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OK so I was buying some dvds at the dvd store, and guess what was the first thing I saw on the shelf as I walked in "the Dukes of Hazzard" the X rated film :o.....

at first I was like okay aybe the guy put it in the wrong section or he didn't know (the owner of the store isn't from my country) so I gave him the BOTD... so I asked hi is this the X rated film and he was like yes.


sorry I had to like say this.. i was like O_O all evening.


Of course, I had a responsibility to investigate and report this with more detail.

(...I love this job.....KHEEHAAA!)

Ahem. YES IT'S TRUE! Dukes of Hazzard parody PORN!!

View the link below at your own risk. Nothing really exposed here, other than bad language and taste.


You didn't click on that link, didja? You shouldn't have. What were you thinkin'?

It didn't phase me much...the porn parody isn't too far removed from the opening scenes of the 2005 Dukes of Hazzard movie with Johnny Knoxville. At least with porn, you know what to expect.

You didn't click on that link, didja? You shouldn't have. What were you thinkin'?

It didn't phase me much...the porn parody isn't too far removed from the opening scenes of the 2005 Dukes of Hazzard movie with Johnny Knoxville. At least with porn, you know what to expect.

The whole point of a link is to click it, right? What were YOU thinking posting it? LOL.

The whole point of a link is to click it, right? What were YOU thinking posting it? LOL.

Thinking is your job. I just fetch stuff to yammer on about.

B'sides, Dukes ain't the first popular show to be nailed with a porn parody. I once saw was a Batman and Catwoman flick where --

Well, ya gotta be careful surfin' the web. You can find all kinds of stuff.

If there's any justification for me posting the link of the Dukes porn parody, it's that I found one that was more or less safe for the masses. Thereby satisfying the curiosity stirred by the topic, which may prevent a more sensitive viewer from stumbling on to something worse in their own search.

The real question here is...who's General Lee is in that piece o' trash?


Sorry, I do not like porn.

The television series The Dukes of Hazzard in 1979-1985 is a family, action and comedy and also the movies The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) and (2007) and the stars John Schneider, Tom Wopat and also Catherine Bach.

Because we are fans The Dukes of Hazzard.

Thank you.

You didn't click on that link, didja? You shouldn't have. What were you thinkin'?

I had to Brian, and I have to say, I'm disappointed. Where's the funny wordplay title that used to go along with these parodies (e.g. Forrest Hump, Everybody Does Raymond, The Pourne Identity, Missionary Impossible, American Booty etc.). Surely they could've thought of another five-letter word beginning with 'D' and ending with 'S' to substitute in the title instead of just adding "a hardcore parody". On the positive side, the casting doesn't look any worse than the 2005 movie :).

BOTD? Babe Of The Day? LOL.

When are we starting this new thread Mufn?.


I've got to be honest...this thread greatly disgusts me and to see it linked to the Dukes is even more disturbing. And no, I did NOT click the link. This is a clean site about a clean show full of family values and this is what it does to it? Very disturbing to me. I saw the first DOH movie with Jessica Simpson in it and refused to see the second one...the first one was bad enough. (Only reason I did go see it was because I felt like I had to give it a chance...bad idea on my part!)

As for me...I will stick with Cathy, John, Tom, and Denver and that is the ONLY Dukes of Hazzard there is in my BOOK!


I clicked the link and it's simply a bad remake of the opening credits of the Dukes only it's for this cheeseturd --er, I mean "hardcore" version. Trust me y'all, there's nothing in the clip that's any worse than what we saw in the '05 movie.

That being said... that clip was awful! My condolences to whoever loaned them the General Lee for this thing tho'... I wonder if they really knew what they were contributing to.

I've got to be honest...this thread greatly disgusts me and to see it linked to the Dukes is even more disturbing. And no, I did NOT click the link. This is a clean site about a clean show full of family values and this is what it does to it? Very disturbing to me.

The topic is presented as an FYI, Garrett, not as any approval, support or promotion of the parody on HNet's part. I think HNet staff has made their opinion on it pretty clear in this thread. We remain true to the original. If this stuff is out there than being aware of it (and thus you can bypass it and ignore it) is better than having stumble on it by accident such as Emy did.

Poor Emy will be afraid to look in a bargain DVD bin the same way again! LOL

The topic is presented as an FYI, Garrett, not as any approval, support or promotion of the parody on HNet's part. I think HNet staff has made their opinion on it pretty clear in this thread. We remain true to the original. If this stuff is out there than being aware of it (and thus you can bypass it and ignore it) is better than having stumble on it by accident such as Emy did.

Poor Emy will be afraid to look in a bargain DVD bin the same way again! LOL


on a positive side I did find the Shirley Temple version of "A little Princess" ^_^


This is great. We haven't had a fight like this since the 2010 Chat Room Christmas party! I'm still in therapy from that.

Emy-Rae, maybe next time you should put stuff like that in the Hazzard Swamp forum. If it's too "adult" it will still get deleted by a moderator but at least there's a warning there before clicking on. We do have some new members here and we don't want them to get the wrong impression about this place. It's bad enough that I scare them away with my bad jokes.


Emy-Rae, maybe next time you should put stuff like that in the Hazzard Swamp forum. If it's too "adult" it will still get deleted by a moderator but at least there's a warning there before clicking on. We do have some new members here and we don't want them to get the wrong impression about this place. It's bad enough that I scare them away with my bad jokes.

Place blame where it's due. I found the link and posted it. Emy-Rae was just sharing her reaction and shock that she'd found this thing in a store. She is without guilt here.

I was making a joke out of it, and while what I posted is accurate to what Emy had discovered, the link I posted is not actual porn. It's definately a "commercial" for parody porn. This clip is in public view on YouTube without restriction. I reckon everybody here has seen or heard worse at some point in their lives.

HazzardNet spends the large majority of it's existence in a clean environment and that's the way we'll keep it. By no means am I endorsing porn. I was just having one of those adult-humor moments that I indulge in once in a blue moon. ( Personally I found Hoss's reply in this thread hilarious, and that's what I was going for.)

My apologies to anyone who was offended. If there's ever content on this site that you find offensive or inappropriate, you can report it directly to MeadowMufn in a PM.

Thank you,


My apologies to anyone who was offended. If there's ever content on this site that you find offensive or inappropriate, you can report it directly to MeadowMufn in a PM.

Thank you,

Oh great, now I'm going to get all these PMs... "Mufn, Brian said this. Brian posted that." LOL. Guess I'd better go make some extra room in my PM inbox.



Per Roger's suggestion, I have moved this thread to the swamp. Maybe it will sink into the muck and mire, never to be read again. LOL.

From the sounds of it this "movie" already is muck! :(

You know, I think I'd like to get my hands on the people behind this. Make them sit and watch a marathon of all seven seasons of the original - teach them what they're messing with.

Of course, I'm only small, so I might need some help in restraining, er... keeping these people in their chairs. So I think I might invite the whole of HNet along, too... Any takers? Lol!

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