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So I'm back after like 2 years or something. Not exactly sure why I strayed away but I'm back now. I hope to be a little more active and just may get more of my fanfiction worked on again. They have been such slow works in progress.

Well I guess I've had a couple big things happen. Been working still. Cutting hair. Think I had just started when I went away. I'm still with the same company. Had switched stores in the same franchise but come Saturday I will be joining a different franchise. My benefits will be better and as well as the environment. Pay is also better which is always a plus.

The best change: I've found myself my own good ol' boy. Like literally my own. When I met him he had a mid 2000s silver charger. Come this past February though he got himself an orange 2017 challenger with a black stripe down the middle of the hood. I technically have my own General Lee:D. I haven't driven him but man can he handle the road. Funny enough my guy drives just like a Duke boy. Well, without the jumping the car and everything:lol:. It's incredible how all that came around. Just my luck.

I'm sure very few, if anyone, would remember me. I hope everyone has been doing well. If anything cool has happened, I'd love to hear. Everyone have a happy September almost October.


I still hang out with Lori too all the time... and I bumped into another user who fell off the radar too but haven't heard from her recently. I'm not at liberty to discuss who, but she wasn't around for all that long. Let's just say she ran into a few problems that no one should have to go through. I never wrote with her, but she did a good job.

Hilarous thing was, K and I were using some of the same media, and I'd seen her posts in passing, but hadn't realized it was her.

Translation: Some how, there's several of us who ended all ended up in the same fandom that is something other than Dukes... and somehow, I think there's more of us than we're aware of... and all on the same social media website (and I don't mean facebook or twitter).

And no, I haven't heard from the pain in the a** that I used to write with as a teenager and I honestly don't care to at this point. Too much drama.

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