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Everything posted by DixieRose_00

  1. Thanks BOlover_93. I've always thought Bo was much more sexier then Luke though Luke is pretty cute I like Bo way better
  2. Do I have to choose? I like them all. Bo is my favorite but everyone else comes in pretty close.
  3. Bo is sexier then Luke!!
  4. I saw Walk The Line when my sister bought it and I loved it. I'm planning on buying my own copy soon. It's definitely a wonderful movie
  5. I range from Country to Rock and even some Pop music. I'm not a big fan of rap though.
  6. Even though they killed off Jonathan Kent he's made guest appearance's in some episodes and from what I've read he'll be making some in Season 6 this year too. Smallville may not be the same without John Schneider but it's still a good show. I've gotten hooked on it
  7. Yeehaw01 said I couldn't have said it better myself. There were so many better songs they could have used
  8. Name - Jessica or Jessi Age - 25 Location - Middlebury Center, PA Occupation - Unemployed for the moment Married or Single - Single and loving it, Crushing Children - None unless you count my chocolate Lab Cinnamon or my horse Misty Favorite Movie - Smokey and the Bandit, Dukes of Hazzard Reunion movies, Cheaper by the Dozen 1 and 2 Favorite group - Lifehouse, John Schneider, Darren Hayes, Within Temptation, Carrie Underwood, Erika Jo and tons more Favorite TV show - Dukes Of Hazzard, Smallville, MacGyver, Knight Rider, more
  9. Ten Random things huh? Well since I'm bored i'll share mine 1. I love anything and everything Dukes Of Hazzard and Smallville. 2. I love horses. I love to read, draw, and ride horses. I have my own Quarter horse/Arabian mare 3. I hate onions and peppers 4.When I go to bed at night I usually fall asleep watching either Dukes or Smallville. 5.I adore my four year old nephew 6.I love reading and writing Dukes and Smallville fanfiction. 7.My favorite kind of car is Dodge Chargers 8.I love hanging out on myspace 9.I'm very close to my Grandpa...have been since I was small 10.my favorite kind of ice cream is plain Vanilla
  10. Luke to Bo in Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Duke: Do your mouth a favor and keep it shut
  11. very cool....too bad I didn't live in Florida....oh well....Dukesfest is where I'll be meeting him
  12. In the series I think it varied...in some episodes Flash was referred to as a she and in others as a he.
  13. I already have every intention of getting Season 6 the very same day it comes out...I seem to have a habit of getting them the exact same day they come out...my mom thinks it's strange cause I do that....me? I just wanna beat the crowds...they sell out at our walmart fast
  14. **I'm gonna get them monsters(my nephew is obsessed with Scooby Doo) **That's the General Lee(whenever he sees the General on my tv while I'm watching the Dukes) **That's my phone(He thinks he owns our phone)
  15. DixieRose_00

    Do ya know?

    I have heard of the GORILLAZ but I'm not a fan....I'm more partial to country music though I do sometimes listen to pop music but usually it's just country
  16. I remember hearing some about the Dukes when I was little but since it wasn't on too many years after I was born I don't remember too much about it. When I got older my sister started watching the re-runs on CMT and I still wasn't too impressed by it. But suddenly I laid eyes on Bo and then the General Lee and I was hooked. As soon as they put out Dukes on dvd I started buying the Seasons so I could watch them all the time anytime I wanted. And I still do that
  17. Also you may want to keep an eye out in upcoming episodes of Smallville for Jonathan to make an appearance. Episode 5.17 John is listed as a guest star in the spoilers.
  18. DixieRose_00


    I am definitely mad about them killing off John's character.....he was the whole reason I startec watching Smallville in the first place and now this. I've been reading on the web and there's talk they might have Clark go back in time to save Jonathan or even bring Jonathan back from the dead. I certainly hope that they do otherwise I won't be watching anymore Smallville past Season Four if I can even stand to watch that.
  19. yes it is.....Daisy used a roadrunner and Satellite in the first and second seasons
  20. I believe the yellow car was actually a Plymouth Roadrunner or Satellite. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
  21. As I've never been to Dukesfest before could someone please tell me the price of General admission for both days?? Thanks
  22. Bo is and always will be my favorite driver. I loved all the jumps he took and he handled them well so definitely Bo
  23. Boss: It's Luke.(having just gotten a phone call) Rosco: Say hello from Rosco. Boss: Oh it's too late in the day. I loved this one
  24. Enos and Daisy never did get married. In the end of Reunion In Hazzard her ex husband unexpectedly showed up and she decided she didn't wanna get married right then so the wedding was called off
  25. I hadn't payed to much attention to it but now that you mention it I did notice that
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