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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse nodded with a soft smile he had caught Bo's jumpyness but wasn't going to say anything. He could tell Bo was not liking this at all so he decided to ignore it for now no use adding more stress on Bo by questioning him about it. "Daisy'll have supper ready 'fore long we're havin' beef stew."
  2. Jesse nodded he knew they hadn't left the farm because the general was still outside. Going to the boys room he knocked softly poking his head in. "Everythin' ok in here?"
  3. Jesse comes into the house a while later to find Daisy at the stove stirring a pot of bubbling stew. Leaning over he sniffed the delicious aroma with a smile. "Mmm that smells real good....where're the boys?"
  4. Luke gives Bo a reassuring hug it was the only thing he could do right now to make things a little better. At least he hoped he was making things better.
  5. Luke sighed with a frown it wasn't like Bo to give up so easily. But then Bo had never had happen before what had happened to him. "No not with a bottle of sleepin' pills...ya will get through this same way we Dukes get through everythin' with the help of each other."
  6. "You will just give it some time" Luke reassured not quite as confident as he sounded. It was going to be a long road but Bo could overcome his fears and get that normal sleep he so desired of that Luke was positive.
  7. "You ok buddy?" Luke asked with a worried look, Bo looked a little shook up still.
  8. After a while Luke came back to the farm parking the General in his usual place and going inside. The first place he went was straight to the bedroom to check on Bo. Finding him tossing and turning emitting soft whimpers. Goes over to the bed shaking his shoulder lightly. "Bo....Bo wake up your having a bad dream"
  9. Luke leaned against a tree going back to that time when he'd had his own fears and just what it had taken to get over them. Bo had not been happy about it at all because Luke had freaked out. But now that all seemed like forever ago.
  10. Jesse stood outside leaning against the fence behind the barn pondering all that had happened recently and asking the Lord for guidance in what he was about to do in order to help his youngest praying that it was the right thing to do. B.L. decided after leaving Bo back at the Duke farm to have a 'miraculous recovery' and go into work. Mostly for something to keep her busy and from worrying about Bo's reaction to the simple things they had always enjoyed listening to together. It was scary seeing him so completely consumed by his fear and she had been relieved when they arrived back at the farm and she could relinquish him into Luke and Daisy's care.
  11. Luke sat there staring out over the water wondering how on earth he himself was going to get through this in helping Bo. Bo was already scared stiff he'd be a complete wreck and scared to death before it was all said and done but he knew Jesse was right if they were going to keep Bo from loosing it completely they had to do something drastic and it had helped him when he had come back from 'nam so he was confident it would help Bo too.
  12. "Thanks Coot catch ya later" With that Luke hung the CB mic back in it's place and kept on driving around aimlessly for a while turning things over in his head before stopping at Hazzard Pond sliding out of the General and going to sit by the pond skipping rocks across the water deep in thought.
  13. Luke hearing Cooter's concerned voice come over the airwaves picked up his CB mic pressing the transmit button. "Lost Sheep 1 here Crazy C....yeah I'm alright just doin' some thinkin."
  14. Luke sits there another moment after Daisy goes back to her chores then gets up going out and getting in the General driving off. He needed some time to think.
  15. "We won't, he'll get through it and come out stronger because of it" *Luke bit his lip hoping that was true*
  16. Nodding Luke took her hand in his and squeezed it lightly with a small smile. They just had to trust in Jesse no matter how hard it was to watch Bo go through this. "Are ya ready for this? It's gonna be hard ta see but we gotta do it for Bo's sake."
  17. After Jesse went out Luke looked to Daisy to see what her reaction to all this was. She had stayed quiet during the whole conversation and he wanted to know how she felt about it.
  18. "I know what yer sayin' is true Uncle Jesse I just hate the thought of puttin' Bo through that but if it'll help him get over this then that's just the way it'll have to be."
  19. Luke sighed and shook his head he didn't have a better solution but he still wasn't convinced this was the best route to take with Bo. But he'd go along with whatever Jesse thought was best.
  20. Luke swallowed and nodded he knew it was best for Bo he just didn't know if Bo was going to be able to take it or not. He'd been scared out of his mind but it had helped him to deal with his irrational fears but he wasn't sure if this time the cure might do more harm than the 'disease'.
  21. Luke nodded slowly, remembering how it had been for him and Bo had been there through it all when he'd felt this way. He was going to be there for Bo too, he wasn't kidding himself it wasn't going to be easy but he could do it for Bo's sake he had to. "yes sir"
  22. Luke sighed leaning forward and propped his elbows on his knees lacing his fingers, explaining quietly "B.L. brought Bo home in a state....he was scared witless every little sound made him nearly jump out of his skin. He's afraid if he don't get a handle on it we'll let 'em send him to the looney bin. I told him that wouldn't happen but he's still a little shook up cos he can't figure out why it's hittin' him now a month after being held hostage instead of just after it happened."
  23. Once satisfied Bo was settled, Luke turned and went back out to the livingroom sitting back on the couch. Silently looking at Jesse as he looked at them noone saying a word about what was going on just yet, all of them just watching each other.
  24. Luke stood and gently picked Bo up effortlessly and carried him to the room they had shared since they were children. Putting Bo to bed Luke covered him up gently and then just stood watching him sleep making sure he was going to stay soundly asleep.
  25. Jesse came into the livingroom sitting down in his favorite chair and picked up the newspaper. Glancing occassionally at the three young people on the couch wondering when the two holding onto the third would tell him what was going on. But deciding not to question them they would tell him when they thought it was the right time.
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