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Flint Duke

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Everything posted by Flint Duke

  1. Lots of people around here still leave the keys in their cars, not so much with all the meth/heroin problems, but definitely common place to leave your keys in the ignition when I was a teen (90's). So I imagine it was even more commonplace to do so in the late 70's early 80's in the rural south.
  2. Supposed to take place in Palmer, Mass. May 23rd & 24th -Tom Wopat -Byron Cherry -Cindy Willis and a bunch of other
  3. Luke's is a Martin Cougar II Bo's is a Martin Warthog arrows were also supplied by Martin. Martin supplied bows throughout the series and they change a bit through the years. I can't seem to find my link, but somewhere on line the guy from Martin talks about getting the bows put together at the last minute for the TV show (short notice) , you won't find a warthog or a cougar II with the writing like that on the limbs, it was literally added with K-mart mailbox lettering on the way to bring them to filming to get the Martin name on there for the show. https://www.facebook.com/DukesMuseumCollectibles/posts/this-is-an-exact-replicia-of-a-martin-cougar-ii-compound-bow-that-luke-duke-used/848795665185608/
  4. Northern Hazzard County Fanfest
  5. It's used again in the tv show : The Fall Guy Season 5 episode 21 "War on Wheels"
  6. After watching these episodes again here is what I'm thinking and I'm going to do some digging and see if I can find anything to verify it. I think the Mean Green Machine was built on the chassis of a Dodge M-37. Probably the same truck that was used in the episode Jude Emery (which was supposed to hopefully turn into it's own spin-off series). I'm just thinking on how I would have done it, looks to be about the right size/tires etc, already an open top (canvas) , and easy to frame off of and remount or mount something over it all, and heck the "turret" on the mean green machine is just a really brig piece of culvert pipe.
  7. Well if they don't cancel the event in May because of this virus thing , I'm going to try and ask Byron Cherry about it.
  8. We beat that game on PS1 last weekend. But it's not what I'm thinking of ...I watched a ton of different episodes this weekend and none were what I'm thinking of. If I could remember/find the wooden water tower episode my mind would feel better....
  9. -You should do a burned out Coy and Vance Roadrunner from their encounter with the Green Machine. -Also.. the Green Machine itself ! -Swamp Molly's pickup truck
  10. The picture is from a couple of months ago when I presented him with my old Dukes of Hazzard sheets, have the sheet and fitted sheet, no pillow case. And yes he sleeps on/in them. Sacrilege to some I guess, but he enjoys them and I enjoy that he gets to use them.
  11. Oh he is defiantly getting raised on the Dukes. He loves them. We started a cardboard Cooter's Garage and Boars Nest today .... then I went to AC Moore since everything is 60-80% off as they are going out of business and picked up a bunch of foam board etc... His favorite character is Enos.
  12. I'm slowly working my way through watching the Dukes of Hazzard seasons with my 8 year old son. I swear I remember an episode that the shoot the bow (possibly with dynamite arrows) WHILE they are airborne jumping the General Lee.... I want to say it was a Coy and Vance episode....I also want to say a water tower was involved... I'm not having any luck so far... Does any of that sound familiar to anyone ? Thanks
  13. I want the Coy and Vance lunch box. But haven't found any in my price range yet.
  14. This is just beautiful !
  15. So I am a lifelong "Dukes" fan. It was my favorite show as a kid. When the Nashville Network put it back on the air when I was in college I taped every episode. So to quote/steal these questions from another thread: Tell us a little more about your love of the Dukes..... Favorite Character- Luke and Enos Favorite Episode(s)- High Octane, Daisy's Song, Ghost of the General Lee, Repo Men, Mason Dixon's Girls, The New Dukes Favorite Vehicle(s)- The General !!, Daisy's Road Runner, I always had a weird liking for Cooter's brown Chevy Towtruck in the early episodes as well Favorite Season- 1 (by far I love the Georgia Episodes both for how they were written and the color/atmosphere of actual GA., I like Season 5 a lot as well, YES I ACTUALLY REALLY ENJOY COY AND VANCE, plus it has Cleetus and Enos Do you watch them a lot?-I go in spurts Ever met any of the stars?- I've met Cooter, Cleetus, Rosco, and Ace (Jerry Rushing). I've seen up close Bo and Daisy but did not endure the lines to meet them Do you have any Dukes toys - Just the holdovers from my childhood- The board game, the card game, Boss's Caddy (matchbox), my General Lee Wrist Racer, the Knickerbocker rev up car from the Barn Buster/Stunt set, the sheets and pillowcase (that my 8 year old boy currently uses DVDs?-I have seasons 1-5 and the Reunion and Hollywood Movie Other random tidbits- I went to Duke Fest in Bristol...can't remember the year, whatever year it was that they didn't do the run of the Generals around the track because it was too hot !
  16. Colleen Camp from "Trouble at Cooter's" I couldn't really find any decent pics of her in the episode so here are these :
  17. Hello everyone. I was wondering if anybody had photos or a sketched map of the town of hazzard as used in the Dukes of Hazzard tv show. I am trying to one day build a dioramma of the town, but it's hard to try to piece together what buildings look like let alone where they are, from just watching the show, and it doesn't help they drive in circles. Anyway if anyone has the information I'd appreciate it.
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