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Now the Dukes have two spots on this chart they held the evenings and repeats sections. But CMT has started to show more and more of the show, I believe it’s called CMT Central...

Okay so if it’s such a “hit†then why are they showing more and more of the show CMT central during the week.

I dont' know where you got your scheduling information, jhm, or what time you're trying to watch the Dukes, but here is the link to the Dukes schedule on CMT for the next month, and it is on Monday through Friday at 7pm Eastern.


Furthermore, I too know a little about how TV works, having actually done my formal training in television and worked in the industry. Networks air the shows that bring them audiences, and as far as I can tell the Dukes brings in an audience. You yourself admitted to hating country music, but you watch Dukes on CMT - therefore, CMT has gotten you (and probably several hundred/thousand other "fans") to watch a channel you normally wouldn't. (Notice that the Dukes is the only regularly scheduled non-country music based show on their schedule).

The Dukes still has a huge audience, which is saying something since with the advent of cable and satellite TV there is much more competition for viewers now than when it was first on. (I actually remember the days of only getting 4 or 5 network channels to watch).

As for the complaints and debate about the new movie - it's fun to hear everyone's view, even if you don't necessarily agree.



JHM....I like your b****in' & Gripin' , you are entitled to do it, but when new people come on here and start trashing stuff imediately, it's gets my gander up. There is no need to for that...

Get your facts straight about CMT, but I am guessing you live in Canada then because of the scheduling. Also do you have any idea what exactly is in the script and how the characters are actually going to be portrayed? A 2 minute trailer really gives you alot? Like I said , preconcieved ideas because of the actors is getting a lot of people in an uproar, and again maybe they will surprise you, then again maybe not.....Did you see the WalMart special DVD that came out a few weeks ago? It was more of a behind the scenes of the movie.




Okay lost sheep this is good info to know and I thank you for it. I got my info on the shows time directly from www.cmtcanada.com/ there is a box there that says catch the show weeknights at 10 pm. I also live in the Eastern Time zone in Toronto.

Ah okay well then there is the difference I am a travel tourism recent graduate (This year) I am still looking for work mind you but I got a few things I got to do before I start work. Know I wouldn’t go as far as hating country music I do like that Allen Jackson guy but that’s about it. lol yea CMT has gotten me I will admit to that but I don’t watch it enough to have know of the programming change. But as far as the “Networks air the shows that bring them audiences†I’m not going to argue that. I only want to say that it’s not always true. Much music had a show on called Smartass the Ed the sock report. The ratings were tops...highest for the day on Much Music. Now if you saw the show over that weekend, you witnessed something unique for Much Music...a show they won't be playing to death. But not because they all of a sudden had an attack of rerun itis lol. Now this is a channel that runs programs like Newlyweds and Punk'd and Pimp My Ride over and over. And sure, people may enjoy those programs, but let's face it...there's no cerebral content there. The channel really hasn't had anything with any IQ content in some time. Personally, I think that the ratings for Smartass and the possible response (both positive and negative) that there is an audience out there that has been dying for something of substance to be added to Much's programming mix.

Oh yea I don’t doubt that fact. With all the crap that is out there it’s good to know that there is still a few good shows like the Dukes on TV.

Yes it is fun to see everyone’s options on the new movie and in some cases quite funny.

As for the complaints and debate about the new movie - it's fun to hear everyone's view, even if you don't necessarily agree.

Capt redneck I’m glad you like what I have to say but the title of this thread is about the new duke movie I saw a couple a trailers and I didn’t like what I saw. But what I said is nothing different from that of what anyone else on this site has said about the movie.

Yes I live in Canada. My facts about CMT are okay for the level that I watch it. No I don’t know exactly what’s in the script. But from what I’ve seen from the trailers the characters aren’t exactly based on the original show. The movie execs would have to update the characters for the younger audience they are trying to hit on. Luke in the movies wouldn’t have fought in Nam for example but the TV version did. No I didn’t see the DVD that came out a few weeks ago. All I got is what I know about tv shows and movies they try to turn in to from tv shows. Maybe this movie will be good but it is infantile more likely that the real die hard fans will go in with X expectations and base what they see on that expectation. It has happen with every movie based on a tv show since the 80’s when this all started with... I can’t exactly remember which came first it was either teenage mutant ninja turtles or the ghost busters.


OK yea lets keep an open mind, but who in their heart of hearts DOESN'T think it's going to suck. Lets face it we can only hope it can be as good as the Starsky and Hutch movie. And while that could of been worse (I expected it to be much worse), it still sucked!


Any movie is good if you see it after chuggin' down a few beers. Eh?

The car stunts certainly won't suck, and I'll treat the rest like an alternate reality. The new Dukes are like Coy and Vance on crack. You may not like them, but it could be interestin' to watch 'em.



lol yea beer might help this movie to be better but what movie theater sells beer and will allow it in the show room.

oh no the stunts won't suck thats a given what with CGI and all. Personaly I still like series where most of the stunts where done by actual people. Okay the stunt people but still it was pretty cool.

And yea I suppose the alternate reality thing might work if your drunk enough but everyone else will know the difference.

Whoa comparing the duke movie to starski and hutch. Well okay I can see that two movies that are...well... a stinker. And yes in there hearts the true die hard hazardites probably think this new movie will be a huge bomb just waiting to go off.

lol yea beer might help this movie to be better but what movie theater sells beer and will allow it in the show room.

Find a bar in walking distance to the theater and get there early! =)

oh no the stunts won't suck thats a given what with CGI and all. Personaly I still like series where most of the stunts where done by actual people. Okay the stunt people but still it was pretty cool.

Actually, from various interviews and articles I've read, it sounds like most of the actual stunts were done by people, CGI was just used to "enhance" some of the more spectacular stunts.

I'm with Brian on the alternate reality. I will not be watching this as a "true" Dukes of Hazzard movie...but I can't resist going to see it to see the General in action. I'm not comfortable with the things I've seen in the trailer, or with the characterizations I've seen, and as a true Dukes fan it gets me angry that they taken things so far from what they were, but then again, this is all based on a two minute trailer, until I see the actual movie, I won't know for sure.



Find a bar in walking distance to the theater and get there early!

lol yea for people in small towns its easy to find a bar that is walking distanse but for prople who live in a big city like me walking distanse is a joke. I livein Toronto Ont. So everything is all spread out parking is at outragious prices, cabbies are theifs on wheels and thats even before I get to the theater itself.

Thats a good thing at least there sticking to tradion. I don't think anyone is really comfortable with the trailers. Its a real catch 22 situation lol.

Actually we can tell alot from the trailer and from pervious movies made from tv shows also looking at the market there trying to get in on can tell a bit.

The alt reality thing is about the only way to go with this movie and that is a truely sad fact :( . A hazard movie should be watched and enjoyed in a natural way not with any exceptions.

lol yea beer might help this movie to be better but what movie theater sells beer and will allow it in the show room.

oh no the stunts won't suck thats a given what with CGI and all. Personaly I still like series where most of the stunts where done by actual people. Okay the stunt people but still it was pretty cool.

And yea I suppose the alternate reality thing might work if your drunk enough but everyone else will know the difference.

Whoa comparing the duke movie to starski and hutch. Well okay I can see that two movies that are...well... a stinker. And yes in there hearts the true die hard hazardites probably think this new movie will be a huge bomb just waiting to go off.

JHM....I think you are in your own alternate reality. Why do you think all True Die-hard Hazzardites think this movie will be a bomb ?

As far as CGI, you are very mistaken. Most of the stunts were done real with a little bit of CGI to enhance some things.

You can tell the movie will suck because of a 2 minute trailer? You must be some kind of critic then. I want your job then. I might like the humor that was in the trailer , but it was only a 2 MINUTE preview, NOT a 90 minute movie.

Also you mentioned to me in a previous post the title of this thread. . The tilte of the thread is "Sorry For Knocking The Movie To Shreds" - go back and read the thread form the beginning. You might learn something....

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:10 pm Post subject:

Capt redneck I’m glad you like what I have to say but the title of this thread is about the new duke movie I saw a couple a trailers and I didn’t like what I saw. But what I said is nothing different from that of what anyone else on this site has said about the movie. \

I am not here to change anyone's opinions about the movie. Everyone has their own right to think what they will. I just want people to keep an open mind about it. We all may be surprised either way.

One more thing, JHM...........It is HAZZARD not Hazard......





Well mostly because of my experense. When ever a Tv show gets turned into a movie then the die hard fans go in and will either love it or hate it. There is no inbetween on these matters. I think that everyone can agree with that fact anyway.

I just get the impression that no one in this part particalarly likes the movie because of casting or layout or what ever.

Okay once again I am happy that they are keeping with tradition just using the CGI to kick up some of the F/X.

Well no I'm not a critic I admit that right off. But I have seen enough off the trailers to form an option of the movie at http://canmag.com/news/4/3/928 www.imdb.com/title/tt0377818/ http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&cf=trailer&id=1808509770 to name but a few sites. I didn't read anything I was just in there to watch the trailers.

Actually I have sorta been glancing though the thread for the most part it's about the new duke movie and how people feel about it.

To borrow what you said capt I am not here to change anyone's opinions about the movie. Everyone has their own right to think what they will.

lol Yes I am aware of the spelling but I am thinking of Hazard KY where I always thought thats where the show was shot and when ever I would write a report for school I would spell Hazzard the correct way but the teachers would knock marks off so I got into the habbit of spelling it Hazard. Now I won't admit to being the biggest Dukes fan out there because...well there are bigger fans out there, I started watching the dukes towards the end of the series because I was born in "81.

  • 1 month later...

WOW even ben jones wants people not to go see this movie. He says that it coruptes the oringal show. LOL take that you...what 5% who like this movie.


WOW even ben jones wants people not to go see this movie. He says that it coruptes the oringal show. LOL take that you...what 5% who like this movie.


I'm not getting all "Huffy and Puffy" as you put it I'm merely stating fact in all the articals I've seen and read he never said anything about not bring kids to it. He has said that the movie is wrong and that people should not go to see it.

Perhaps you misheard oh well


I'm not getting all "Huffy and Puffy" as you put it I'm merely stating fact in all the articals I've seen and read he never said anything about not bring kids to it. He has said that the movie is wrong and that people should not go to see it.

Perhaps you misheard oh well

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