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For y'all who may be wondering... No I do not have any tracking number for my new Deep Dark Navy/Midnight Blue Fun World brand Gilligan's Island Skipper's Hat. It was supposed to be sent out yesterday Sat 2/12/22. All I have to go by is what the dear old Broadhurst family friend my 2nd mom Theresa Clark says.


(Season 2 Not Guilty)

Skipper:"Survivors of the Minnow... Sought in the Blake murder case. They have shed no light on the crime-"(Paper catches on fire from the candle)Skipper:"You didn't find it in Mr. Howell's pocket, you found it in my pocket! Shhhh!" Gilligan:"Me shhhh!? You're the one doing all the shouting!"


(Season 1 Birds Gotta Fly, Fish Gotta Talk) Gilligan:"Hello, little fish!" Professor:"Louder!" Gilligan:"HELLO THERE LITTLE FISH!" Which in the original unaired pilot Marooned went like this. Gilligan:"Hello, little fish!" Professor:"Louder!" Gilligan:"Hello there, louder!"


(Season 2 Castaway Pictures Presents)

Skipper:"Gilligan that's not fat just big bones !!" Gilligan:"Ya with big meat on it !!"

Gilligan:"I bet I could fit that suit!" Skipper:"I don't think we have any choice!" Professor:"Alright Skipper. Take it off, and we'll put it onto Gilligan."


(Season 3 Gilligan the Goddess)

 King Kiliwani:"Bahula humba bahula humba!" Guard:"Bahula humba what!?" King Kiliwani:"Goddess vanish before very eyes! Nothing left but hair and dress!" Guard:"I told you "God's angry. No make pass at goddess!" King Kiliwani:"Bad magic here! Leave this island! We go now!"


(Season 2 Castaway Pictures Presents)

Professor:"We did experience some technical difficulties."
Gilligan:"He means me."

Mr. Howell:"What's that horrible thing?"
Gilligan:"Ginger's mouth!"

Mr. Howell:"I asked for a love scene, not an anatomy lesson!"


(Season 3 Pass the Vegetables, Please)

Mr. Howell:"Lovey! What has happened to you!? Slow down! I'm exhausted just watching you! At least take a coffee break." Mrs. Howell:"Good idea!"(has some more sugar beets to eat, rushes out the door, gets up up on the table dances on it, jumps down and runs away)Mr. Howell:"I may enter that woman in the Olympics!"

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