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This is the house I've listed as building #21. It's right on the corner of the square near Cooter's, so why Bo and Luke thought it'd be a good place to hide the General is a mystery. It doesn't get used in this episode, and try as I might I still can't read the sign over the door. If it's still there and readable in later episodes I'll post a picture.


I think it says "Room & Board".

I think it says "Room & Board".

Thanks Mufn. That makes perfect sense as it's identified as the boarding house in a later episode. Thanks also to all the people leaving positive feedback - glad y'all are enjoying the thread.

In 'Sadie Hogg Day' I finally got a picture of 'Skipper Ward Surplus' that occupies building #1. It's been visible in the background since season 3, but I think this is the first clear look we get. Some time ago Roger started a thread called Real Stuff in Hazzard that listed real life people and places that had made it into the show. I'm guessing this store is named after Skip Ward who was producer/associate producer on 35 episodes. Also in this picture is Miz Tisdale as a deputy.


I'm just posting this picture in passing. Bo and Luke knock on the door in '10 Million Dollar Sheriff'. It's the house opposite Boss's house that I've posted a long shot of already.


As Boss crosses the road in 'Trouble at Cooter's' we get another look at building #26. What used to be 'City Drug' has now become 'Kelly's Place', although there's no indication of what type of business it is. It is opposite the closed-up Rhuebottom's that plays a big part in this episode. Building #25 is just visible in the background, again selling used cars.


For the first time in this episode we get to see the back entrance to Cooter's. I'm not sure where this was filmed, other than it wasn't at the back of Cooter's!.



For the first time in this episode we get to see the back entrance to Cooter's. I'm not sure where this was filmed, other than it wasn't at the back of Cooter's!.


That was filmed at Paramount Ranch.It was also used in Mason Dixon Girls and The Great Santa Clause Chase


According to my records you're right Hoss. "Sadie Hogg Day" is the first episode where we could see the sign close enough to read Skipper Ward. Apparently they weren't allowed to use Montgomery Ward as a name although in the Georgia episodes we could see a Western Auto sign. Of course modern shows are more careful as to not give anybody free advertising.

I never though about the possible connection between Skip and Skipper. Brilliant Hoss! I bet you're right because there are several cases of them naming things after people involved in making the show.

Thanks for this awesome thread Hoss.

That was filmed at Paramount Ranch.It was also used in Mason Dixon Girls and The Great Santa Clause Chase

Thanks CD. The same buildings are used again as the back of Cooter's in 'Hughie Hogg Strikes Again'.

It's strange how some episodes don't yield any new businesses and other have many. I'm leaving aside the fact that season 4 (more than the first three) was obviously filmed in a completely different order to way it was transmitted, because many stores come and go regularly. I won't bother commenting on many of these changes.

In 'Cletus Falls in Love', Cletus buys candy from the 'Candy Store' (where else?). This is located in building #11 which has always been the Hazzard County Post Office up until now.


Around the corner in building #5 a CB & radio shop has replaced the short-lived tailor shop. I can't read the whole name, it's definitely 'Billy Joe ????'s'. Hopefully it will hang around long enough to get another look. The painting of building #6 also seems to be complete and Victors Bail Bonds is no more.


The hardware store also gets replaced in this episode. The 'Hazzard Square Bakery' seems to have been added for the comedy potential of someone crossing the street with a tray of pies. I seem to remember Rosco crashing into the same pie truck sometime in season 3, but the name of the episode escapes me - I'm sure someone will help me out here.


The loading dock behind the church gets another transformation. This time it's the 'Hazzard County Railroad Depot'. I've had to inset the sign because we don't get a long view. Some foliage seems to have been added off to the left of this picture to disguise the houses behind.



Around the corner in building #5 a CB & radio shop has replaced the short-lived tailor shop. I can't read the whole name, it's definitely 'Billy Joe ????'s'. Hopefully it will hang around long enough to get another look. The painting of building #6 also seems to be complete and Victors Bail Bonds is no more.


I believe that would be Billy Joe Fong's CB & Radio.....yer on yer own with the rest of it. LOL. Sales and Repairs maybe?


As Boss crosses the road in 'Trouble at Cooter's' we get another look at building #26. What used to be 'City Drug' has now become 'Kelly's Place', although there's no indication of what type of business it is. It is opposite the closed-up Rhuebottom's that plays a big part in this episode. Building #25 is just visible in the background, again selling used cars.


If this were Harper Valley, it would be a bar. LOL

I believe that would be Billy Joe Fong's CB & Radio.....yer on yer own with the rest of it. LOL. Sales and Repairs maybe?

Thanks MaryAnne. I'd forgotten that Billy Joe Fong (played by James Hong) actually appears in 'Miz Tisdale on the Lam'. From the inside you can only see 'SALES' and an 'E' at the end of the second word, so I'm guessing 'Sales & Service'. I'll post a picture in a couple of days time when I get to that episode.

I managed to get a better picture of the 'Hazzard Picture Palace' in 'Cletus Falls in Love'. It wasn't easy, because many of the intervening episodes show the old 'Hazzard Theater' sign.


The next picture isn't strictly of Hazzard Square, but of what it could have looked like if Boss had got to knock down Cooter's and build his 'Hogg's Happy Hacienda' (or Hoggominiums). The picture identifies the address as 100 Hazzard Square. I'm sure it would have been easier to knock down the adjacent Rhuebottom's, which was vacant and Boss had the lease. Ironically, in the present day Midwest Street, both of these buildings have been knocked down and replaced with houses (the majority of the other buildings are still standing and recognizable). The picture is from 'Hughie Hogg Strikes Again'.


The following picture took me by surprise as I have no memory of noticing it before. Also from 'Hughie Hogg Strikes Again', the 'J.D. Hogg Produce Co.' suddenly appears at the end of Hazzard Square with a fence and trees between building #13 and the church. The General must have been roughly outside 'Seth M. Berley & Co.' when this picture was taken.


On the other side of the convenienty placed ramp is a 'Wholesale Fresh Produce' business with more trees and fences around the outside. Under all the fruit is the loading dock (building #17) which has been transformed from the Railroad Depot in the previous episode.



In post #47 you mentioned that the Hazzard Theater was also called the Hazzard Picture Palace. I seem to remember that it once had the name Bajou in it also...possibly Hazzard Bajou Theater....although I think I'm spelling Bajou wrong. Does anybody have a recollection of that?

In post #47 you mentioned that the Hazzard Theater was also called the Hazzard Picture Palace. I seem to remember that it once had the name Bajou in it also...possibly Hazzard Bajou Theater....although I think I'm spelling Bajou wrong. Does anybody have a recollection of that?

I don't remember it, but I'll keep a lookout.

I'll start this post with a view of the side of building #21. Cooter's is just off the picture to the right.


In 'Dukescam Scam' Boss drives off to hide in this truck. Behind it are buildings 4, 5 and 6. Buildings 4 and 5 have interiors which get used occasionally, but it is clear from this shot that building #6 is just a façade with nothing behind it (like O'Connor Paint Supply across the square).


Daisy and Cooter look for Emery Potter at his house only to find he has 'Gone Fishing'. Emery's door is on the side of the house opposite Boss's house.


I don't know why I've waited this long to post a picture of the sign outside the County Building, but here it is. I think it changes slightly between seasons, but haven't been keeping track. I think Roger knows the names that change.



In 'The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style' the impound yard moves yet again (although the main sign looks the same as the one in 'The Hack of Hazzard'). This time it occupies building #25, previously seen as a used car lot. I wonder if the blue car in the garage is the same Camaro that was in the impound yard in 'The Hack of Hazzard'?.


Looking in the opposite direction we see Boss standing outside building #30. I couldn't get a clear shot of the sign, but it's the 'J.D. Hogg Funeral Home' (as advertised on the back of Miz Tisdale's cab). In the top left of the picture you can just see building #2 (still the 'Hazzard County Gazette') and the corner of the bank.


As Luke swings from the bank in 'Pin the Tail on the Dukes' you can see that Gordon & Lowell are sharing their offices with 'First Trust Co.'.


This is the inside of Billy Joe Fong's 'CB & Radio' store that was mentioned a few posts back. It's situated in building #5, and surprisingly we get to see the view out of the window. This consists of the back of either building 7, 8 or 9. I don't think Bo and Luke would have raced so quickly around the bend if that big metal fence had been there more often. The picture is from 'Miz Tisdale on the Lam'. I love the early '80s electronics he has for sale.



In 'Nothing but the Truth' Uncle Jesse sends Bo and Luke into town to buy some groceries (including brown sugar). With Rhuebottom's shut they go to 'Martin's Emporium'. Regular readers of this thread will recognise it as building #17 (aka the back of the church). The fencing and trees from a few episodes back are still visible in the background.


An episode later in 'Dear Diary' Rhuebottom's is back in business (Daisy goes there to get the new diary). Mr. Rhuebottom and his van appeared a few episodes earlier in 'Pin the Tail on the Dukes', but the store in the background still appeared to be closed.


The next six pictures are all from 'Miss Tri-Counties'. I'm limited to four pictures per post, so I'll split them into the next.

To try to stop Daisy winning Miss Tri-Counties, Boss prevents her from renewing her license at the DMV in Hazzard, so a quick journey to Chickasaw is required. Most of Chickasaw is actually filmed in French Street (behind the County Building). As the General enters Chickasaw it passes buildings 1, 2 and 3 from Hazzard Square, but redressed with new signage. Building #1 is now a dry cleaners, and I think the sign on the left says 'Printing'. All I can see for building #2 is that it has a sale on.


The building visible on the right in the previous picture is shown here. Building #30, which was previously 'J.D. Hogg's Funeral Home', is now a hotel.



In an effort to stay one step ahead of Sheriff Little, Bo and Luke drop Daisy off and then drive around the streets of Chickasaw. This was filmed in New York Street, around the point marked 'B' on the New York Street map. Notice that the old Chevy pickup on the left and the yellow pickup behind the General (both with hay bales) were also parked near the dry cleaners two pictures back. I guess they drive just as quickly in Chickasaw as they do in Hazzard!.


The General (and Sheriff Little) drive down this street on the way back to collect Daisy. I think the two houses in the background are the ones next to Boss's house.


I had to wait until Daisy left the Chickasaw DMV to get a good shot. It's in building #29 on French Street.


As the Dukes leave Chickasaw we get to see 'Moreton's Hardware'. There was a blurry, unreadable store between this and the DMV, which would make this building #27 (assuming I've allowed enough stores in French Street). I wonder whether some of these stores down French Street were used in other shows or created especially for Dukes. I also wonder whether the left window is reflecting the film crew. There definitely seems to be the reflection of a spotlight on the right of the door.



I'll finish season 4 with this selection.

In 'Share and Share Alike' Lulu decides that she should get a share in all of Boss's businesses. Here's her addition to the bank signage.


Lulu also leaves her mark on Boss's Funeral Home. I've mentioned the Funeral Home before, but never been able to get a good view of the sign. It's building #30.


I got this picture before Lulu's sign painter had a chance to change the sign. Boss took the patrol car to his own car lot instead of Cooter's so he could hide the stolen credit cards in the door without being seen. This is building #25 (recently seen as the Impound Yard), which is actually visible from Cooter's. I'm quite tempted by the red Mustang at $650, but I probably wouldn't buy a car from Boss.


In 'The Law and Jesse Duke' the Jones Gang rob Jake Sumner's Photo Shop. This is building #28, which was previously seen as Pruitt's Printing in 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg'. The Jones's also robbed Otis Plunkett's TV store, but we don't get to see it in this episode. Watch this space, because he does get a store later on.



I'll kick off season 5 with some pictures from 'The New Dukes'. Here's Boss's house with newly painted shutters.


As well as the arrival of Coy and Vance, season 5 also sees the arrival of The Mean Green Machine. All of the bank robbery scene was filmed in New York Street (standing in for Capitol City). In this picture is a record shop, the Law Offices and 'Ed's Cafeteria' (with the green and white awning on the right). Off the right of the picture is the 'County Hall of Records'.


Capitol City also has a 'Fine Arts Theater'. I think we last saw this building as the 'Palace' in Atlanta in 'Enos Strate to the Top' back in season 3. Off the left of this picture is 'Capitol City Savings & Loan'.


Finally The Mean Green Machine reaches its destination: the 'Bank of Capitol City'. Next time the New York Street set is used I'll post another map to make locations clearer.



After the last post I thought another map of New York Street was needed. I've kept the 'A' and 'B' from the original map (post #23) and added some more letters (I hope there's enough of them!). The buildings with numbers 1 and 31 are in Hazzard Square (Midwest street), while numbers 25 to 30 are French Street.

In the pictures above, The Mean Green Machine is first seen as it travels along the road between 'E' and 'F', but then crosses the sidewalk at 'F' as if it's come from the other road. The 'Bank of Capitol City' is at 'C'.


Another reason for the new map is because the Dukes head to Capitol City themselves in 'Dukes Strike it Rich'. The camera must have been near the 'E', looking towards the 'G' for this shot. In the background are the previously mentioned 'Capitol City Savings & Loan' and the Record Shop. You can also see 'McKinsey's' which features in a later episode.


This picture is looking in the opposite direction, towards the 'D'. The building on the left (behind the yellow pickup) was the 'Atlanta National Bank' back in 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt'. The doorway on the left is shown in close-up in the last picture.


Here's Boss outside the 'County Hall of Records'.



The buildings of French Street are used a lot in 'Lawman of the Year'. This is the corner near O'Connor Paint Supply where the original impound yard was in season 1.


This is Rosco walking down French Street. In the background is Skipper Ward's surplus store (building #1). Rosco is standing next to building #29 which was the Chickasaw DMV in 'Miss Tri-Counties'.


The hole that Boss's jewel thieves use is on the sidewalk next to Boss's car lot (building #25, which seems to be unchanged from 'Share and Share Alike'). In the background are a couple of buildings from New York Street. The one with the big columns is at the point maked 'D' on the map of New York Street.


There's no long shot of the Hazzard Jewelry Store, but it must be somewhere around building #28. I like this shot because it shows the robbers inside the store as well as reflections of both Rosco on the sidewalk outside and Boss looking on from across the street. It looks like the word "Jewelry" has been misspelled "Jewlery" on the door.



This picture was left over from 'Lawman of the Year'. Coy and Vance are trying to avoid Rosco and want to sneak into the post office to check the wanted posters. They park in the alleyway between buildings 12 and 13. Great plan if it weren't for four things: they park under a sign that prohibits parking in the "alley way" [sic]; they enter the post office through a door marked "Postal Employees Only"; the door they go through is on the wrong side of the alley (it was last seen as 'Uncle Charlie's Upholstering'), the post office is the other side; Rosco is outside the church with a clear view of the alley.


In 'Coy Meets Girls' Coy and Vance visit 'Apex Rent-A-Truck' to find out who knew about them renting a truck (it got hijacked). The rental office is building #25, which was still Boss's used car lot in the previous episode.


Here's a better picture of the house next to Boss's from 'The Hazzardgate Tapes'. Amongst other things it was Doc Petticord's house back in 'Duke vs. Duke'.


Otis Plunkett makes his one and only appearance in 'The Law and Jesse Duke', but for some reason we don't get to see his shop until Coy and Vance rent some camera equipment in 'The Hazzardgate Tapes'. Maybe his shop moved, because in 'The Law and Jesse Duke' he appears from a different direction when he reports that his shop has been robbed. It's building #5.



Building #17 becomes a bus depot again to receive 'Vance's Lady'. It's also the place that Enos collects his footlocker from in 'Enos in Trouble' a couple of episodes later.


The 'Rapaho Drug Store' from 'Hazzard Hustle' is somewhere down French Street - my guess would be building #27. It's only seen briefly in the background, and is meant to be in Rapaho County.


Here's the corner near O'Connor Paint Supply (last seen in 'Lawman of the Year') from a different angle. This picture is from 'The Great Insurance Fraud'. There's a business name over the door on the left, but all I can make out is 'Surplus Furniture'. The poster in the center is one of the ones I recreated in the Signs of Hazzard thread.


In this picture we see Enos leaving the 'Capitol City Sheriff's Office' in 'A Little Game of Pool'. Unlike previous episodes that used New York Street for Capitol City, this is building #29 in French Street. 'Apex Rent-A-Truck' from 'Coy Meets Girls' (building #25) is still visible in the shots looking at Coy and Vance.



I think that 'The Treasure of Soggy Marsh' is the first time we get to see the inside of Rhuebottom's, and we get to see it twice! (Mr. Rhuebottom is just visible on the right).


Boss then sends Daisy on an errand to Chickasaw to pick up some menus. This provides us with many pictures of new businesses as French Street, and bits of Midwest Street, are redressed to become Chickasaw. I had so many pictures that I'm going to have to split them over three posts.

The first is building #28, which for this episode is the 'Chickasaw Print Shop'.


This is the first building on French Street (#26). It's hard to make out, but the lettering on the window says 'State Bank'. A small part of Cooter's is just visible at the far right of the picture.


The next picture is actually from later in the episode, but it's next door to the 'State Bank', so I'm including it next. Building #27 is an unnamed bakery (complete with chef).



On the other side of the print shop is 'Mid-City Apartments' (they're 'Upstairs'!). When the Dukes visited Chickasaw in 'Miss Tri-Counties', building #29 was the 'Chickasaw DMV' - this time it's the 'Department of Water & Power'. Sheriff Little gets a great cornering angle in this shot.


Another building that appeared in Chickasaw in 'Miss Tri-Counties' is building #1. Back then it was a dry cleaners, now it's 'Chickasaw Hardware'. Boss's bank and some of Hazzard Square can be seen on the right, but more of that later.


As the General speeds away from Sheriff Little it passes this building, which is near the 'D' on the New York Street map. It looks like the potted plant has been deliberately placed to hide the sign on the wall.


When it's in Hazzard Square, building #24 is O'Connor Paint Supply. Here it's a barber shop. Rhuebottom's has its sign covered with a red one, but it's only ever shown in the background so I couldn't get a decent picture of it.



As the cousins escape from Sheriff Little's jail they actually run out of Hazzard Square. The ice cream parlor (in the drug store) is visible in the background.


Uncle Jesse is waiting outside the front of the Sheriff's Office, which is building #30. In 'Miss Tri-Counties' it was a Hotel.


We've already seen this building when the Dukes were originally trying to evade Sheriff Little earlier in the episode. While they were locked up it's become a hotel.


Finally, Sheriff Little crashes into the fence at the side of building #25 (he's just reversing out here). We don't get a clear look at the sign, but it's obviously not 'Apex Rent-A-Truck' any more.



I nearly didn't include this picture from 'The Revenge of Hughie Hogg', but then I took another look. Originally I assumed it was somewhere out on one of the ranches until I spotted the chimney and roof in the background. I think this may have been filmed behind Boss's house. If you take a look at the picture of Boss's house in post #25 there's definitely a building behind it. If you look on the maps it's clear that the buildings are no longer there, and there are more trees. Anyone want to agree or disagree?.


This is the 'Hazzard Gold & Silver Emporium' that gets robbed in 'The Return of the Mean Green Machine'. It's in building #2 next to the bank. The Hazzard County Gazette must have relocated somewhere else.


Later on in the same episode Coy and Vance borrow some tracking equipment from WHOGG Radio. It's located in building #26 on French Street.


After being up for lease as a light manufacturing property at the start of season 4, the hotel in building #13 quietly re-opened. In 'Ding, Dong, the Boss is Dead' it finally acquires a name: 'Ritz Plaza Hotel'. There's no prize for guessing who owns it. If you look carefully about a minute after this shot you'll see that the 'For Lease' signs are still visible on the back projection, and the General moves in a very odd way.


I nearly didn't include this picture from 'The Revenge of Hughie Hogg', but then I took another look. Originally I assumed it was somewhere out on one of the ranches until I spotted the chimney and roof in the background. I think this may have been filmed behind Boss's house. If you take a look at the picture of Boss's house in post #25 there's definitely a building behind it. If you look on the maps it's clear that the buildings are no longer there, and there are more trees. Anyone want to agree or disagree?.


I can confirm that there was an old west set nearby, at least there was in 1998. I'm not positive that's what this is, because the distances I remember don't quite seem to fit. But it's a possibility. Looking at Google Maps now, looks like that old west set is gone.

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