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Everything posted by GENERAL CHARGER

  1. So they DID finally restore Lee 1. The last stories I ever heard was they intended to keep it in it's Richard Petty condition.
  2. At timestamp 00:18:40 in the first episode: "The Duke family’d been in the whisky business 50 years before the Declaration of Independence. They fought everybody from the British to the Confederacy to the US Government to stay in it, until last year when Bo and Luke got caught on a whisky run. So Jesse swallowed a lifetime of pride and signed a treaty with the US Government to stop making whisky if Bo and Luke could get probation. Y’see, he loved them boys better than life itself. But, sometimes, they really made him wonder why."
  3. You know what's ironic? The car has the flag and the name, and yet in the first episode Waylon said the Dukes fought AGAINST the Confederacy.
  4. I know both verisons, but I keep flubbing the lines at the end of the extended version.
  5. Also, can anyone confirm reports I heard that they decided to NOT keep it in it's beat-up condition and restored it?
  6. RFH was alright for it's time. My advice: don't play Daisy Dukes it Out. As flawed as RFH was DDO is even worse. ROTGL has great graphics and a pretty decent story, but the best handling car is Cooter's Truck. The General's gonna be slip-sliding all over the place, ESPECIALLY when you get the tire upgrade.
  7. Let's say one day a movie came along for the Dukes, let's say 100x better than the two we already got. Now, let's say the only really major change they make is they decide to reduce the number of cousins by making someone siblings, like the Duke boys or one of the boys and Daisy. How would you react to a move like that?
  8. So few shows are for them?! What the hell world you live in?
  9. If you wreck a car in Hazzard, it can be back on the road within the hour. The police have an unlimited supply of patrol cars.
  10. Ah such a great world we live in where this brainless humor is king. Send me back to the 80s. PRONTO.
  11. You'd think they'd use the genuine General (the one that was covered in poop) for them close shots.
  12. Yep, was mostly in the close-up shots.
  13. Is it just me, or were none of the original interior sets used in this movie? Not to mention Uncle Jesse's house was completely different from the show. Never thought he'd be one to tear down his ancestor's house and all.
  14. If they got rid of the American Pie sex humor, it'd be great. Dunno how blatant innuendo became associated with the franchise. I make it a point NOT to watch stuff with that kinda humor 'cause it's simply retarded.
  15. Gran Torino, and it's not. It's a 1970 Chevelle SS. I know 'cause I got a model of one in my room and it's older brother in my driveway.
  16. What the hell is a carnal?
  17. It was decent. Better than the movie even though the tie-ins were all clearly there (opening music, credit sequence, Hazzard police car design) but still not the Dukes. Bo's actor started off alright, but slowly became a SWS clone. Luke was definitely smarter than Knoxville's take, but still came off retarded. Daisy was a vast improvement over Jessica Simpson, and Willie is still my pick for Jesse even though he's far too amoral for the role. I also didn't like how 90% of the time all the boys thought about was sex, and all the damn sex jokes. Not neccessary. Rosco wasn't Rosco, he was easily the weakest character while Boss came off almost like an amalgamation of the two versions. I liked the movie's take of Cooter more than this one, and Enos was barely there to really judge but he seemed like good casting. Now, how they found/fixed the General was just fine. It's the reasons they used that kinda blew. The General was meant to be a race car, not explicitly for moonshine delivery. Also, the car chase scenes were lacking and there was only ONE jump! ONE! One freakin' jump! If the humor was tweaked, I could probably tollerate this as a show. But it's still not the Dukes.
  18. No jump is complete without a Dixie horn.
  19. Strange Visitor.
  20. I'd say the first game is exclusively Hazzard, you should save other cities and counties for sequels.
  21. CGI in TV rarely matches up to the quality of CGI in movies. It happens, but rarely. I was just wondering, anyone in the know out there? How possible would it be to fashion Charger-shaped fiberglass bodies over a chassis to make the jump cars? I was just pondering how Knight Rider had a legitimate shell over the car so no visible damage could be seen on camera (although the car would get messed up underneath). Was thinking, why can't that concept be toyed with so real jumps could be done and no Charger actually destroyed in the process? If that's possible, a bunch of jump cars could be manufactured, there'd be a hero car, and maybe one or two trashy Chargers to take minor damage in collisions and such could be an economical way to a new series. Not that I really want one with current directions.
  22. My favorite thing was the magically repaired General between scenes...except the when the plot called for him to be wrecked.
  23. The Justice League ep rocked. But yeah, it really needs to end. They keep moving it forward towards his Superman days while at the same time they try to hold it back to keep him Clark a bit longer. It's a constant tug of war that's frankly getting on my nerves more than the stupid Clark/Lana on/off/on/off/on/off/on/off stuff. The show is at it's best when it does the superhero stuff.
  24. I wouldn't. Not with the current ultra-retard direction they've been taking the characters. Now, maybe if someone actually went down south and interpreted modern southern life as a Dukes show like they did back in the day. That's why the show was so successful when it started, 'cause you had southerners representing the south in Hollywood and middle America ate it up.
  25. Somehow, it didn't really strike me as a family show... Then again, family values blow these days so it may just be.
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