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Forums Consolidation & Clean Up

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I'm going to be changing things up in the forums here and I want your input on a few things:

1) Are there any sub-forums you'd like to be removed? They will be archived, not deleted.

2) Are there any sub-forums you think we can merge? (I'm thinking Latest News and Dukes of Hazzard News to start...)

3) Which sub-forums do you use the most and would like to be moved near the top? Feel free to post a list of the way you think the sub-forums should be listed top to bottom.

That's it to start. I'll be posting some more questions for input later.

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1) Are there any sub-forums you'd like to be removed? They will be archived, not deleted.

Latest News, I think things which are not related should be in a General discussion or a Dukes unrelated sub-forum

2) Are there any sub-forums you think we can merge? (I'm thinking Latest News and Dukes of Hazzard News to start...)

good question, I think there are some. but I can't really say which one. Thought I think HazzardNet will he easier to use if you have to click on a sub forum to see the sub forum instead of a big list with menus in menus. This isn't a good explanation...

what I mean is that for example, on the Forum home we have community. Now when I got to community I see everything like Fan of the month, NASCAR, etc. I think it would me more user friendly if we have a less big page at the home.

Like having to click on Community and then seeing Fan of the Month, NASCAR, etc. would be easier to use, at least for me.

3) Which sub-forums do you use the most and would like to be moved near the top? Feel free to post a list of the way you think the sub-forums should be listed top to bottom.

I'd say New Hazzard Citizen's Guide and thereafter the news.

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I'm going to be changing things up in the forums here and I want your input on a few things:

1) Are there any sub-forums you'd like to be removed? They will be archived, not deleted.

2) Are there any sub-forums you think we can merge? (I'm thinking Latest News and Dukes of Hazzard News to start...)

3) Which sub-forums do you use the most and would like to be moved near the top? Feel free to post a list of the way you think the sub-forums should be listed top to bottom.

That's it to start. I'll be posting some more questions for input later.

Well I doubt I will be of much help here but had to say something...LOL.

1. I am sure there are some, but can't really think of anything at the moment that seems like a must go.

2. Once again, I am sure there are, you pointed out a good one. But once again, my mind is too tired think. LOL.

3. Personally I use the NASCAR thread the most and do enjoy the way it is...but that is my opinion so don't go by just me. It is easy for me to find and to go to...but like I said, that is just me and don't feel like you have to go by it.

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I'll probably think of some more ideas, but here's a few suggestions to be going on with:

1) I agree that you could probably merge "Dukes of Hazzard News" and "Latest News".

2) "On TV This Week" could merge with the "TV" section of "Community" or become a sub-forum of it.

3) "Dukes of Hazzard Trivia" could probably become another heading under "Community" rather than having its own section.

4) "DukesOfHazzardFanFic.com" no longer seems to have its own identity or header, so could become another heading under "Fan Fiction".

5) "Moderator Meetin' Minutes" and "Chat Times" could be archived.

6) The "Dukes of Hazzard Movie" and "Dukes of Hazzard PC and Video Games" sections aren't so popular nowadays, so could maybe slip down the list whilst giving "The Show" section higher billing.

7) I've just noticed after all these years that "New Users Guide" needs an apostrophe. My preference would be "New Users' Guide", but "New User's Guide" would still be OK, and match the "New Hazzard Citizen's Guide" heading. Of course, you could change that to "New Hazzard Citizens' Guide"!

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Thanks for taking the time to get our input Meadowmufn and as always, thanks for creating the best website on the internet.

I can see the need to weed out some threads that aren't active. I think we should trust your judgment on those.

This isn't a weeding out issue but a different suggestion: Under the setting "The Show" there are two sections: "General Discussion" and "Dukes of Hazzard Episodes." Since (just my opinion) the "behind the scenes" is the best thread in the history of cyberspace I'd love to see it moved up to a higher level. (with the entire General Discussions section of course). In fact, I would like to see the trivia section added to the other two (after they're moved higher) since it is strictly devoted to "The Show" and has around a quarter million total views.

I think us regulars here (myself included) should post more stuff on the episodes section and if it's in a higher, more prominent and noticeable place I think that would happen. After all, what more important than the episodes?

Thanks again for our input. I'm sure your decisions won't be easy but I'll respect whatever you decide and hope others do the same.

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Roger's post reminded me of something. If there are any threads that aren't "stickied" to the top of a sub-forum and you think they should be, please list them here. I'd also like to develop a "best of HazzardNet" list of threads to point new folks to, so feel free to nominate. I have the feeling a lot of them will be Hoss' threads. ;)

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