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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2007 in all areas

  1. ~Brian And some other misguided loyalists... that may not have been around to stand at your side will be there. *Tips my hat to ya.* ~Chet
    -1 points
  2. Brian--- Of course I can write a story! Have written many since coming to Hazzard and one will be ready by February 6th. Umm...Brian, thats Daisy Duke, her Jeep Dixie. As for the boys, Bo is the blond and Luke is the dark haired one... Hope that helps jump start your story! Min
    -1 points
  3. Unfortunatly, because of some Real Life issues right now, like my new job, all my energy is being put into that at the moment, so I'm fairly sure I won't be able to crank out a decent story in time. What about shared stories, can two author's coauthor? Maybe I could assist Val in hers. Otherwise, I'll have to settle with breaking out the pom-poms and cheering those who can write. Pendragon
    -1 points
  4. Ah, that long-ago battle... Well, I suppose even long-ago enemies can be friends. I was against ya back then, but I'll see what I can come up with for you now, Brian. ~Lukas
    -1 points
  5. ~giggle~ My husband is a PhD in Chemistry. Perhaps i should ask him for some more to add to the list.
    -1 points
  6. *chuckle* Cute, Val. I was never great at Chemistry, but at least I recognize the references... feel free to post more! ~Lukas
    -1 points
  7. I know several people have stories ready and waiting in the wings...hope it's enough. These stakes seem to get higher every day! Good luck!
    -1 points
  8. Yeah, no kiddin'....how'd ya know? GAH! I'm never gonna get this thing done in time. I did the math. I can type about sixty words a minute. Which means if I have my brain engaged, I can crank out so many pages an hour. Which means technically, if I don't sleep for these next 24 hours I've got plenty of time to finish. *insert panic here* GAAAAAAH!! Brian
    -1 points
  9. Howdy all, Seeing the growing number of 'Enos Strate fans' out there, I was wondering if ya'll want to have a chat this Sunday the 11th. I disscussed the idea with another DOH/Enos fan on the board and it sounds like a good idea. However, due to the fact that we all have different time zones and I noticed there are many international Enos fans out there, chat time this Sunday will be 1:30pm EST. I know that's early for most people who live in EST to be online, but I set it on a Sunday so that way it's the weekend and there is an actual possibility you can work around it and attend. It's also earilier for anyone else in the US who lives more westward but that's why it's on Sunday. I've heard form one international user that they are 6 hours ahead, of EST! Which puts them at 7:30! Wow! Maybe at least they can attend for a little while. We'll see what happens. Other DOH fans are welcome to attend as well, of course more the merrier. However for those that are fan's of hearing 'Possumonagumbush' you don't want to miss this. So break out the buttermilk and get yourself a corn dog on Sunday because we'll be talking about our 'hopeful rommantic' deputy, Enos Strate in the forum chatroom.
    -1 points
  10. Ok y'all, I've updated DOHFF with the stories from our Bail Bond Challenge. Khee! Happy reading!! http://www.dukesofhazzardfanfic.com
    -1 points
  11. I love it! I love it! They're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz...
    -1 points
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