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Opposite Boss's house is this house. I don't remember it being used for anything, but if you know differently, let me know. I've also been trying to identify the car with the white roof on the far left. It looks like something from the late 50s.


That house was used for about five seconds in The Great Santa Clause Chase.It was used when Luke leave a tree on a doorstep,and the little kid comes out,and Luke says "that there's a promise"


Season 3 sees the Dukes head for Cedar City Fairgrounds in 'Carnival of Thrills'. I'm pretty sure this was filmed just north of New York Street, with the backs of buildings 1, 2 and 3 being visible under the sign. The tip of the church seems to be visible a little way above the '01' on the General's door.


Most of the action in this episode takes place in or around the Hazzard Fair Grounds ('Fair Grounds' was 2 words on the poster). In real life this was filmed at Saugus Speedway on Soledad Canyon Road in Santa Clarita, CA. From what I can find online, this is now used for swap meets. It was also seen in 'Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough' and 'Hazzard Connection'. Here's a more recent picture, or you can explore it yourself on Google Maps.


I'll finish this post with another mystery building. There's not a lot of background to go on here. When Rosco impounds the General it gets taken back to the Hazzard Impound Yard. Initially I assumed this was back in the corner near 'O'Connor Paint Supply' (where it had been in season 1), but I have a shot from 'Enos Strate to the Top' to post in the next day or so that shows this area has been changed. It could really be any corrugated building with a sign stuck on it.


Here's another angle with what looks like a trailer behind Boss and Rosco (I love the look on Boss's face).



Awesome thread! I always watch the episodes all out of order so I wouldn't have caught any of this.

I've done some of this "try to ID a building from old pictures" thing before (though in my case they were actual NYC buildings) so I know how difficult it can be. Great job so far HossC. I'm enjoying reading along.

I've done some of this "try to ID a building from old pictures" thing before (though in my case they were actual NYC buildings) so I know how difficult it can be.

I like a challenge. I recently identified a stretch of road used for filming in this thread with no buildings to go by.

In 'Enos Strate to the Top' the footage of the General heading for Atlanta is re-used from 'Daisy's Song' in season 1. It was filmed on Freedom Parkway, Atlanta. If you look on Google Maps (Street View is only available on the eastbound side) you can still recognize many of the buildings, although several new tall buildings have also joined the skyline. Did they use the same piece of road in the 2005 movie?. I've never been able to sit through it a second time.


Sadly, unlike in 'Daisy's Song', the real Atlanta wasn't used in this episode. The Atlanta National Bank was actually the corner of New York Street on the backlot. If you look at the map above from 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt' it is the other side of the road from the Youth Center (the point marked 'A') just at the end of the crosswalk. I'll probably add a different angle of New York Street in the future which will show it more clearly.


The Palace movie theater is also in New York Street. The projecting part of the sign can clearly be seen near the point marked 'B' on the 'R.I.P. Henry Flatt' map. The City Morgue picture from that episode is taken underneath it. In fact the bad guys in 'Enos Strate to the Top' are parked where the City Morgue was. The Palace is showing the 1980 movie 'The Hollywood Knights' starring Tony Danza and Michelle Pfeiffer.


Finally for this post we're back in Hazzard Square. This is the inside of the post office (building #11) which is the actual interior of that building. Enos still has to take his ticket so he can be served.



More pictures from 'Enos Strate to the Top' today. This first picture is the corner of Hazzard Square where the impound yard was in season 1 (and the reason I assumed the pictures of the impound yard from 'Carnival of Thrills' must be taken somewhere else). The words 'Hazzard County' just seem to have been added to the back of the building on the left. On the right of the picture you can see the original single storey building #25 which served as 'Billy Jo Bob's Used Cars' in 'Southern Comfurts' (if you look at the picture a few posts back you can also see the side of the building on the left).


The next picture must have been taken from the same place as the one above, somewhere around Cooter's. On the left you can see the 'City Drug' store (building #26), which can be seen close up in pictures I've already posted. I've included it here to show its position relative to the court house on the right.


In this picture Luke (with Bo just behind) is running past the 'Hazzard Police' sign. Unlike the previous picture of this sign where it was illuminated, this one is completely smooth with no neon tubes to light up.


In this episode building #16 has acquired a sign saying 'Warehouse'. Other than that I think it's the same as before. I've just noticed that in this frame it looks like Luke has three arms. I can assure you that the third one belongs to a guy in a brown shirt walking behind him.



Here's the last four pictures from 'Enos Strate to the Top'. I've included the first one because it gives a better view of 'Seth M. Berley & Co.' and because the the word 'Hazzard' is missing from the theater sign.


I nearly posted the next two pictures in the Mistakes (Bloopers)/Things I've Noticed About The Show thread. In the first one the bad guys are about to pull up in their white truck outside 'Victors Bail Bonds' which has moved from building #6 to building #5. They check out a car parked outside the Barber Shop, then drive off in the car parked by the bank.


In the second picture, taken very soon after the first, the bad guys have driven around the back of the County Building and Court House and then back into the square. During this time their truck and the first car they looked at have vanished, and 'Victors Bail Bonds' has reverted to 'Rick's Pool Room and Lounge'. The gray car looks suspiciously like the one used in 'Southern Comfurts'. Also note that the word 'Hazzard has reappeared on the theater.


The last picture from this episode isn't from Hazzard Square. The Dukes give Enos a lift to the airport and I'm just curious to know which airport it was. I was hoping it might be Van Nuys as it's just off Roscoe Blvd. The other most likely contender is Bob Hope Airport. If it's any help, the plane is a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 belonging to Hughes Airwest shortly before their merger with Republic Airlines. Maybe someone knows where they used to fly from. The General appears to have its headlights visible here - something you don't see very often.



As the mailbox proves, in 'The Hazzardville Horror' Boss has taken up residence in building #20. The only part of the house we get to see in this episode is the front door, but if you look back to post #25 you can see the whole house.


It's not surprising that Boss was moving all his valuables out of his house - the haunted house was actually just 2 houses away. It was redressed to look derelict, and all the shots of the people arriving at the house were filmed in a studio. If you look back to the last picture of post #13 in this thread you can see how the house looked in 'Arrest Jesse Duke'.


I haven't posted a picture of the church yet, so here it is in a shot from 'And in This Corner, Luke Duke'. On the left is the bunting around the boxing ring that was on the County Building side of the gazebo.


Just to prove that the disappearance of 'Victors Bail Bonds' was temporary, here it is in 'The Late J.D. Hogg'. Because the guy runs across the road in front of the General it was hard to show both windows at once, but Victors is now in buildings 5 and 6.



Another easily identifiable building that I haven't posted yet is the Court House. Here it is in 'The Late J.D. Hogg'. I think I incorrectly said that the court house was building #32 in my original post. Building #32 is actually the County Building, the Court House is building #33. Another sound stage is visible on the left.


Also from 'The Late J.D. Hogg' is the 'Hazzard County Orphanage'. It's not the same building that was used in other episodes. In fact it's Boss's house. We only see it close up and the house only became Boss's house a couple of episodes back (and we didn't get a good look then), so I guess they thought we wouldn't notice. I've inset the sign from the front.


Another mystery building appears in 'Uncle Boss'. Bo and Daisy are definitely on the roof of one of the buildings in Hazzard Square just before this, but there are no 3-storey buildings with a fire escape like this in Hazzard Square. My guess would be that it was filmed in the set just north of New York Street and Midwest Street. I can't seem to find a name for the street, but there are many taller buildings there. It gets used in later seasons too.


I still don't know where this building is!. It was the State Courthouse in 'Duke of Duke', and CDoherty pointed out that it was the hospital in 'Welcome Back, Bo and Luke'. Here it's playing the part of 'State Capitol' in 'Uncle Boss'. Anyone else got a guess?.



I thought that orphanage looked like Boss's house so I'm not surprised.

I am surprised to see that the haunted house was in town. They did a great job of making it look like it was in the country.

Thanks Hoss!


I haven't featured Rhuebottom's far a while (mainly because it hasn't changed), so here it is in 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. As you can see, they now sell "Farm Fresh Vegetables and Produce". No prizes for guessing what happens to the guy painting the building next door when the State Police car arrives. The fresh produce meets the same fate when Rosco hits it a couple of episodes later in 'The Great Santa Claus Chase'.


A new business briefly appears in 'Good Neighbors, Duke'. The 'Yellow Pine Lumber Co.' occupies the alley between buildings 12 and 13.


In the same episode, 'Fanny's Fabrics' makes way for a hardware store in building #12 (next to the 'Yellow Pine Lumber Co.'). The hardware store becomes a regular fixture in Hazzard Square for many more episodes.


Also in 'Good Neighbors, Duke', when Bo and Luke go to visit the 'Cedar City Gazette' they enter the same Tri-State Press building used in 'Return of the Ridge Raiders'. Then it was said to be in 'the state capital'. Even though they go into building #15, the interior shots are filmed inside building #2 (its first appearance in this thread). You can just see on this screengrab that it has 'Cedar City Gazette' on the window, even though we don't see it from the outside. Through the open door you can see the side of building #30, and if you look really closely in the top left corner you can just make out the words 'Cedar City' on building #31 (which was the impound yard in several episodes of season 2).



The last picture from this episode isn't from Hazzard Square. The Dukes give Enos a lift to the airport and I'm just curious to know which airport it was. I was hoping it might be Van Nuys as it's just off Roscoe Blvd. The other most likely contender is Bob Hope Airport. If it's any help, the plane is a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 belonging to Hughes Airwest shortly before their merger with Republic Airlines. Maybe someone knows where they used to fly from. The General appears to have its headlights visible here - something you don't see very often.


It is very likely this is Bob Hope Airport (aka Burbank Airport), as it's not far from the Warner Bros. studio.


This selection of pictures consists of wide views of different parts of Hazzard Square from season 3. The first one is from near the end of 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. Luke, Daisy and Abe are about the jump into the side of the Court House. The camera must have been near building #21 looking between buildings 18 and 19. Strangely, the shots of Luke, Daisy and Abe all show the other side of the square in the background.


Looking the other way from roughly the same spot is this picture of Cooter's and Rhuebottom's from 'Duke vs Duke'.


This picture is from 'To Catch a Duke'. It was taken somewhere around building #4 looking towards the gazebo. In the background you can see buildings 19 and 21.


The last of the wide shots is from 'Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane'. Many episodes re-use a high-level, scene-setting shot of the County Building. This one is actually taken from the County Building, and shows the bad guys arriving in a deserted Hazzard while everyone else is at the wedding. If you look closely at building #15 (the white one in the middle) you can see the seat from the bus station that was used in 'Return of the Ridge Raiders' (see above).



I have four mystery locations here. I don't think any of them were actually in Hazzard Square, but I'm curious to know where they are.

The first is Doc. Petticord's house from 'Duke vs. Duke'. It doesn't look like any of the houses in Hazzard Square, and the pillars don't seem to line up, so it may have just been a sound stage. We only see it in close-up.


A shortened version of the General heading to Atlanta is used again to set the scene in 'Along Came a Duke'. Then we see the 'Atlanta Museum'. I've tried to find out what this building is, but had no luck. I'm guessing it's somewhere around LA.


The back of the museum isn't nearly as fancy. It was probably just the back of a sound stage or one of the other sets.


The final unknown of this post is from near the end of 'Along Came a Duke'. Was 'Hazzard High School' filmed at a real school?. The buildings don't look like sets, so it could have been shot on location. Does anyone know where?.



The first is Doc. Petticord's house from 'Duke vs. Duke'. It doesn't look like any of the houses in Hazzard Square, and the pillars don't seem to line up, so it may have just been a sound stage. We only see it in close-up.


If I'm not mistaken that house was used as a hospital or doctors surgery in Goodbye General Lee and Comrade Duke.

As for the other buildings I've no idea.Although Hazzard High School might have been filmed in that small town that we see in Luke's Love Story and Officer Daisy Duke.I'm sorry I couldn't remember the name of the town but I hope I helped!

If I'm not mistaken that house was used as a hospital or doctors surgery in Goodbye General Lee and Comrade Duke.

Thanks CD, you're right. I've checked out those episodes and it's the same building in both. 'Comrade Duke' shows a bit more background, but I'm still not sure where it is. Maybe I'll spot some more clues by the time I get to that episode. I'm working through the episodes in order in the hope of not forgetting anything, so I appreciate it when someone remembers details from later ones.

This post returns to Hazzard Square. We've seen the hotel (building #13) before, but in 'By-Line Daisy Duke' it's had a makeover with a new awning over the door, lamps either side of the door, and potted plants along the front. On the right is building #14. Just like building #23, it doesn't seem to have a door, and usually only appears when Bo and Luke are climbing up the drainpipe to the roof. The sign advertises 'St. Jacob's Oil - The Great German Remedy'. I'm not sure of it's relevance as it was one the "quack liniments of the 1880s". Read more about 'St. Jacob's Oil' here.


In 'The Return of Hughie Hogg', building #31 becomes the home for Hughie's "brand-spanking-new used fire truck". Building #30 (on the right with the green awning) has a 'Funeral Home' sign, but it's not clear enough to read any more.


From the same episode we find out that the relatively new hardware store in building #12 is called 'Joe's Hardware' - just before Hughie takes it over.


Building #2 becomes the 'Hazzard County Gazette' in 'By-Line Daisy Duke' (it was previously the 'Cedar City Gazette'). We only get to see a close-up of the window and the interior in this episode. This screengrab is from 'The Great Hazzard Hijack' where we see it from further away. Strangely, the interior appears much smaller in 'The Great Hazzard Hijack'.


Hey Hoss, on the picture you posted from "Enos Strate to the Top" the second possiblity you listed for the airport was Bob Hope. Is that in Palm Springs?

No, it's 3-4 miles north of Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank. As Mufn pointed out, it's sometimes referred to as Burbank Airport. Van Nuys Airport is about 10 mile away as the crow flies (or should that be as the General flies). You can see the map here.

On to 'The Hack of Hazzard'. Bo and Luke pick up Miz Tisdale's cab at what appears to be her house. I've inset a closer shot of the mailbox from a later scene - I'm sure I can make out "Miz ___dale". I didn't number this house originally as I didn't remember it being used. It's next to building #19 and faces the church.


Here's the rarely seen side of the church looking from the cab.


'Uncle Charlie's Upholstering', where the cab seats are taken, is down the alley between buildings 12 and 13. As you can see, the 'Yellow Pine Lumber Co.' only lasted a few episodes because now it's gone.


This one isn't in Hazzard Square, in fact I don't know where it is, but since we've already had 2 or 3 different locations for the 'Hazzard Police Impound Yard' I thought I'd include this one too. There's what looks to me like a nice blue '67 Camaro on the left.



Another shot from 'The Hack of Hazzard' shows Rosco looking for expired parking meters. In the background is the side of the church, and the 'Freight Terminal & Bus Station' sign is still visible.


Here's a better look at Rhuebottom's produce display with a new banner and prices. If you look back a few posts to the picture of Rhuebottom's from 'Baa, Baa White Sheep' you'll see that the main shop sign says 'Rhuebottom's', but the sign on the wall above is spelled 'Rheubottom's'.


The last picture from season 3 is a closer view of the other side of the church from 'The Canterbury Crock'.


Now to clear up a loose end. I wasn't sure where Doc. Petticord's house was (see above), but I'm pretty sure it's this house on the left, which is the one next to Boss's house. It's the only red brick house down that road, and has the right pillars (originally I mistook the double pillars for single, uneven ones) - hopefully I'll get a better look in a later episode. You also get another chance to see the haunted house next door. This was taken from 'Arrest Jesse Duke' in season 2.


I'm starting this post with a mystery building. At the end of 'Duke of Duke' we see the 'State Courthouse'. It's a large building that I can't find in the current WB backlots. If anyone knows where the building is, please let us know.


Hoss I'm not sure if this helps but I think it was torn down shortly after Welcome Back Bo and Luke.

This could just be my theory but in The Boars Nest Bears,Capital City Hospital is a real location and not a set.

Now why would the crew go to the trouble of bringing out the cars,cameras and crew to a new location when they couldve just brought everything a couple hundred feet to a different part of the backlot?

That's just my theory anyway.


Season 4 kicks off with 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg' and a make-over for the Hazzard Theater. As you can see it's now the 'Hazzard Picture Palace'. Sorry about the blurry image - Rosco's head kept getting in the way of the closer shots. A better picture will follow. Strangely, in the next episode ('Double Dukes') it briefly returns to 'Hazzard Theater'.


Later on Bo and Luke investigate the ink they found. Both of the next two pictures are taken in French Street, which is behind the Court House/County Building. On the left building #27 which is an antiques shop here. On the right is building #26 which used to be 'City Drug', but now appears to be vacant.


They find out about the ink from Mr. Pruitt from 'Pruitt's Printing'. This is building #28.


I've included this picture from 'Double Dukes' to show the business over the Drug Store. It belongs to a dentist named either Dr. Oram or Dr. Cram, I can't tell which. This is the phoney Bo and Luke as you can tell be the serious expressions.



I've included this picture from 'Double Dukes' to show the business over the Drug Store. It belongs to a dentist named either Dr. Oram or Dr. Cram, I can't tell which. This is the phoney Bo and Luke as you can tell be the serious expressions.


As Clint Eastwood once said, "there's a couple of salty lookin' dudes..."

Continuing to enjoy this thread, Hoss. ;)

As Clint Eastwood once said, "there's a couple of salty lookin' dudes..."

I think you may have trouble with a Dukes/Dirty Harry crossover fanfic MaryAnne, although I can't deny that the thought amused me for a while this morning. Of course, Mama Max told Rosco he reminded her of Clint Eastwood in the Reunion movie. Can you imagine Rosco with a .44 Magnum? - "... you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well do ya dipstick? khee, khee."

Back to the pictures. In 'Coltrane vs Duke' a hedge suddenly appears between the church and building #19. Normally it's a through road (as seen in several previous pictures). I think the only reason they included it was to snap off the General's CB aerial.


I had to wait until this episode to get a decent shot of building #13. Formally the hotel, it's now for lease. The inset sign is from a later episode, and seems to indicate that it's being advertised as a "Light Mfg. [manufacturing] Property".


Bo and Luke went to a lot of trouble evading Sheriff Little to get Doc. Appleby from Chickasaw where his patient was giving birth to twins. Strange that when they finally get there Doc. Appleby turns out to be in Boss's house on Hazzard Square!.


Not much to say about this one. In 'The Fugitive' Boss's motorcyle buyer (Leroy) is on the loading bay behind the church (building #17).



All of these pictures are from 'The Great Bank Robbery'. The first shows that 'Victors' still appears on the window of building #6, although the 'Bail Bonds' bit is missing. I'm not sure if the business is open, but at least the building is getting a new coat of paint (and so is Cletus!). Building #5 now houses the Tailor Shop.


This is the Moss Hotel sign on top of building #2. It's visible in the background in each of the first three seasons and actually pre-dates Dukes (see earlier picture from the movie Hooper). The hotels that featured in other episodes were usually in building #13 or building #15. Despite its longevity, I don't remember this one being used in any episodes. On the right the window sign for 'Gordon & Lowell' is still visible above the bank.


It looks like the other hotel isn't the only building up for lease in season 4. Rhuebottom's looks like it's out of business, and Boss Hogg is listed as the contact for this one (see inset sign). Maybe they could no longer afford to replace all the stock destroyed by Rosco. You can see the two different spellings of Rhuebottom's/Rheubottom's again in this picture. Even though it appears closed it has acquired a new sign since season 3.


This is the house I've listed as building #21. It's right on the corner of the square near Cooter's, so why Bo and Luke thought it'd be a good place to hide the General is a mystery. It doesn't get used in this episode, and try as I might I still can't read the sign over the door. If it's still there and readable in later episodes I'll post a picture.


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