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Thanks Ila, gonna see if I can make a screencap of it tomorrow.


Unfortunately This picture is not show from the sides, but lucky there is film material of this.


Slightly different then the others from the same shoot.


This is clearly a screencap of a tv channel. I think it reads FOX 10 but I can't read much more, would like to see the video.

Clearly taken near the coffin factory on Laramie Street. Has also been use as different hideout including in the Reunion 1 movie.


I know, posted before. But I found a bigger version. Seems like there are three people inside of there cause I see three colours of coats.

So I guess some onboard material was shot like this?



I know, posted before. But I found a bigger version. Seems like there are three people inside of there cause I see three colours of coats.

So I guess some onboard material was shot like this?

I believe there are only two people in the car. This is how they shot the footage from the driver's view. Clearly, the camera man is in the driver seat operating the camera. Paul Baxley is straddling the center of the car. He has a thick green jacket to lean up against the roll bar. Paul drives the car as the camera man films.




If you look closely the Hands of the camera are with a different coloured jacked then the head behind the steering wheel.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

At first I thought this was after Enos got back from LA, but when he is reintroduced he falls into a bucket of water wearing his police uniform.


I once read somewhere that a stuntman on the show (I believe it was Corey Eubanks) got hurt after jumping over a trailer. I think it's this jump as I don't remember any other trailer jumps.


I think this is at the jungle set on the WB backlot. Anyone knows what they could be laughing at?


At first I though the was wearing a bathing suit, the colours deceived it a bit. She seems to be wearing the clothes she wore in 'Find Loretta Lynn'.

I wonder what car is in the back. It doesn't look like General Lee.



Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

At first I thought this was after Enos got back from LA, but when he is reintroduced he falls into a bucket of water wearing his police uniform.

This is from "The ransom of Hazzard County", season 6; Boss "fires" Enos, "promoting" him to a civil job (responsible of archives or something like that) and hiring a new deputy (crooked deputy, of course) at Enos' place, and it's why you can see Enos wearing civil clothes along the most part of the episode. :wink:


Thanks Ila!

I should watch that scene, I don't remember Enos holding a notepad.


I never knew Flash had his own sort of 'profile picture'.


This must be from after his settlement.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I got no clue from which scene this could be but they look older here but the rollbar hasn't lost its crossbar yet so I think this is season 5 or 6.


Looks like Byron was heaving a bad hair day as they call it.



Swamp Molly herself.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I have the strongest feeling this is from the first appearance of the new Dukes as I remember a scene like this where they meet Cooter again after some years (storyline wise, not seen on the show).


I've got no clue who these girls could be. I think they are visitors.


This is from 'Christmas comes to Willow Creek and in the background you can see the Yellowbird which Tom drove in this movie.

I can't clearly read what John all wrote here but it looks like some sort of thanks. "Thanks for your ...!!!"



This is what happens after a General has been jumped. You can't see it here but these probably have the flag cut of the roof as they always did.


From the 1997 Reunion movie on Midwest street.


I'm pretty sure this is from the episode 'Coy meets girl'.


Sorry, I don't know from which ebay user this originally is.

Isn't this from the episode where Enos get his suitcase back from LA? I forgot the name of the episode.



Byron on coffee break. I wonder who the man he is talking to is.


I've never seen this poster nor Cathy wearing that top on the show. I wonder why it says "The Dukes of Hazzard and Boss Hogg", I'm missing a Duke!

It seems to be taken inside a soundstage as the background looks very fake.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

The only time I remember a photo shoot with Cathy on the roof and the Duke boys next to it is the Griffith Park shoot. And this is definitely not that one.

I've never seen this one but it looks like they tried recreating the Griffith Park shoot inside a soundstage, also the Dukes seem a bit older already so this could be from when they came back in season 5.


It looks like they are still prepping this General Lee.



Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I don't remember those tickets. Anyone got a clue on the episode?


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I'm pretty sure this is taken at Lake Sherwood.

I wonder whats the black thing in the car, it looks more like a second rollbar then a full rollcage.


I don't know from which shoot this was but I remember I posted another picture of it before. Cathy is wearing a sort of pink or purple.


Seems like they are about to crash into the building. Also I don't remember ever seeing that building, could this be from one of the failed jumps?



Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

From filming of 'High Octane'.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

Arresting the guy who tries to sabotage the show in 'Carnival of Thrills: part 2'. I guess this was taken at Saugus.


A group photo I never seen before. I think this picture was mirrored.


I got no idea who Bill Tilley is but credits go to him for scanning the picture.

I wonder what is under the tarp.

I got no idea who Bill Tilley is but credits go to him for scanning the picture.

He used to run a very good Dukes site on angelfire.com called 'Tilley's Dukes of Hazzard Website'. It had pictures of a lot of the vehicles from the show, including variations of the Generals used. It also had episode guides, guest stars and many other categories. Sadly, it disappeared a couple of years ago.


Isn't that the website where you saw Black Tilley on the homepage and you had to click on a Dukes character to navigate? I seem to remember something like that.


I've seen this picture loads of times but this is the first time I see one laying instead of standing which reveals Cooter standing there.


This must be the landing General Lee becuse you can see the 'dent' in the back of the car which you also see on the landing shot of the General Lee.


I think this is from the same shoot as that one where a Cathy and Tom lean against the car while John sits in it.


Thanks go to Bill Tilley for scanning this picture.

Must be a promo shoot from before the show as they wear jewelry.

Isn't that the website where you saw Black Tilley on the homepage and you had to click on a Dukes character to navigate? I seem to remember something like that.

I think the one with Black Tilley was 'Werner's Dukes of Hazzard Page', which has also gone. Bill Tilley's page had a orange background.


I think this is from the same shoot as that one where a Cathy and Tom lean against the car while John sits in it.

I posted a larger picture of this TV Guide cover on page 38.


Thanks go to Bill Tilley for scanning this picture.

Must be a promo shoot from before the show as they wear jewelry.

I played with levels to make this one a bit clearer.



Mmmh... I don't think I've seen Tilley's website then. :(


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

This must be from the episode 'Robot P. Coltrane'. Taken inside the bank.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I think it's a good thing they didn't use this car on the show.


The family patriarch of the Dukes, Jesse Duke.


Taken on Midwest street from the side of the county building.



At first I thought only the frame was moving but then I noticed the whole angle of where the picture is taken changes.

Isn't this from one of those viewers where you put a disk in it and you see it only when you aim the viewer at the light?


I wonder where K-Duke has gone, I really like his thread. Want so more pictures! :-?

I think this is from season 2 or 3.


I never saw her lay like that on the roof of General Lee.

Cathy wears the same clothing as where she sits in the window of General Lee with more of the dukes cast so it's highly probable that it is from the same shoot.


Cam Cornelius on set. How I wish they used these sets to place in a museum.



I wonder where K-Duke has gone, I really like his thread. Want so more pictures! :-?

I think this is from season 2 or 3.

I'm so sorry Roth. I've been meaning to get some new pictures up for a while now. School has just taken over (becoming a cosmetologist is a lot of work) and we moved a couple weeks ago and still getting stuff put away. I will get stuff up soon though because my spring break starts Friday.

Hope y'all can survive till then :D

PS ~ This will be one of the pictures I will be posting. I remember coming across it in my stack.


You shouldn't be sorry. It not like a job where you have to arrive on time etc.

Thanks for telling why no new pictures were uploaded. I guess I have to survive till then.


This must be from the same shoot as the picture on the Season 5 DVD set.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I don't remember seeing that store on the show.


I have a feeling this is as Saugus, but the high buildings make me believe this is somewhere between the soundstages.


Cam in front of the bank.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

I don't remember seeing that store on the show.

It's the Hazzard Square Emporium between the telephone company and the post office. I don't remember it lasting too long.



I've been following this wonderful thread for a long time - long (several years) before I finally got 'round to joining the forums. In fact, it was one of the reasons I finally did so!

Either way, just wanted to say excellent work Hoss, Roth, K-Duke (and any other regular contributors who I've forgot to mention). A *lot* of comments I have to make on these pages, I'll have to do each page one-by-one at some point (quite a few photos, for example, I can narrow down to season / episode / photo shoot), will have to work on that one :)

For now, while I think of it, the two moving images up higher on this page are from the View Master sets. There were two stories released, #1 was shots & story "Carnival of Thrills" (from s2, broadcast s3), and a year or two later was #2 "Pin the Tale on the Dukes" (from s4), the latter which I had as a child and still do.

Bearing that in mind, it likely is taken at Saugus.

You shouldn't be sorry. It not like a job where you have to arrive on time etc.

Thanks for telling why no new pictures were uploaded. I guess I have to survive till then.

I know it's not a job like that but I always feel bad about it. Just like with my fanfictions. I've neglected them and I'm trying so hard to put something up.

And lucky for you, I should be able to get some more pictures up in just a little bit. I promise that I will get it up before I go to bed tonight :D

(I'm also loving the View Master pictures. They were the coolest things to have and I bet it would have been even cooler to own some Duke slides for it.)

(I'm also loving the View Master pictures. They were the coolest things to have and I bet it would have been even cooler to own some Duke slides for it.)

When my parents brought me a View Master in 1982(ish), I was allowed to go and choose one reel of slides to use with it. Despite all of the huge selection hanging on the display, naturally I went straight for Dukes. Even with other suggestions from my Dad. "How about dinosours?" "No, Dukes!" "Batman?" "Dukes!!"


Thanks P.J. and K-Dukes.

I remember the viewmaster, though not with Duke pictures (Don't even think the Netherlands had them). My mother had one with her favorite show of which she even had a fan club and produced a monthly newsletter until they started making a magazine themselves.


This picture explains itself including the source.

This seems to be from the same event as the picture in post #9 of this thread.


Dukes in motion in front of Sheriff Department on Midwest street.


I thought The would be from 'Days of Shine and Roses', but I can't find a pig in that scene other then Hogg. I wonder what the little one was doing there.


It seems a bit too dark for it, but i'm almost 100% sure Cam is standing on Midwest street.

Thanks P.J. and K-Dukes.

I remember the viewmaster, though not with Duke pictures (Don't even think the Netherlands had them). My mother had one with her favorite show of which she even had a fan club and produced a monthly newsletter until they started making a magazine themselves.

I still have my three reels of "Pin the Tail on the Dukes", but can't think of a way to try and capture the images to share here. (BTW, the actual story titles weren't given anywhere, just "Set 1" (Carnival of Thrills) and "Set 2" (Pin the Tail)).


Dukes in motion in front of Sheriff Department on Midwest street.

I'm stating the obvious, but a behind the scenes shot, as John and Tom are wearing coats.

I'm stating the obvious, but a behind the scenes shot, as John and Tom are wearing coats.

Yes, I thought I posted a picture at one time which is the same or similar. John should be wearing a green coat. But after 1500 pictures its hard to find the right one all in one folder. I think i'm gonna categorize it a bit soon.


Cam on the set of the Dukes farm.

I never seen it without the fake grass ground before. Clearly taken at the soundstage Duke farm


Again John with the spoon, but why.


This must be from the show 'Enos' as he has his LA badge. I don't think this is on set, or at least not during filming as he has his own name on his shirt.


Original from ebay user greenjeepwrangler.

Abraham Lincoln Hogg with Flash on the hood of the black Cadillac.

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