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We never get to see Cooter's garage, but here's the entrance to building #33 (Hazzard Police Station). I won’t spoil the story by explaining the glowing man in the foreground.


A small tremor causes a fountain of water outside building #19. The house on the right is building #21, most familiar to us as one of Hazzard's boarding houses.


This was taken between Boss's house and the doctor's house. It shows that there used to be a door (just visible in the center) through to the set behind.


I'll finish with this post-tremor shot looking along the front of buildings 8 to 13. I can't see any signs of building #15 existing at this time. Building #16 may have been there, but would've been just off to the right. The buildings that are visible in the background are explained in the next post.



The other episode of 'The Invaders' filmed on Warner's backlot was 'The Miracle'. It was set in rural New Mexico, and all the town scenes were filmed in the old street behind the church. Only the lower half of this street ever appeared in Dukes, and the buildings disappeared years ago, but I've mentioned it a couple of times so I thought I'd include a few pictures. I posted an aerial view from 1980 at the end of this post if you want to see how this location relates to the square.

The first picture is from the northern end of the street, and surprisingly there's a few Hazzard buildings hidden in there. The circular opening at the top left is on the back of the church, the building behind the "Harry's Bar & Grill" sign is building #13 (the front was remodeled before Dukes was filmed), and the one to its left, that appears to be "Roger's Drug Store", is building #12. Building #15 was built where the furniture store is in this view.


This picture shows the other side of the northern end. I don't know if the store with the Stars and Stripes became building #16, or if it was knocked down and replaced.


This picture is about midway down the eastern side of the street.


The final picture, from near the end of the episode, shows the hotel at the southern end of the street. This was probably one of the dilapidated buildings seen in the background at the end of 'The Hack of Hazzard'. The girl in the doorway is Barbara Hershey near the beginning of her acting career.



We're moving on to 1973 with these pictures. The same website that led me to 'The Invaders' also listed an episode of 'The Waltons' called 'The Townie' as one that was filmed on Warner's backlot. Was Midwest Street used regularly on 'The Waltons'? Let me know if there were other episodes; I haven't watched 'The Waltons' since the late '70s/early '80s when we only had three channels to choose from (I still remember the "Night John-Boy. Night Mary Ellen. Night Jim-Bob" etc. endings). When I found out about this episode I remembered that one of the channels I get shows re-runs of 'The Waltons', so I checked the TV listings. As luck would have it, I only had to wait just over a week for them to show 'The Townie'.

Just like the episode of 'The Invaders' in the previous post, this episode also features a guest appearance of a well-known actress fairly early in her acting career; in this case it's Sissy Spacek, who plays Sarah Jane Simmons. Here's her house where she lived with her mother.


Although there are differences, it looks to have the same proportions and location as Rosco's house in 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. I certainly think it could've been re-dressed in the eight years that separated to two shows. I've never been able to exactly pinpoint its location, but I think it was near the Laramie Street set.


We're back on more certain territory with this shot. Here's the Waltons' pickup near the bank. Hazzard's drug store is 'Big Al's Grill' that serves "Steaks & Chops". Initially I thought the sign said "Steak & Chips", but that probably only makes sense (and my mouth water) in British English.


Here's buildings 8 and 9, looking quite different from the way they did in Dukes.



Buildings 10 to 12 haven't changed much since 'The Invaders', although building #13 now has the flat windows that we're more familiar with. The black shape at the top of the picture is a boom mic; not the only time it's seen in this episode!


In post #47 you mentioned that the Hazzard Theater was also called the Hazzard Picture Palace. I seem to remember that it once had the name Bajou in it also...possibly Hazzard Bajou Theater....although I think I'm spelling Bajou wrong. Does anybody have a recollection of that?

I thought I'd solved this question from Roger back in post #84 (second picture) when I found a business called "Bijou" over in New York Street in 'Big Brothers, Duke'. Roger, is it possible that you were thinking of the movie theater from this episode of 'The Waltons'? It must have had a change in fortunes since 'The Invaders', because it's clearly back in business. It was meant to be showing a double-feature (that's what John-Boy tells Sarah), but the only one mentioned on the marquee is the 1935 movie 'Forbidden Heaven' starring Charles Farrell and Charlotte Henry. The mailbox is appropriately outside the building that would become Hazzard's post office, although the entrance is covered by part of the movie theater.


Here's Sarah waiting for John-Boy outside the Walton's Mountain School. This scene carefully hides the fact that the school is actually the church at the side of the square.


The area between the church and Miz Tisdale's house gets transformed into a playground. The silhouettes behind the basketball hoop must be the buildings in the set we saw in second episode of 'The Invaders' (see above).




Although there are differences, it looks to have the same proportions and location as Rosco's house in 'Baa, Baa White Sheep'. I certainly think it could've been re-dressed in the eight years that separated to two shows. I've never been able to exactly pinpoint its location, but I think it was near the Laramie Street set.


I just realized that Rosco's house was also Grannie Annie's house.

I don't know if you're planning on mentioning this in a future post, but I remember reading somewhere that the Waltons also used a different, larger house. That house was also used throughout season six of the Dukes. A few examples of it's use are the house in the opening of Lulu's Gone Away, the Moffit house in the Boars Nest Bears and the Hazzard County Orphanage in A Boys Best Friend. I think it was also used in The Haunting of JD Hogg, although I can't be 100% sure on that.

I just realized that Rosco's house was also Grannie Annie's house.

I don't know if you're planning on mentioning this in a future post, but I remember reading somewhere that the Waltons also used a different, larger house. That house was also used throughout season six of the Dukes. A few examples of it's use are the house in the opening of Lulu's Gone Away, the Moffit house in the Boars Nest Bears and the Hazzard County Orphanage in A Boys Best Friend. I think it was also used in The Haunting of JD Hogg, although I can't be 100% sure on that.

I'd never noticed that either, but it looks like you're right. In 'Granny Annie' the house is mainly shown in close-up, and they've dressed it with bits of art and signs by the door. I think the biggest difference is the of lack picket fencing around the house.


I have also read something about a larger house that was used on 'The Waltons' and Dukes. I think it was a reconstruction of the Walton house that was used in the Waltons reunion movies in the 1990s, not the original series. I wasn't planning a post about it, but I can dig around and post a couple of screengrabs if anyone's interested.


This thread is an amazing piece of work.

I had no idea that Rosco's house and Grannie Annie's house were the same building. I never would have noticed that.

I never watched the Walton's since we only got one channel back then. In fact I had to go to my grandparents every Friday to watch the Dukes. They only lived a quarter mile away but had a really good antenna.


The combination of the picture of Rosco's (and Granny Annie's) house in this thread and JadedPhoenixBurning's recent query about the location of the Coffin Works has prompted me to take another look at Laramie Street. You'll find additional pictures in these previous posts:

The Dukes in Hollywood

Go West, Young Dukes



Hazzard in Hollywood

Hazzard in Hollywood

Aerial view

Because the set was torn down in 2003 I had no current pictures to work with when I first posted screengrabs, so it wasn't until I got an old aerial photo that I could really make sense of the screengrabs I had. Apart from the 'Laramie Street Farewell' site (previously mentioned) and the 'Seeing Stars Warner Bros VIP Tour' site there really aren't that many pictures of Laramie Street online. To fix that, I've collected screengrabs from several Dukes episodes that show most of the buildings that used to exist there. I'll warn y'all now: I'm going from top to bottom over the next six posts, so skip ahead if it doesn't interest you!

I'll start with a labeled aerial view to make things easier. This one is actually from 1972 because the buildings near the trees are easier to make out, but the general layout seems about the same as when Dukes was filmed.


At the top is Hogg's Heavenly Acres which appeared in 'Money to Burn'. I'm sure this was just woodland with a fence and some gravestones added rather than a permanent feature of Laramie Street. To the left is the crematorium.


Here's the adjacent chapel as it appeared in 'People's Choice'. In this shot Bo, Luke and 'T.C.' Rogers are just about to interrupt Emery Potter's wedding. The fencing has been moved since 'Money to Burn', and the Hogg's Heavenly Acres sign has disappeared from the archway.


By the time we see the same area in the Reunion movie, the chapel has gone.



Another picture of the chapel here, just to show its position relative to the Coffin Works. The wooden platform that Boss and Rosco are standing on has gone before we see it again in 'Double Dukes'. Also, notice that the tower on the chapel is enclosed here, but open with a bell in the 'People's Choice' picture (above).


Here's the side of the Coffin Works from 'Money to Burn' with the 'Double Dukes' signage inset.


This is the front of the Coffin Works that we see when Bo and Luke go to collect one of Boss's coffins. The building behind Bo is useful for confirming the location of other pictures.


Next to the Coffin Works is this small house that you'll recognize from recent posts. It played the part of both Rosco's house and Granny Annie's house, yet Rosco never mentioned that it was his house when he was standing right outside it in 'Money to Burn'!



This is the view from the door of the Coffin Works in 'Double Dukes'. It shows the chapel/schoolhouse in the main part of Laramie Street as well as the corner of the building that's below and to the right of the Coffin Works on the aerial view.


Welcome to Possom Hollow, population 1. When I first went through the early episodes for this thread I could never work out where this scene from the end of 'Deputy Dukes' was filmed; now we know!


Here's a full view of the front of the Coffin Works, also from 'Deputy Dukes'. The building is not identified as the Coffin Works in this episode (the Coffin Works' first appearance is in the following episode), and we never see the side. In all the other pictures I've found online it is the town hall, with much narrower windows, a simpler façade and the sloped roof that we saw when it was the Hazzard Cotton Mill in 'Reunion' (see links above). The bay-fronted building on the left is the same one we saw in the previous post. The first chapel (above) is just visible between the buildings. On the right is Rosco's house.


This picture gives a better view of the bay-fronted building.



Here's a better shot of the chapel/schoolhouse.


This balcony is on the corner of the building opposite the chapel. It's where Bo and Luke fire their arrows from near the end of the episode. The first arrow goes straight through the hood, but the second miraculously manages to go over the windshield and turn around before embedding itself in the steering wheel. On the right is Jim's gas, feed and grain store.


I guess this must be Possom Hollow's only resident. The gas pump is even older than the ones at Cooter's!


Thadius B. Hogg's Golden Palace Saloon looks very smart in this shot from 'Go West, Young Dukes'. You can just make out the chapel/schoolhouse under the sign. I have no idea what the large building behind the horses is; this is the only episode where it can be seen, and this is the best look we get. If anyone has an answer, let me know.



Moving to the right of the saloon (down on the aerial view) we get to Sleepy City's hardware store. Amongst the items it sells are: barbed wire, fence posts and shovels.


Turning right from the last picture we can see Becky's Dry Goods and Sundies.


Jeeter's blacksmith shop is tucked away in the corner behind Becky's.


The livery stables, seen here in 'Hazzard in Hollywood', are right at the southern end of Laramie Street.



I've included this picture of Jeremiah and Jenny arriving in town because of the sign on the store behind them. Its choice of meat includes beef, pork, bear steak, buffalo hump (now a medical condition!), antelope, venison and prairie chicken.


Here's the view from the saloon doors. It shows three more of the buildings on the left side of Laramie Street. The one on the left is the bank.


This picture from 'Hazzard in Hollywood' brings us back to the northern end of the street. This building, as far as I can tell, replaced the bay-fronted building seen above.


I thought I'd finish the Laramie Street pictures with this great shot of Hank Duke from 'Go West, Young Dukes'. Notice how the brickwork is already coming apart at the seams. Maybe it was just as well that they knocked it down before the adoption of high-definition TV!



I'm revisiting a previous post today, specifically the last picture in post #40. Hazzard High School was only seen at the end of 'Along Came a Duke', and I could never work out where it was. Here's some pictures to remind y'all how it looked. I'll start with the sign. Looking at it again, the joins in the brickwork should've been a clue!


This picture shows the left side school building and some of the sports field.


Here's the center and right of the school building.


A different angle shows a taller building on the right. I thought this would be easy to spot due to its unusual architecture, but never managed to find any buildings that were even close. In hindsight, that should've been another clue. Somehow this high jumper landed in the back of Boss's car.



This is the view to the right of the school building. Initially I thought the house may have been part of a campus. That was before I realized how famous this street was. While we're on this picture, remember the tree above Boss's trunk.


I've had to tweak the colors in this picture because the smoke was obscuring the building. It shows the right side of the house in the previous picture. It was this house that led me to discovering the location of Hazzard High School (see below).


I found information for one of my recent posts while looking for the location of the school, so it seems appropriate that I found the school while looking for pictures of Laramie Street (see above). During a Google search I recognized a picture of the house above. It led me to this site which specializes in information about TV studios and ranches around Hollywood in the 1950s to 1970s. Click on the link, scroll down a bit and you'll get to the Columbia Ranch, now known as the Warner Ranch. It's located a few blocks north of Warner's main studios in Burbank. Considering its location it may seem odd to refer to it as a ranch, but if you look at the 1935 aerial photo on this site you'll see that when it opened in 1934 it was surrounded by fields. Over the years they made fewer Westerns on the ranch as the horizon became filled with houses. Eventually the Western sets went the same way a Laramie Street. Take a look at the next post and I'm sure you'll have watched something that was filmed there.


Here's a close-up, looking south to show the houses better. If you look at this site you'll see that this part of the ranch is known as "Blondie Street" because it was used to film 'Blondie', the serial based on the cartoon strip 'Blondie Bumstead', in the 1930s. The site also has pictures from several other movies/TV shows that I'll mention below.


The school building was originally built as the Deeds Mansion for the 1936 movie 'Mr. Deeds Goes to Town' (remade as the 2002 Adam Sandler/Winona Ryder comedy 'Mr. Deeds'). Later it appeared in serials like 'The Three Stooges', 'Batman' and 'Superman'. During the '60s it became a high school for 'Gidget' (I have to confess I've never heard of 'Gidget', but Sally Field was looking good in the clips I found on YouTube), and later 'The Partridge Family'. It was demolished in 1989 (see below), hence the "Site of" prefix on the aerial view.

I've labeled the house next door as "1162" for reasons that will become apparent. This was the house I recognized in my Google search. It was also built in 1936 and appeared in the serials listed above as well as 'Hazel' (sorry, don't know this one either), 'Father Knows Best', 'Dennis the Menace' and many more. I really should've recognized the house earlier because it featured in all four 'Lethal Weapon' movies as the home of the Murtaughs (what can I say, "I'm too old for this ..." - I'll leave y'all to finish the quote!) - see more below.

At the top is "1164". It's just out of sight in Dukes, but I thought I'd mention it as it's possibly the most famous house on the street. Between 1964 and 1972 it was '1164 Morning Glory Circle', home of Darrin and Samantha Stephens in 'Bewitched'. The school building was used as the Civic Building in 'Bewitched', hence the label in the picture above.

The building seen in the background of the high jumper shot (above) is on the right side of the aerial picture. It's part of a Bostonian-style city street ('Park Blvd'), which is why it looked out-of-place in California.

The sports field was roughly in the center of the aerial picture, where the house with the green roof is now. The ranch was used to film the TV spin-off of 'Private Benjamin' (sorry, I didn't know there was one until last week) around the time of Dukes, so maybe the sports field was from when the green was dressed as part of an army base. The green-roofed house featured in the 1998 movies 'Small Soldiers' and 'Pleasantville'. The fountain (see additional Dukes picture below) will be familiar to anyone who's a fan of 'Friends'. It can be seen at the

. You can see more photos of the Small Soldiers house, Park Blvd and the fountain here.

Here's the promised picture of the Friends fountain when it appeared in Dukes. You can see the school building on the left. The Small Soldiers house was built just behind where the blue landing mat is here. The pool that's visible on the aerial shots was hidden by the bushes and seating on the right.


I thought I'd include a picture of "1162" from 'Bewitched'. You can see that it already had its stone cladding when it appeared in the episode 'George, the Warlock' (S01E30). You may also spot these buildings in other popular shows of '60s and '70s like 'The Donna Reed Show', 'I Dream of Jeannie' and 'The Monkees'.


The stone cladding had gone from "1162" before it became the "Lethal Weapon House" in 1987. It even had a new garage built at the side. The first shot below is from 'Lethal Weapon 2', and clearly shows the school/civic building was still in existence into 1989. The second shot shows that it had been replaced by 1992's 'Lethal Weapon 3'.


Two houses replaced the school/civic building, and have been used and restyled many times eg. for 'American Beauty'. The first on-screen appearance of the blue house that's just visible in the previous picture was as the Griswolds' house in 'Christmas Vacation' (1989). The first picture below shows Clark (Chevy Chase) trying to get the Christmas lights working. I'm pretty sure that the tree on the left is the one I told you to remember two posts back. The second picture shows "1162", home to the Griswolds' unfortunate neighbors. Now painted blue, it no longer has its window shutters. The boy at the tailgate is a young Johnny Galecki (aka. Leonard Hofstadter from 'The Big Bang Theory'), who plays Russell 'Rusty' Griswold.


Here's the promised picture of the Friends fountain when it appeared in Dukes. You can see the school building on the left. The Small Soldiers house was built just behind where the blue landing mat is here. The pool that's visible on the aerial shots was hidden by the bushes and seating on the right.


I thought I'd include a picture of "1162" from 'Bewitched'. You can see that it already had its stone cladding when it appeared in the episode 'George, the Warlock' (S01E30). You may also spot these buildings in other popular shows of '60s and '70s like 'The Donna Reed Show', 'I Dream of Jeannie' and 'The Monkees'.


The stone cladding had gone from "1162" before it became the "Lethal Weapon House" in 1987. It even had a new garage built at the side. The first shot below is from 'Lethal Weapon 2', and clearly shows the school/civic building was still in existence into 1989. The second shot shows that it had been replaced by 1992's 'Lethal Weapon 3'.


Two houses replaced the school/civic building, and have been used and restyled many times eg. for 'American Beauty'. The first on-screen appearance of the blue house that's just visible in the previous picture was as the Griswolds' house in 'Christmas Vacation' (1989). The first picture below shows Clark (Chevy Chase) trying to get the Christmas lights working. I'm pretty sure that the tree on the left is the one I told you to remember two posts back. The second picture shows "1162", home to the Griswolds' unfortunate neighbors. Now painted blue, it no longer has its window shutters. The boy at the tailgate is a young Johnny Galecki (aka. Leonard Hofstadter from 'The Big Bang Theory'), who plays Russell 'Rusty' Griswold.


That really cool to know about that house. I've seen "Christmas Vacation" many times. Now I guess I will look at it differently.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've just posted my version of the Springville patrol cars from 'Deputy Dukes' in Fan Art, and while the DVD was in I got a few more screengrabs. Of course we all know that Springville was just Hazzard Square under a layer of mud (I covered it back in post #8), but several other scenes were filmed away from the backlot in locations that only appeared in that episode. I posted pictures of Castaic Junction back in post #153 (Update: the mystery railroad I mentioned in that post was part of the Fillmore-Saugus line). I'm still searching for the gas station where Bo and Luke repair the ambulance, the road where the blue Torino makes its jump and the road that's blocked by the truck, but I have found one location that's used extensively in the episode.

The location I found is Springbrook Avenue in Santa Clarita (click here to see it in Google Maps). Springbrook Avenue is a straight road with industrial units on both sides. There aren't many places that fit that description around Dukes filming locations that I already knew about, so when I first saw it on Google Maps I thought it might be a possibility, but at the time I couldn't find any of the buildings I was looking for to confirm my suspicions (Google only added their Street View of this area in December 2011). When I re-watched the episode I spotted a container in one of the yards with "Blue Barrel" on the side. A quick Google told me that Blue Barrel Waste Management is still in business and based in Santa Clarita. Their premises are located on Springbrook Avenue, although the property looks a bit different today. In fact, because of the changes I've decided to do side-by-side "then and now" pictures for most of the screengrabs.


This sign didn't look like a prop, but when I Googled "German Auto Center" I got directed to a business in San Diego. When I started looking on Springbrook Avenue I found the building with the arched window on the corner of Drayton Street, and it's still home to a German Auto Specialist. It seems a little odd that the sign was so clearly displayed, yet the forecourt was dressed with a few American cars for filming. Some shots reveal that there are plenty of VWs and an Audi behind them. If you look on Street View you'll see that there are still several VWs, Porsches and Mercedes parked around it.


Taken from the same place as the previous picture, this is the view down Drayton Street toward Railroad Avenue.


This is the view looking south on Springbrook Avenue. On the left of the "now" picture you can see the distinctive yellow/gray painted wall of the German Auto Specialist. Remember the yellow building under the trees on the right of the "then" picture - I'll come back to it below.



A couple of hundred yards south we get another look at the side of the Blue Barrel yard. I wasted a bit of time looking for the building with the odd-shaped roof vents above the Mustang II. It's now an open truck park, but the shadow of the vents is visible on Historic Aerials.


I wonder whether the mud that covered Hazzard Square during this episode prevented much filming taking place on the backlot, because several incidental scenes were also filmed here. When the bad guys are watching Bo and Luke arrive in Springville their car is parked outside the yellow building mentioned above. Once again the yellow/gray wall of the German Auto Specialist can be seen on the "now" picture.


This is the scene when Cooter and Enos first spot the Duke Boys driving the patrol car. It was filmed just north of the previous location. The tall structure behind the RV isn't there any more, and the road now has a much smoother surface, but the trees and buildings haven't changed much over the years.


I'm not sure about the locations of these last pictures. The first is from when Bo and Luke first exit the Hazzard County Building in uniform and climb into the back seats of the patrol car. The long shot was filmed in Midwest Street, but the lighting suggests it was done at night. In the close-up of the passer-by (below left) there's a yellow building visible in the background that's not part of Hazzard Square. I wondered if this was the same yellow building seen above, but the window frames are a different color. The scene on the right is when Rosco, Enos, Jesse, Daisy and Cooter set off to look for Bo and Luke. The patrol car and Cooter's truck are parked outside a yellow building more similar to the one above (even though they were supposed to be leaving the County Building), but the lack of fencing and surrounding buildings mean it must have been somewhere else.


I'm sorry to end on a sad note, but while I was researching this post I spotted that Norman Alden, aka. Springville's Chief Lacey, passed away about a week ago (27th July 2012) at the age of 87. His acting career started in 1957, and his last part was as recent as 2006. You can see his filmography on IMDb.

  • 2 weeks later...

Today I've decided to cover the town of Piru. I've mentioned it before, but only with a passing reference. My decision was based on three things: I've recently re-watched the episodes where it featured; Wekke's pictures of Piru on cglfc.com are no longer available; Google has hugely improved its coverage of the area with Street View. When I originally looked at Piru, Street View could only offer some blurry images of Main Street. It now covers the whole town (the images are dated April 2012). NB. I've taken my street names from Google Maps; a couple of the streets have different names on Bing Maps.

Piru is a small town about 10 miles west of the Indian Dunes landing strip that I covered in post #224. It featured in several episodes in season 1 and 2. I'll start with a aerial view that covers most of the filming locations. The majority of the buildings are still recognizable, even if some of them have changed color. The same can't be said for the trees and telegraph poles, both of which have changed considerably. With this in mind I thought it would be a good idea to do the "then and now" pictures again. Sadly, I have to work with Street View for the now pictures (unlike Wekke who actually visited the locations), so I couldn't always get the angle I wanted. Piru must have been very accommodating to the film crew because about half of the town is used for the race in 'Luke's Love Story'. Explore it for yourself on Google Maps.


The first picture is of Enos waiting outside the garage in 'Route 7-11'.


This is another side of garage as it appeared through the General's windshield in 'Luke's Love Story'. The race actually passes under the porch where Enos was parked in the previous picture. Y'all might remember that "No spectators were allowed. That way they couldn't signal the drivers on what might be coming up". The group of spectators to the left of the orange truck appear on-screen before Waylon finishes that line!


If you spin around 180 degrees from the previous shot you get this view. The picture on the left shows Boss's Cadillac just before he reaches the stopped gambling truck in 'Route 7-11'.



This shot from 'Officer Daisy Duke' was taken just west of the garage on Center Street. At the far end of the street you can just see the road bridge which I'll cover below. Nearer the camera are the barriers where the Fillmore to Saugus railroad crossed the road. I found this site that says the line served local orange groves and farms, but became disused after the Santa Clara River trestle was washed out during a flood in 1976. Piru is now at the eastern end of the track owned by the Fillmore & Western Railway Co., but I don't think they currently run trains on this section. The track itself only extends about 100 yards north of the aerial view in the previous post.


Moving west on Center Street we get to the intersection with Main Street. This store (handily labeled "Store" on the aerial view) was seen from several angles in 'Officer Daisy Duke'. The sign at the front proclaimed "Groceries, Cold Beer, Ammo" - what more could you want? The "now" picture suggests that the store has be closed for some time.


This is what the same intersection looks like when you approach it heading south on Main Steet. I'll come to the white house on the right of the "now" picture in the next post.


Here's a close-up of the building on the corner opposite the general store. It's now an ice cream parlor, although when Dukes was filmed it was a bank. I like the way that the props department went to the trouble of making a "Bank of Hazzard" sign for one side of the building, but did nothing to obscure the "Bank of America" sign on the other!



The section of Main street south of the intersection also got used for filming. On the right you can see the post office, while on the left you can just see the white house (mentioned above) where the guy with the binoculars and walkie-talkie watched the race from in 'Luke's Love Story'.


Here's the aforementioned guy in the aforementioned house as seen from Center Street. The staircase that's visible in the picture on the left is now on the south side of the house (it's just off the left of the picture above). When you know the layout of Piru, the guy looks in some strange directions as he follows the action!


The Piru United Methodist Church on Center Street features very briefly during the race in 'Luke's Love Story'.


As promised, here's the road bridge across the creek. This shot is another one from 'Luke's Love Story', but it's also where the Dukes drop off Dewey Stovall at the end of 'Route 7-11'. As you can see from the "now" picture, the bridge is still there, but has been bypassed with a new bridge.


Probably due to the abandonment of the railroad, there wasn't a station building in Piru when Dukes was filmed. The scene in 'Luke's Love Story' where the cars slalom through the trees was filmed at the row of trees between Market Street and the current site of the station. The scenes where Enos's car flips, and the remaining three cars jump the hay bales were both filmed between Market street and the railroad, pretty much where the station is now. I didn't take any screengrabs of these scenes because it's impossible to get "now" pictures from anything like the right angles.

About six miles north of Piru is Lake Piru which also featured as a filming location in later seasons. I may post some pictures of that area in the future.


I'm skipping back to a previous location today, so I'll keep it short! If I'd re-watched the episodes in order I'd have spotted this sooner.

I've had a couple of pictures from 'Find Loretta Lynn' hanging around for a while that I hadn't been able to identify. The scene is after the kidnapping when Squirt goes off to make a phone call. The car drives past an open area ...


... and pulls up in front of Delaney's garage.


It wasn't until I re-watched 'Officer Daisy Duke' (the previous episode) that I tied it all together. In this picture you can see the bad guys in front of Delaney's, but in the background you can also see the Hazzard County Stockyard barn where Loretta Lynn's RV was hidden. In fact, as various vehicles drive by, you get several looks at the end of the white buildings that you can see in post #231. That, of course, means we're back at Golden Oaks Ranch. Click the link above and scroll down to post #232 to see the aerial view. Delaney's is the building just below halfway down on the left side.


This last picture is another from 'Find Loretta Lynn', and must have been taken from somewhere near the phone booth. The wooden fence that's just visible between the trees is still there today. Behind that, but not visible in this picture, is the covered bridge. As the camera follows the General from right to left we end up looking in the same direction as the first picture in this post. That view has changed over the years, and is now blocked by trees.


The back of Delaney's would have faced the Boar's Nest, so, by the magic of different camera angles, Loretta Lynn was kidnapped from the Boar's Nest and hidden in a barn right next to it. Then, one of her kidnappers drove to a phone booth right opposite the Boar's Nest to make a phone call!

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