Spike Posted April 7, 2020 Posted April 7, 2020 Roger reading these reviews really makes me want to watch them again especially now that I have glasses and notice things in the background that I didn't before. But I'm gonna have to lay the blame on you when my wife yells at me for binge watching the series again . Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 8, 2020 Author Posted April 8, 2020 14 hours ago, Spike said: I'm gonna have to lay the blame on you when my wife yells at me for binge watching the series again . ROFL....If it helps, have her sign up for the HazzardNet. That way every time you're watching an episode she can log in and yell at me. That way we're all happy. You're happy because you're watching Dukes. I'm happy because I helped you watch Dukes. She's happy because she gets to blow off steam to the guy that started all the trouble. Hobie Hartkins, Skipper Duke and Spike 3 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 8, 2020 Author Posted April 8, 2020 Money to Burn -- Every year Boss sends a million dollars in beat up dollar bills to have them replaced with new bills. He hates the idea of destroying money so he schemes up a plan to have his cake and eat it too. The plan really excites him when he realizes he can frame the Duke boys and get them thrown in jail while he's making a million dollars. -- There is a great chase scene to start things off. The General is going over some pretty big rocks in a creek before Enos gives up the pursuit. -- This is Cletus's first appearance in the series. He is the driver for Boss's Hazzard County Armored Car Company. -- From a distance the Duke boys hear an explosion when Cletus is attempting to blow up phone books disguised as a million dollars. Luke says "Are there any volcanos in Hazzard County?" Bo responds, "Well, not since Mr Puckett blew his stack when I brought his daughter home two days late after the hayride." -- This was pretty funny: Daisy tricked Rosco and Enos into chasing her in the General by wearing Bo's helmet. When they caught her Rosco said "I thought you were that no account Bo Duke". Daisy responded "Well, if you can't tell the difference between me and Bo, either you're losing your eyesight or I'm losing my figure." Enos chimed in, "You ain't losing nothing. Now, I got 20, 20, 20,20 vision." -- I loved it when Jesse was on the CB and told the boys "It looks like you might pull this off, God willing." Bo responded "With you and Him on our side, how can we lose?" -- What a great episode. It has a lot of twists in it and a fantastic ending that will sure surprise anybody who has never seen it before. The writers outdid themselves with this one. Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 9, 2020 Posted April 9, 2020 Every year Boss sends a million dollars in beat up dollar bills to have them replaced with new bills. He hates the idea of destroying money so he schemes up a plan to have his cake and eat it too. The plan really excites him when he realizes he can frame the Duke boys and get them thrown in jail while he's making a million dollars. Waylon comments about replacing the worn bills Boss has with new ones and it's hard to believe any of his money gets worn out because it doesn't do too much circulating! Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 10, 2020 Author Posted April 10, 2020 Route 7-11 Jesse's old buddy Dewey Stovall losses money to a shady illegal mobile casino owner so Luke dreams up a scam to get it back. The boys take a job driving the 18-wheeler that the casino is located inside. The games are rigged but Luke rigs the rigging. That gives Jesse a chance to win Dewey's money back. -- We start right off with a roof cam on the General. I always back those up and watch again. -- The General was struggling at 150 mph so Cooter had to work on it. Can anybody remember if they ever said what its top speed was? -- One of the henchmen called the Duke boys hickabillies....nice combo. -- When Luke was being tested and backed up the big rig so fast that he squeeled tires Bo said "That looks like fun. Can I try it?" I always loved the Dukes confidence. It helped to make me a more confident person back then. --"In case you're wondering what's going on, well, so am I" --Waylon ..lol -- Jesse did a great job at playing dumb in the casino. Jesse "Im no good at dealing" Dealer "Just cut, my man" --When Boss's driver hit Rosco's car Boss said "How dare you leave your car where I'm going" -- I loved it when Jesse faded back to pass the purse full of cash. He positioned himself like a quarterback. --Dewey didn't learn his lesson. He headed right toward the next gambling hot spot at the end. Despite that disappointing scene it was a great episode. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 11, 2020 Posted April 11, 2020 The General was struggling at 150 mph so Cooter had to work on it. Can anybody remember if they ever said what its top speed was? I'm not sure if it ever said...but I wouldn't imagine much faster than that!...well, I did some research and on avg., it will do from 145-160 MPH, depending on engine. 375 HP., 3,671 lbs., 0-60 in 5.7 sec. RogerDuke 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 11, 2020 Posted April 11, 2020 - When Luke was being tested and backed up the big rig so fast that he squeeled tires Bo said "That looks like fun. Can I try it?" I always loved the Dukes confidence. It helped to make me a more confident person back then. You can tell he didn't really drive backward...they just reversed the film...lol! RogerDuke 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 12, 2020 Author Posted April 12, 2020 Double Sting -- Two guys come into town in an RV and rob the bank with Laurel and Hardy masks on. Before that their partner faked the plague and got the 3 Duke men, the law and Boss quarantined by Doc Petticord. Daisy hopped on top of the RV and before you know it was being held hostage. -- We started out with the General Lee's headlights on running down the highway. Yes, I said headlights! -- When Jesse bailed the boys out after a bar fight he said "I want to thank you boys for making my sunset years so stimulating." -- Hoss recently posted a picture of Doc Petticord walking away with a posted Quarantined sign. It might be in the coronavirus thread....which leads to another Jesse quote "One thing about a crisis, you sure learn what ain't important." -- We get to meet Sheriff Emmitt Hammerhand Ragsdale of Choctaw County. -- And we get to see the most famous jump in Hazzard history. Ragsdale does it right after the Dukes and then Rosco runs him him off the road causing him to flip over. Ragsdale gets out and says to Rosco "Your driving is substandard." Rosco responds "I didn't turn over." -- I couldn't believe how easy it was for the bad guy (plague faker) to steal the General. How could Bo and Luke be so dumb to just not pay attention? He then drove it to the bank robber's hide-out where Daisy was kidnapped. Hey....Cooter was hidden in the General's trunk! They wanted the bad guy to steal it...clever. --- great job by Arte Johnson and Avery Schreiber of playing the bank robbers. And what a fantastic episode to end season one. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 12, 2020 Posted April 12, 2020 We get to meet Sheriff Emmitt Hammerhand Ragsdale of Choctaw County. I always thought this was funny when Rosco called him " Hammerhead" and went " Uh....Hammerhand" and then Ragsdale, " you will use proper police procedure …." LOL! Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 13, 2020 Author Posted April 13, 2020 (edited) Days of Shine and Roses....season 2 -- I think I'll start putting the season on here after the episode name. That way if somebody watches an ep in the future and wants to quote me and add comments on this thread it will be easier to find the ep. -- Tempers start to fly between Jesse and Boss at the 32nd annual Ridge Runner's Reunion. After Bo made a comment the next thing you know Boss and Jesse are challenging themselves to a ridge running race and Luke said to Bo "Cousin, you just started World War III." During the race Jesse finds out that Boss's henchmen switched the water in Jesse's trunk for moonshine. To make matters worse, he's heading out of Hazzard County and into a Choctaw County roadblock. -- I absolutely loved the old black and white film of Jesse and Boss. I don't know how they made it but it is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Even Bo and Luke wore ties to the reunion. It shows you how much they respected their elders. -- Jesse's Black Tillie vs Boss's Grey Ghost...for car fans back then, seeing a Mustang vs Camaro race was epic....especially for a Mustang owner like me to see Jesse's Mustang win. -- It looks like we have another out of town sheriff named Emmitt. This time it's Choctaw County Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis. (I live in Erie County Pennsylvania and our sheriff is Sheriff Loomis! Thankfully he's never pulled off any of my car parts) -- When Jesse was practicing and tearing through the Duke's field Waylon said something I can relate to. "Ain't it funny how the most mature man can be turned into a little boy if you give him the right toy." lol That reminded me of a saying I read a few years ago "You're only young once but you can be immature forever." -- I loved the old truck that the bad guys drove when they switched the water into shine. I had a 1963 Ford that looked just like it except it had a wood bed and a lift kit. -- This episode is a blast. What a great way to start what many Dukes fans would call the greatest season of all. The show had hit it's stride in season 2 and at this point was destined to become the greatest TV show in history. Edited April 13, 2020 by RogerDuke Hobie Hartkins and deli rentacop frontage rd 2 Quote
deli rentacop frontage rd Posted April 16, 2020 Posted April 16, 2020 On 4/13/2020 at 3:46 PM, RogerDuke said: Days of Shine and Roses....season 2 -- I think I'll start putting the season on here after the episode name. That way if somebody watches an ep in the future and wants to quote me and add comments on this thread it will be easier to find the ep. -- Tempers start to fly between Jesse and Boss at the 32nd annual Ridge Runner's Reunion. After Bo made a comment the next thing you know Boss and Jesse are challenging themselves to a ridge running race and Luke said to Bo "Cousin, you just started World War III." During the race Jesse finds out that Boss's henchmen switched the water in Jesse's trunk for moonshine. To make matters worse, he's heading out of Hazzard County and into a Choctaw County roadblock. -- I absolutely loved the old black and white film of Jesse and Boss. I don't know how they made it but it is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Even Bo and Luke wore ties to the reunion. It shows you how much they respected their elders. -- Jesse's Black Tillie vs Boss's Grey Ghost...for car fans back then, seeing a Mustang vs Camaro race was epic....especially for a Mustang owner like me to see Jesse's Mustang win. -- It looks like we have another out of town sheriff named Emmitt. This time it's Choctaw County Sheriff Emmitt "Spike" Loomis. (I live in Erie County Pennsylvania and our sheriff is Sheriff Loomis! Thankfully he's never pulled off any of my car parts) -- When Jesse was practicing and tearing through the Duke's field Waylon said something I can relate to. "Ain't it funny how the most mature man can be turned into a little boy if you give him the right toy." lol That reminded me of a saying I read a few years ago "You're only young once but you can be immature forever." -- I loved the old truck that the bad guys drove when they switched the water into shine. I had a 1963 Ford that looked just like it except it had a wood bed and a lift kit. -- This episode is a blast. What a great way to start what many Dukes fans would call the greatest season of all. The show had hit it's stride in season 2 and at this point was destined to become the greatest TV show in history. This was a Great review! One of my favorite episodes for sure!!!! TU Roger! RogerDuke 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 17, 2020 Author Posted April 17, 2020 17 hours ago, deli rentacop frontage rd said: This was a Great review! One of my favorite episodes for sure!!!! TU Roger! Thanks. Feel free to post as many comments you want about any of the ones I have reviewed. In fact, anybody can start their own review thread if they want. If it weren't for the episodes none of us would be here.....says Captain Obvious. Hobie Hartkins and Skipper Duke 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 18, 2020 Author Posted April 18, 2020 Gold Fever....season 2 -- Three tough Texas boys roll into Hazzard and rig their car so the axle busts. Boss is too blinded by greed to not smell a scam when they put 3 million dollars in gold bars in his bank. Boss signs a contract guaranteeing the safety of the bars but the Texas boys fake a robbery so now Boss is on the hook for 3 million. It's all a scam that Boss fell for. The bars are lead disguised as gold and the the bad guys accept $100,000 instead. The Duke boys expose the scam and everybody except the bad guys end up happy. -- The episode starts out with Jesse in the back of the General with a bad toothache. Unfortunately mobile dentist Homer Willis only has time to give him pain medicine. Waylon says "I could have said getting Jesse to see a dentist is like pulling teeth but I got my pride." -- Boss can never remember H H Harkness's name. I had no trouble since that is the last name of one of my best friends. -- Texas stuff was pretty popular in American back then. A lot of country songs had Texas themes. And then there was the TV show Dallas (after Dukes) and Gilley's, Urban Cowboy, etc. -- Rosco and Enos were in their cars side by side coming straight at the Dukes in a game of chicken. Passenger Luke said " I can't watch". Driver Bo closed his eyes and said "Me neither" -- Waylon "You know, only in Hazzard could a fella have to prove his innocence for a crime that ain't even been committed yet" -- Homer Wills came to the rescue at the end. After that he decided that being a dentist wasn't exciting enough and left town to try to find a place that drag raced RVs. Before he left he fixed Jesse's tooth and did other dental work. Boss paid the bill. -- We start to see the beginning of a trend in the series where the Dukes and Boss team up at the end more often. Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 18, 2020 Posted April 18, 2020 (edited) I could have said getting Jesse to see a dentist is like pulling teeth but I got my pride." This is another great " Waylonism"!! -- Boss can never remember H H Harkness's name. I had no trouble since that is the last name of one of my best friends. Wow! You kidding?? That's wild! Hey, remember he kept forgetting the name and one time , said " HH Hoggness." ( He had several episodes where he interjected, the word " Hogg", e.g., " Hoglooms", " Hogaminiums," etc. )……..also Hogganomics ( from Reagan and Reaganomics! LOL! ) Edited April 19, 2020 by Hobie Harkins RogerDuke 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 19, 2020 Posted April 19, 2020 We start to see the beginning of a trend in the series where the Dukes and Boss team up at the end more often. I always wondered about this. They always seemed to be friends toward the end, but let me tell you, anybody that tries to cheat me or frame me or put me in jail for most of my life is NOT going to be my friend or treated well when I'm around! Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 20, 2020 Author Posted April 20, 2020 5 hours ago, Hobie Harkins said: I always wondered about this. They always seemed to be friends toward the end, but let me tell you, anybody that tries to cheat me or frame me or put me in jail for most of my life is NOT going to be my friend or treated well when I'm around! Me neither but if I lived in Hazzard County I'd probably be more forgiving because I'd be about a million times happier than I am now.....and I'm pretty happy now. Skipper Duke and Hobie Hartkins 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 20, 2020 Author Posted April 20, 2020 The Rustlers.....season 2 -- Burl and Sherry Tolliver are struggling to keep the farm but if their super fast horse Manassas can win the "Mrs JD Hogg Stakes" they can save it. With the help of Cletus, Rosco steals the horse. Then two rustlers steal it from Boss and Boss thinks the Dukes took it. Boss then teams up with the Dukes and then Bo, Luke and Cooter steal it from the rustlers. With Bo and Cooter distrating the rustlers Luke rides the horse back just in time to make the registration deadline and later Manassas wins the big race. -- The big story in this episode is that in real life Sheriff Rosco falls in love with Sherry Tolliver (Dorothy Collier) and they marry. -- The episode starts out with the 3 Duke men singing Amazing Grace heading down the road in the General. -- Burl Tolliver is played by country music legend Mel Tillis who really did stutter all the time....unless he was singing. -- After driving the General beside Manassas to see how fast he was going Enos said "I knew General Lee was going to win Sheriff" lol -- Poor Lulu. After the Rolls Royce thing didn't work out Boss bought her a mink coat that ended being possum fur and when she went out in the rain it smelled up the whole county. -- I bet they named a character Widow Baxley because of Director Paul Baxley. -- I sure would have loved to hop into the scene where the 4 Dukes and Cooter were eating watermellon on the porch. -- Fantastic episode and Waylon ended it well "Someone once said that nice guys finish last. Well, not always. Not in Hazzard County." Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 21, 2020 Posted April 21, 2020 Poor Lulu. After the Rolls Royce thing didn't work out Boss bought her a mink coat that ended being possum fur and when she went out in the rain it smelled up the whole county. I honestly don't think the possum mink coat ever happened, at least not in " real" time. ( notice the quotes)….." real" time as far as Hazzard happenings. RogerDuke 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 21, 2020 Author Posted April 21, 2020 1 hour ago, Hobie Harkins said: I honestly don't think the possum mink coat ever happened, at least not in " real" time. ( notice the quotes)….." real" time as far as Hazzard happenings. I'm sure it wasn't in an episode. I'd remember that. My first job was in a fur post. I got paid 10 cents for every muskrat I skinned. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 21, 2020 Author Posted April 21, 2020 The Meeting ....season 2 -- We start out with Rosco in the pond after chasing the Duke boys when he caught them by using his new radar gun. Old friend and current mobster Black Jack Bender tells Boss "I'm as legit as you" then offers him money to have a meeting in the jailhouse with mob leaders (umm...toy manufacturers) from around the country. After getting caught spying on them Bo and Luke get the kiss of death and this episode gets more intense than any previous one. The Dukes don't seem to mind. They have fun outsmarting the mob and staying ahead of them on every turn.....sometimes literally and in the end Cletus helps them put a net over the bad boys and haul them off to the FBI in Atlanta. Those Dukes aren't afraid of anybody! --Cletus is now Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff. Enos is not in this one. -- When the Dukes and Cooter found an arsenal of automatic weapons Cooter said "I don't know about y'all but I don't think those city boys come to Hazzard to hunt possums." -- Bender was on the phone at the Boar's Nest talking in code to a fellow mobster, calling him mother and being mean. Daisy wondered how he could be "so nice to me and so rude to his mother" -- When the Dukes made a plan to fight the mob Waylon said "Ain't that nice...you just don't see many families having fun together nowadays" -- As Hoss pointed out earlier, Rocky Marlow from Deputy Dukes is in this one. He's the toughest of the mob bosses. They are all meeting to figure out how to stop their sons from taking over the businesses. -- Bo jumped the creek with mobsters pumping bullets into the windshield...nice! -- Early in the ep he jumped over the mobsters in a broke down car without even knowing they were there until after the jump.....only in Hazzard. -- I remember when this episode was first on. I was pretty surprised that the writers added this level of intensity....The leaders of all the mobs in America....wow! Quote
HossC Posted April 21, 2020 Posted April 21, 2020 9 hours ago, RogerDuke said: -- I remember when this episode was first on. I was pretty surprised that the writers added this level of intensity....The leaders of all the mobs in America....wow! The mobsters come across to me as being quite cartoonish. Also, don't forget the "hairy pigs" that Bo spots at the beginning - it's not all dark. RogerDuke and Hobie Hartkins 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 21, 2020 Author Posted April 21, 2020 6 hours ago, HossC said: The mobsters come across to me as being quite cartoonish. Also, don't forget the "hairy pigs" that Bo spots at the beginning - it's not all dark. Bo calling the sheep hairy pigs was pretty funny. Thanks for adding that Hoss. I didn't look at the mobsters as cartoonist at all until the car chase scene at the end and how little of a fight they put up when Cletus dropped the net on them. Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 22, 2020 Posted April 22, 2020 22 hours ago, RogerDuke said: I'm sure it wasn't in an episode. I'd remember that. My first job was in a fur post. I got paid 10 cents for every muskrat I skinned. Well, if it wasn't an episode and I'm sure it wasn't either, then that's dirty pool! They shouldn't have put it in the episode! RogerDuke 1 Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted April 22, 2020 Posted April 22, 2020 - As Hoss pointed out earlier, Rocky Marlow from Deputy Dukes is in this one. He's the toughest of the mob bosses. They are all meeting to figure out how to stop their sons from taking over the businesses. Wasn't he Leo Gordon? If that was him, then I've seen him playing a bad guy in an Andy Griffith episode! Quote
RogerDuke Posted April 22, 2020 Author Posted April 22, 2020 12 hours ago, Hobie Harkins said: Wasn't he Leo Gordon? If that was him, then I've seen him playing a bad guy in an Andy Griffith episode! Yep, that's him. I cant figure out how to get this black background off the quotes I've been doing lately. Quote
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