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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke nods uncertainly,not sure if Daisy would CB,she's always telling them she can take care of herself. "You want me ta go check things out just so ya feel better?" Jesse shakes his head unnoticeable sometimes he thinks the boys worry about Daisy more than he does now they's worryin about B.L. too. At the boars nest B.L. things have really gotten busy and B.L. has been to busy pouring drinks to even have given the redhaired guy another thought.
  2. "What kinda bad feelin Bo?" Luke doesn't want to brush Bo's worries aside although he's really doesn't think there's too much to worry about B.L. being at the Boar's Nest with Daisy without them or Cooter there to keep an eye on her.
  3. Uncle Jesse and Luke both sit in stunned silence for a minute before Uncle Jesse grins from ear to ear "Didja hear yourself? Ya just said a mouthful without pausin ta catch ya breath." Luke smiles happily Bo's getting better each day no matter how small the change,he's finally getting his cousin back whole. "Don't worry about B.L. like Uncle Jesse said she's probably sittin on a stool sippin soda while Daisy goes back and forth between the bar and waitin tables. It's not like she's gonna start workin' there probably just wanted somethin ta do besides sittin here bored all day."
  4. Luke raises his eyebrows,questioning. "Especially for a girl like B.L.? Bo she ain't made of china ya know she's been a pretty tough customer the last week or so." Uncle Jesse reassures Bo though "She'll be fine Daisy's probably got her sittin on a barstool sippin soda. She's been ta the boars nest with ya'll,Cooter and B.L. lots of times."
  5. Luke finished chewing the food in his mouth taking a swallow of milk before answering. "Just a note from Daisy sayin' she had ta go to work and B.L. tagged along."
  6. Luke gives Bo a deadpan look doing his best to keep a straight face as he pretends to kick Bo in the backside stopping just inches from doing so. "Funny Bo" Taking Bo by the arm to help him to the kitchen. Jesse looks at them with a quizzical look as they come in the room as,Luke helps Bo into a chair. Luke idly wonders where Daisy and B.L. got off to,seeing the note laying on the corner of the table he turns it slightly reading.;he had forgotten that Daisy had to work today.
  7. Jesse hears a thump come from down the hall, shaking his head wondering what his oldest and youngest are upto now. Luke reaches up to take the offered hand pulling himself to his feet laughing as he threatens. "I'll get you for that"
  8. Luke tries to dodge the fingers without falling off the bed backwards. Uncle Jesse puts the sandwiches on the table along with the milk before calling down the hall. "Boys come and eat"
  9. Luke bit his lip as Bo's back arched but continued. Smiling back and ruffling Bo's hair as he turns to smile. "No prob cuz"
  10. "Well I'll let you boys do that,while I fix us somethin to eat" Jesse says this as he prepares to leave the room. Seeing Luke has things under control he goes to the kitchen making them each a sandwich,Bo needs to eat before taking his antibiotics. Luke grins at Bo as he sits the stuff back down "If ya sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed so's I can sit behind ya I can do a better job. *winks* I'll fix tha bandage so's the girls'll feel sorry for ya and won't hafta stick the tape to ya skin." When Bo's sitting on the edge of the bed Luke sits indian style behind him,putting the salve on before taking the roll of gauze wrapping them around Bo rather than just making a bandage only big enough to cover the welt. After wrapping the gause three or four times he tapes the end to the rest of the gauze.
  11. Jesse and Luke exchange a look,this sounds like Bo they all know. Jesse gives thanks that it seems Bo's coming back to them completely not just recovering from his illness. "I'm glad ta hear ya say that Bo, I was afraid we's in for a battle everytime ya got told to do somethin and I just wasn't gonna put up with that. I love ya too much ta let ya do stupid things just cos it suited ya at the time." Luke sighs hoping things will be more normal now. Getting up he picks up the 'shine and the other medical things going to put them away,giving Bo and Jesse a few minutes alone. As he returns his stomach gives a grumble reminding him he nor Bo has eaten since breakfast. "Hey Bo how about somethin' to eat?"
  12. B.L. grins,thinking of just what the boys did that built up Daisy's confidence with those two there was just never no telling. "Ok" As a crowd comes in the door she heads back to the bar slipping behind it and softly singing 'ring of fire' by Johhny Cash with the juke box. Jesse smiles with relief that things are still ok between him and Bo as he gently pulls the Bo into a hug careful not to hurt his back. whispering "Deserved or not I shouldn't have you'd just been outta the hospital for a day."
  13. B.L. smiles greatfully,having seen just how rough it can get as the night goes on, only having been there in relative safety with the boys,Cooter or her brother L.B. "Thanks Daisy, I'll get used to it I know but if things get too busy holler and I'll help ya wait tables. I ain't afraid ta be roughed up a little I can take care of myself that guy just caught me off guard." Jesse draws in a shuddering breath swallowing hard before speaking. "I'm so sorry I hurt ya Bo. I should practice what I'm always preachin about controllin ya temper. Can ya ever forgive me."
  14. B.L. shakily returned the smile,serving a couple beers to some guys at the bar. Mentally shaking herself and chiding herself for hiding behind the bar afterall Daisy dealt with that sort of thing on a daily basis. Seeing Daisy busy and another table of customers needing waited on, B.L. squared her shoulders going to the table purposely avoiding the redhaired bully. Having checked on a few more tables while serving B.L. felt a little more confident but still avoiding the guy. Luke holds up his hands nodding "Ok Bo that'll hold ya,it just needed cleaning mostly so's not to get infected. I ain't gonna touch it nomore." Jesse smooths Bo's hair from his face before letting his hand come to rest on Bo's cheek.
  15. B.L. shrugs understandingly as she heads in the opposite direction to wipe off a couple recently emptied tables,readying them for more customers. A big red haired man grabbing her by the waist pulling her onto his lap. Caught by surprise at first but then B.L. steps hard on his foot before slamming an elbow into his stomach,quickly cleaning off the tables and going back to the relative safety behind the bar. Jesse's eyes fill with tears as Bo jerks and cries out knowing he's the cause of his nephew's pain is almost more than he can stand. Swallowing the lump in his throat that's choking him Uncle Jesse tries to soothe Bo. Luke sits the jar of shine on the floor next to his feet the cloth over the top,satisfied that the welt is clean enough. "S'alright Bo I quit. Just lemme put some salve and bandages on it ok? I promise ta leave ya 'lone after that." Luke hating to see the pain in Bo's face swallows the lump in his own throat.
  16. "We do make a pretty good team huh....I just might ask Boss when we're done here." Smiles back with just a hint of something in her eye "Nah don't mind wearin' shorts, just Mama never approved so when I was with you on the weekends is the only time I wore 'em." Jesse and Luke both return the smile with a squeeze of reassurance before Luke looks over Bo's shoulder at Jesse,they still need to tend to the welt on Bo's back to prevent infection, and while he's clinging to the pillow Luke figures will give him something to hang on to while it's being done. Uncle Jesse leaves the room once again this time returning with shine (for disinfecting) and some bandages and ointment. placing them on the bed next to Luke. Luke gently lays Bo back on the bed before uncovering his back. "We got to clean and dress ya back,so's it don't get infected." Pouring some shine onto a cloth Luke gently dabs the welt as Jesse holds Bo's hand.
  17. B.L. looks up smiling after filling a mug with beer before handing it to the waiting customer. "You really think so?" Looking back into the tear stained eyes Luke smiles reassuringly "See everything's ok I'm here and Uncle Jesse's here, those no good rats is in the pokey. Ya got nothin to worry about on my word as a Duke."
  18. B.L. was soon in the swing of things behind the bar even managing to get a few tips. Luke loosened his grip ever so slightly when Bo's breathing returned to what was normal for now and the shaking had stopped. Neither he nor Uncle Jesse try to get Bo to let go of the pillow it's as if he's holding onto a lifeline his grip is so tight on it.
  19. B.L. grins at Charlie having known him ever since she'd been old enough to come to the Boars Nest "You have a point there" B.L. slips behind the bar beside Daisy "I think I can get the hang of it pretty quick. I waited tables at the Cafe in Coreyville for about a year when I was still in highschool so I can do that too." Jesse grasps the hand in his own gently running his fingers over the back. Watching and waiting patiently for Bo to calm down while reassuring him that he was ok. Luke didn't press for details when Bo didn't speak just continued to hold him close.
  20. B.L. giggles quietly as she and Daisy weave their way through the crowd to the bar. "I think you've been missed around here." Luke felt Bo still shuddering violently although he seemed to be calming down some. As Bo cuddled in just a little closer Luke held him just a little tighter knowing that Bo's back probably hurt but it was obvious that Bo needed the reassuring hold more so than trying not to cause pain in his back. "It's s'alright now Bo,ya wanna talk about it?" Jesse stepped from the room long enough to get a wet washcloth from the bathroom to wash away the sweat drenching Bo's face as he and Luke still tried to calm the young man.
  21. B.L. gets in the passenger side of Dixie smiling reassuringly as they pull out of the driveway. "I know but he's made major improvements in just a short while, he'll be back to terrorizing Rosco before we know it." Uncle Jesse leans up in his chair wiping away the tears with his thumbs as Luke holds onto to Bo. "Bo you's ok ya at home in your own room. Uncle Jesse's right here and they ain't nothin gonna hurt ya boy I promise." Luke squeezes Bo's shoulders supportively so Bo knows he's there too "S' ok Bo me 'n Uncle Jesse are here with ya just try and calm down cousin get yer breath back."
  22. B.L. notices the worried look on her friend's face as she follows Daisy out to Dixie. "Don't look so worried" Luke looks up at Uncle Jesse with a frown they have to get Bo awake before he hurts himself. Knowing only one other thing to try. "Uncle Jesse can ya get me some water" Jesse stands heading for the door "Sure Luke" Jesse goes to the kitchen getting a glass and filling it halfway with water then notices the note left by Daisy. Picking it up and reading quickly before laying it down again and returning to the bedroom with the water. "Here ya are Luke" Luke looks up at Uncle Jesse then back down at Bo "You may not like what I'm about to say but it's the only way I can think of wakin him up before he hurts himself." Jesse nods he's willing to do whatever Luke says if it'll bring Bo back to them from the nightmare. "Throw it in his face it should startle him awake." Jesse frowns but does as Luke says before sitting the empty glass on the nightstand by the bed.
  23. B.L. nods standing and pushing her chair under the table "Sure I may even help out if ya need me won't that surprise Boss" Uncle Jesse continues to talk to Bo in the same calm soothing voice while look tries to wake him. "Luke's ok it's him that's got hold of ya. You did save him remember ya jumped on that truck roof and caused it to off the road then tha state police carted 'em off to Atlanta." Luke pulled on Bo's shoulders more firmly until Bo is leaning against him. While holding Bo with one hand he tries to wrench the pillow from his younger cousin's grip. Using his marine voice to try and get through,while lightly tapping Bo's cheek. "BO it's ok I'm right here open your eyes and look at me now!"
  24. Uncle Jesse gently takes on of Bo's hands trying to get him to let go of the pillow. Talking calmly and soothingly trying to reassure Bo that it's not real. "No....it's ok nobody's gonna get killed them fellers is in the pokey in Atlanta and your at home in ya own room in ya own bed. Open your eyes and look fer yerself. Luke's in the kitchen with Daisy and B.L. he's fine." Luke gave Daisy a brief worried look of his own before quickly turning and making his way down the hall in quick long strides. Squeezing between the wall and Bo's bed. Taking Bo by the shoulders gently but firmly trying to pull him back to reality. "Bo wakeup it's just a dream I'm right here c'mon now wake up for me. Everything and everybody is ok it's all over now."
  25. B.L. nods looking up smiling at her two friends "I know and lord knows it's not the first time me and Bo's had an argument either." Jesse continued to stroke the side of Bo's head as his breathing quickened and the whimper escaped murmuring in his ear softly. "No it's Uncle Jesse, Bo shh"
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