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Dusty's Trail scene. Dusty is sleeping. Mr. Callahan/Cal wakes him up. Dusty:"Oh. It's you Mr. Callahan." Mr. Callahan/Cal:"What who did you expect, Daniel Boone!? Now come on, it's your turn to stand watch. Over there by that big rock." They walk to the big rock. Dusty falls back asleep.

Mr. Callahan/Cal:"Dusty wake me at dawn, so we can get an early start." Dusty falls asleep again. Mr. Callahan/Cal:"Dusty! What are your orders?" Dusty:"Wake you at early start, so you can get an early dawn." Mr. Callahan/Cal:"Close enough."


(Season 3 The Secret of Gilligan's Island)

Mr. Howell:"No-No Call Chiefy-Whiefy Chiefy-Whiefy-Wifey Get Mad, What Do Ginger-Winger Want ?" Ginger:"Ginger Winger Want Chiefy-Whiefy to Let Friends Out of Jail." Mr. Howell:"No I Never Do Thing Like that!" Ginger:"Maybe Chiefy-Whiefy Help Change Mind." Mr. Howell:"Nothing Would Change Mind." Ginger Delivers Kiss to Chiefy-Wiefy Ginger:"Well ?" Mr. Howell:"That Not Nothing, That's Something Change Mind !"


(Season 3 Splashdown)

Sol:"I See 3 Letters Burning S-O-L SOL ." The Skipper, The Professor & Mr. Howell:" SOL ???" Tobias & Ryan:"Well How about that ?"

Skipper/Professor/Mr. Howell:"It's Not SOL That's S.O.S S.O.S ! S.O.S ! S.O.S !"


(Season 3 And Then There Were None)

Gilligan:"How I do hate being out here in the jungle all alone. I said HOW I DO HATE BEING OUT HERE ALL ALONE! One rich lady...with pearls. To go. Make me an offer! Do I hear one headhunter!? Do I hear two!?"


(Season 1 Birds Gotta Fly, Fish Gotta Talk)

Mr. Howell:"This is the first time I ever celebrated Christmas with a bamboo tree!" Mrs. Howell:"And seashells for ornaments!" Professor:"Well, it's the best we could do here on the island."


(Season 3 Up at Bat)

Skipper:(Finds note pinned to Gilligan's hammock.) "Oh Gilligan., why'd ya have to do a dumb thing like that?" (He continues reading in Gilligan's voice) "P.S. This is the only dumb thing I could think of doing." Skipper:"Professor!? Professor!?"


(Season 2 Gilligan's Mother-in-law)

Skipper:"Well Gilligan, how do I look?" Gilligan:"You look like a bowl of soggy Shredded Wheat." Skipper:"Oh ha ha. Well as long as we’re passing out the compliments, I’ve seen whisk brooms that look better than you."


Dusty's Trail scene. Mr. Callahan:"I guess it's all up to you now Andy. I can't do anything more like this." Andy:"You've done all you can Mr. Callahan. How'd the accident happen?" Callahan looks at Dusty. Dusty:"It was all my dumb fault." Mr. Callahan:"Well, we got this one caught in the breach of that shotgun there." Dusty:"But that wasn't the real dumb thing. The real dumb thing was, he had his other hand on the counter like this."(takes Andy's left hand puts it on counter.)"And I took the counter top like this-"(slams it on Andy's hand.) Andy:"Eyoooow!!!!"

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