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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke and B.L. finish the song the last chords fading through the stillness around them. As the last note dies away B.L. picks up right into Charlie Daniels 'Devil went down to Georgia'. As she concentrates on playing Luke sings the verses. The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal. When he came across this young man sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot. And the devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what: "I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too. "And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. "Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due: "I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you." The boy said: "My name's Johnny and it might be a sin, "But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."
  2. B.L. too had noticed Bo give up after a few missed chords and that wasn't like him at all. It wasn't like they were trying a new song either they had played this one lots of times, she hoped he would regain his old confidence and be able to join in these sing alongs again one day. The act didn't go unnoticed by Luke either but he didn't want to call attention to Bo's fears today he wanted him to hopefully relax and forget just for one day. So the two picked up with the next verse entertaining the other three. The laundry man is really on his toes Found a hundred-dollar bill among my clothes When he called me I came a-runnin' Gave him back his dime for phonin' I heard him sayin' as I turned to go I was way behind one day to catch the train Taxi driver said "We'll make it just the same" The speed cop made it with us And as he wrote out the ticket I stood by politely a-waitin' for my change "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose" "May an elephant caress you with his toes" "May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose" "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose" I was way behind one day to catch the train Taxi driver said "We'll make it just the same" The speed cop made it with us And as he wrote out the ticket I stood by politely a-waitin' for my change
  3. As they played Luke sang in perfect harmony with each other. One fine day as I was a-walkin' down the street Spied a beggar man with rags upon his feet Took a penny from my pocket In his tin cup I did drop it I heard him say as I made my retreat "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose" "May an elephant caress you with his toes" "May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose" "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
  4. Luke lay a calming hand on Bo's arm seeing his distress and frustration at getting the chord wrong. After a few minutes he moved his hand back to his own guitar and began picking the lively notes to Little Jimmy Dickin's " May the bird of paradise fly up your nose." B.L. easily picked up on the song and began to play along with Luke.
  5. Luke and B.L. took their instruments from their cases tuning them. Luke strumming a few cords to check that the guitar was in tune then fiddling with the tuners on the handle when it still sounded a little out of tune. B.L. twisted her own tuners on the fiddle strumming the strings and then making a few more adjustments. Satisfied the fiddle was in tune she restrung her bow with a new horse hair string. That done she rosined the bow string and was ready to play.
  6. Luke nodded eagery convinced easily getting up from his spot on the grass he goes back to B.L.'s car reaching in the driver's window to get the keys. Going around the car he unlocks the trunk pulling out his guitar case and something else none of them could see. Making his way back over to the small group sitting the thing they hadn't seen down by B.L. a smaller case that held B.L.'s fiddle. "How about helpin' us out B."
  7. B.L. frowns at him rolling her eyes arms folded he thought he was the only one ever did any work and it griped her cos she worked just as hard as him. At least he didn't have to put up with men grabbing his behind all day or wolf whistles. "I work too!" Luke watched the two cousins arguing before holding up his hands. "Alright you two no arguin' we're here ta have a good time....B.L. leave Cooter be." B.L. nodded at Luke, looking over at Bo she pointed to his guitar. "why doncha play us a song it might soothe the savage beast." *pointed at Cooter when she said savage beast*
  8. Luke chuckled nodding his agreement with Bo then looked at BL with a evil glint in her eye. BL prised Cooter's eye open and looked down at him smirking wickedly. "you go to sleep and ya might end up all wet yer out numbered."
  9. Luke looked over at the same time as B.L. and Daisy when Cooter arrived. "yer late, we been here a half hour already" B.L. said to her cousin as he approached the blanket dropping down beside Luke, laying back on the grass his hands behind his head relaxing. "Sorry I had to finish Mr. Ruebottom's van he needs it for deliveries." Cooter told them drowsily
  10. The four friends left the house getting into B.L.'s car joking and teasing. The ride to the swimming hole was filled with laughter and banter. Getting out of the car, Daisy and BL set up the picnic blanket leaving the basket next to it. They all sat waiting for Cooter to get there not wanting him to miss out on any of the fun.
  11. B.L. watched Bo come through the kitchen heading for his and Luke's room and shortly after Luke following him in. "Didja talk him into goin'?" Luke nodded snitching a cookie as Daisy was packing them. "Yeah but he don't wanna get in the water he's afraid he'll get spooked and somethin' will happen. I told him that was ok, we weren't gonna make him do anythin' he wasn't ready ta do but we still wanted him ta come with us." BL smiled glad Bo had changed his mind he needed the time out and they all needed to let loose and have some fun like they used to before all this came up with Bo.
  12. Luke nodded smiling gently at Bo "you got it....nobody's gonna make ya do anythin' ya don't wanna do and I'm gonna be in trouble fer not finishin' the roof on the house so a little more trouble won't bother me." Starts to climb down again looks back at Bo who hadn't moved yet "c'mon go get ready the girls is packin' a picnic and will be ready ta go soon."
  13. Luke could see the uncertainness in Bo's expression even if he wasn't looking him directly in the eye. "We'll be right there Bo all of us, nothing will happen we won't let it. You can't keep being afraid of being afraid." Luke tried once again to sway Bo's decision to go with them.
  14. "Bo we will all be right there, nothing will happen. We won't just stare at you the whole time but ya can be sure we'll all have one eye on ya makin' sure yer ok." Luke sighed softly moving his hand up to squeeze Bo's shoulder. "you'll never know if yer ready or not until ya try. Ya can't keep bein' afraid of the what if's Bo ya gotta get out there and live life again."
  15. "I'll try, you girls go pack us a picnic while I talk to him." BL nodded and taking Daisy by the arm headed back to the house to pack the picnic basket. Once the girls were gone Luke climbed up on the barn roof next to Bo. Putting a light hand on his back. "Bo, why doncha come with us? It'll do ya good and there's nothin' at the swimmin' hole ta spook ya. We'll all be there with ya anyways if somethin' does so there's nothin' ta worry about."
  16. B.L. was still backing away from Luke when Daisy joined them and circled around behind Daisy putting her between them. "We're ready." BL sighed heavily "I asked him, he said he don't wanna go, he ain't ready fer that yet."
  17. "Ow, hey watch it there ain't no protection there." Luke protested at being flicked with the towel on his bare leg. BL sighed nodding she had hoped Bo would go feeling that he needed to go in order to bring his recovery from the ordeal that one step further. Sees Luke come out of the house in his cut off shorts. "Ok....ya know where ta find us if ya change yer mind. If ya don't wanna come by yerself give a holler on the CB one of us will come back and get ya." Luke walked over to stand by BL being able to tell without asking that she hadn't been able to convince Bo to go. Sighing softly he leant on her shoulder. "Daisy'll be out in a minute she's puttin' on her baithin' suit" Nodding BL stepped away from Luke who wasn't expecting her to move and almost fell over. "Hey Luke props are dangerous" Grinned backing away as Luke pretended he was going to chase her.
  18. "But....Cooter's even closin' up the garage fer the afternoon." BL tried one more tactic to convince Bo to go,not quite ready to admit defeat yet. Luke laughed as Daisy jumped and shrieked. "Hey, go put on yer bathing suit and let's go with BL fer a while, Cooter's gonna close up the garage early and meet her at the swimmin' hole."
  19. "Aww c'mon Bo, Luke's goin' it won't hurt ta play hookey from chores fer a couple of hours." Pleading giving him his own puppy dog eyed look. She thought this was just what Bo needed. He'd been on the farm more or less the whole six months he'd been back and shirking chores was part of getting back to 'normal' it was something they had all done but not as often as they had played hookey from school. Luke came out of his and Bo's bedroom in a pair of cut off jean shorts seeing Daisy at the sink snuck up behind her tickling her ribs. "Hey Dais, wanna go swimmin'? BL's tryin' ta talk Bo into goin'."
  20. Luke watched the mischevious grin appear back on BL's face and climbed down from the roof. "You get Bo." BL didn't need a second bidding and jogged over to the barn looking up at Bo whistling happily as he worked. "Hey Bo c'mon down from there and let's go swimmin. Cooter's gonna meet us there."
  21. Luke worked on patching the roof of the house from the storm while Bo was working on the barn roof. He stopped to wipe the dripping sweat from his eyes and to look across the yard at Bo. At times like this you could hardly tell that anything had been wrong or that he still had an occasional set back. Hearing a car pull up below he looked from Bo down at the silver GTO as BL climbed from the driver's seat looking at them smiling mischeviously. "Hey" Luke chuckled to himself she was upto something the question was what. "Hey BL what brings you by?" BL leaned on the hood of her car trying to look innocent. "Oh nothin' much, just goin' swimmin' thought you fellas and Daisy might wanna come along. I even persuaded Cooter ta close up the garage fer the afternoon and join us." Luke bit his lip her offer sounded very tempting it was mighty hot out today, but they had to get both the house and barn roofs patched before the next storm came through.
  22. Luke hugged Daisy a little tighter wondering that himself. Technically Bo was still a ward of the mental institution in Atlanta until the family removed him. So he really didn't know what was going to happen next. "I don't know Dais.....I do know one thing though Bo's not goin' back ta that god fersaken mental hospital! He shoulda never been there in the first place."
  23. Luke returned Daisy's close hug. "Physically he's ok but he was huddled by the road scared stiff when I found him." Jesse continued to hold Bo close knowing that's what Bo needed now more than anything else. B.L. followed Daisy back to the livingroom at a slower pace smiling when she saw the Duke family complete and whole again as it should be. Going to Cooter's side where he sat in Jesse's chair and sitting on the arm of the chair leaning against his shoulder.
  24. "Bo's back" B.L. repeated as Daisy blinked awake and looked at her. "He somehow got away from the hospital and was makin' his way home apparently. They called and told Uncle Jesse, Luke called Cooter and the three of 'em's been out lookin' fer Bo. Luke found him and brought him home." Finishes telling Daisy the abbreviated version of the story. Jesse continued to hold Bo tightly, speaking softly in his ear as Luke and Cooter watched from their places.
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