on in that head a yurs." This said Luke guides Bo to the extra bed in the room sitting Bo down then gently lifting his feet up onto the bed and propping the top part up so that Bo is sitting up. Then grabbing the notebook and pencil off the bedside table waits for Bo to gain enough composure to hopefully write down what he is feeling.
  21. Luke wraps his arms around Bo as tight as he dares without hurting him. Just holding Bo while he gets the tears out of his system alternating between patting and rubbing the distraught young man's back. "Shhhh it's ok Bo it's gonna be alright what's got you so worked up all the sudden? Just calm down this ain't gonna help your breathin none." Rubbing a weather worn hand down Daisy's face in tender strokes "All we's can do is rely on the doc to confirm that Bo is ok. I ain't about to let him leave here if the doc says he's still too sick. I've talked till I'm blue in the face and he still won't change his mind. So I guess now all we's can do is give him our support unless ya think you's got a chance of changing his mind."
  22. Luke scrubs a hand down his own face then runs his fingers through his hair the lack of food and sleep ever since Bo passed out and had been in the hospital catching up with him no matter how hard he tries to fight it off and it's making him irritable, drawing in a shaky breath of his own. In a softer tone pleading "Bo please don't....cry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I still don't like the sound of ya breathin not one bit it shoulda went back to normal by now not got worse. I know ya don't like being under the tent or in the bed for that matter but you's still ain't 100% yet. Just lay back down and get ya some oxygen for a little while an hour or two maybe?" Uncle Jesse continues to rake gentle fingers through Daisy's hair " I know sweetheart I don't like it neither and I'll blame myself the most if anything were to happen to him. He ain't fit for this scheme of his yet I don't think but he might surprise us all and be just fine." *chuckles at Daisy's comment about not knowing if Bo's man or boy* "Honey there are times since ya'll growed up that I've wondered if ya were really the adults ya looked like or the little kids I used ta put over my knee" B.L. tells whispers to Uncle Jesse that she's going to go to the cafeteria while he and Daisy talk getting a nod in response she leaves the waiting room rubbing her sore neck as she goes down the hall.
  23. Luke turns Bo to face him his expression clearly saying he means business. Not liking it one bit that he's having to be so tough on Bo but it's for his own good. "Bo you've done enough for now, ya died remember and if ya do too much and make yaself worse cos ya bein a stubborn jackass then Uncle Jesee ain't gonna let ya checkout and help catch them guys. And I ain't gonna try and change his mind neither now you can stop being so stubborn and use a little common sense about what your body can handle right now or I'll get Uncle Jesse back in here ta make ya your choice." Luke hopes that the threat of getting Uncle Jesse involved is enough to make Bo submit without actually having to follow through on his words, that's somethin the Duke cousin's rarely do or did is tattle on each other. Uncle Jesse rakes gentle fingers through Daisy's hair "Daisy honey as much as I'd like to tell Bo no and then have him tied to that bed if necessary till all this is over I can't. He's a grown man baby and has to make his own decisions even if it's the wrong one sometimes."
  24. Luke continues to rub small circles while squeezing Bo's shoulder in sympathy with the other hand "Hey take it easy cousin your doin great for a man that died briefly. Ya can't expect for your body to be like nothin was wrong you'll get there but only if ya take it slow and don't try to force yaself to do more than your body can handle. What's say we getcha back in bed and under the tent for a while then you can try again later ok." B.L. doesn't take offense as Daisy looks away but wraps an arm around her shoulders giving Daisy a brief squeeze before moving her arm back as Uncle Jesse sits on the other side of Daisy wrapping a protective,understanding arm around her. "It's gonna be just fine honey like B.L. says. Bo's stubborness will get him through and he'll be just fine."
  25. Luke was becoming increasingly worried about Bo's breathing not returning to normal. Beginning to rub soothing circles on Bo's back to try and help mayby Luke makes up his mind that if Bo's breathing isn't back to normal within the next few minutes he's going to insist Bo go back to bed but he won't tell him to give up just try again later. Uncle Jesse walks into the waiting room seeing B.L. sitting next to Daisy holding her hand. Smiling at them "Well I wondered where you two got off to" B.L. smiles asking him "How's Bo? "He was standin at the window gettin some good fresh air when I come to find ya'll" B.L. nods then looks at Daisy squeezing her hand "See I told ya Bo was gonna be ok." Smiling with a saucy wink "You know how he's always showin off and being stubborn especially if he can prove somebody wrong."
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