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Flint Duke

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Everything posted by Flint Duke

  1. Back when the Feed and Seed was next door...forgot about that
  2. I prefer Cooter with the scruff and long hair
  3. I wonder if the gas pumps worked at the boars nest when they were filming this in GA ...not here
  4. ok first comment that I've missed making on all the comments to your reviews is I like the begining of how they start out with the little guitar playin part
  5. He pics the episode and skips up the preview and start song and paused at the title screen shot
  6. yep paused with title screen and white fence on the side
  7. should I start it ?
  8. ok II'm there and paused
  9. Are we starting the DVD from the episode choice screen and hitting play at the same time ...? Probably the easiest place to start...hopefully all the DVD versions are the same.
  10. Figuring out how to do that is way beyond me. Maybe I can copy it and send it to my cousin and have him print it and glue it on. That's about as High tech as I get. Cooter's was literally done with a ruler, pencil, crayons, a marker, and a razor knife. i love looking at your stuff, Hoss, I'm just not tech enough to make it work for me.
  11. Colt and I are planning to watch along
  12. Dang, 9 o'clock is past the boys bedtime. I'll probably do it with you and Colt and I will tune in tomorrow afternoon for Deputy Dukes at 3
  13. It's a fairly good episode. I would have enjoyed it more if Daisy wasn't such a sucker for doofy guys.
  14. Couldn't have summed up my thoughts better. -Not a fan of Amy either. Good actress but.... Her mechanic was cute but her voice reminds me of Rudolph when he is wearing the fake nose. -Cooter is still CRAZY sends the motorcycle out the door of the Boars Nest
  15. -The truck (Swamp Molly's) is in the background in one of the episodes when they are in that one abandoned town, I can't think of the episode of the top of my head. -I REALLY REALLY wish they would have brought back Swamp Molly and Cousin Alice at least once a season like they did with Huey Hogg. Cousin Alice was a great character played magnificently by Mary Jo Catlett. It would have been great to have her around to "wanna rastle" Bo, or use her brute strength to foil bad guys. The writers/etc really missed out not using them again. -now off to the fridge for some Butter Brickle Crunch....or maybe some Double Peanut Doo with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
  16. Nothing to add. Best episode of the series in my opinion as well !
  17. Great Episode. great review. Love Lulu she is a scene stealer ! I like the Enos moments in this episode as well...when he shows up at the farm to talk to Jesse on his lunch break, as well as when they stop the boys at the roadblock to take back the "Rolls"- Enos- "Now boys I'm on your side, but you gotta come up with a better excuse than that. Now what happened to those papers, boys ?" Luke-"We told you a dog ate them." Bo- "It were a big ol Doberan dog!" I love Bo driving the old Chevy wrecker ripping apart the 2 counterfitters cars.
  18. Ok while waiting for return message from admin...I figured out how to make a Flickr account and waded my way through figuring out how to upload and link them...I think
  19. So I've almost finished my err...I mean Colt's play set for Cooter's Garage. I've got to put some lettering above the main garage door and build one more dormer and then put the on....but we couldn't wait so let the play being and I'll finish later. Coot's Garage Features: The main designs of the ones on the show. -Working Folding Front Garage Door -Opening Rear Door -Loft Area -Working door to the "Office" -working side garage door (I took liberties with this one and ignored the weird little tie in piece that would tie in to Rheubottom's Store) Mainly because this is much more fun to be able to use another garage door for play purposes for my 8 year old. -Dixie (I need to get a Gold Eagle on the front and write "Dixie" on the side still) but it was literally a $1 jeep from the Dollar Tree....just some paint - and a surprise glimpse of.....The Mean Green Machine...should be finished later this afternoon. Ok THOROUGHLY pissed off now....I've spent over an hour trying to resize photos...they are all less than 10 kb and it still will not let me load them.....
  20. Wow ! Welcome. I'd love to see your General build. Wish I still had my Charger.
  21. Welcome...to Hazzard County ! Homer Ny isn't too far North of where I am.
  22. 8pm central is 7pm Eastern time ?
  23. In my initial reading I found myself surprised by your last statement that Daisy's song was your least favorite Georgia episode because I really like this episode and most people would choose Mary Kaye's Baby as their least favorite (I love Mary Kaye's Baby....the moonshine flying out the windows, the boy's running around with the bows and arrows, the small general store) anyway the more I thought about it Daisy's song is probably my least favorite of the GA episodes myself. HOWEVER that being said there were a lot of other good things I liked about this episode that you didn't mention: 1-The HOOD SLIDE 2-You see Boss's Caddy with the top up ! 3-We get a glimpse of Cooter not being totally crazy- "So why don't you all tail the FBI? Then you will find Daisy." Personally I like the chase through the junkyard. And I love the scene where Bo lights the dynamite stick and hands it to Rosco.
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