Garrett Duke Posted September 30, 2010 Author Posted September 30, 2010 (edited) You sure predicted that one right Garrett. Those penalties don't get overturned often.Wow...I'm right for once. Too bad it is at Bowyer's expense. The penalties don't get overturned often and there are people that are criticizing it...alot of fans upset with it or how things turned out. As posted, I've been going back and forth with how I feel due to my love for NASCAR and for my respect for Bowyer. I guess I feel that if his car was found illegal that he should be penalyzed for it...end of story. But don't know I agree with how big of a penalty they had given him. Never seen them dock a driver 150 points before.Childress is taking it up to a higher authority that will be heard next his crew chief and car cheif will most likely be able to be at Kansas on Sunday, but wouldn't hold my breath on winning it if I were Childress or Bowyer. Sadly, I think they need to learn from it and move forward. Use the remainder eight races to focus on wins and to experiment or work towards next year. My opinion of course. I could be wrong, though about the appeal. . .(Well leave it to Darrell Waltrip to prove me wrong. Am at his page right now and he lists several other drivers that were fined big. One was fined 200 points, one 151 points. Gordon got fined twice (two different times) at 100 of those times with Jimmie Johnson (plus their crew chiefs) and those were from infractions in the car. So I guess Bowyer isn't the biggest penalty NASCAR has dished out...) Edited September 30, 2010 by Garrett Duke Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 21, 2010 Author Posted October 21, 2010 Well things in NASCAR has seemed to settle down a bit since Bowyer's penalty which has resulted in not a lot to report here. Know what they news is good news. Though do have some newsworthy news to report. . .I guess in the early laps of Saturday night's race, Kasey Kahne's (number 9 Bud car) brakes went out and ended up in an accident with Sam Hornish Jr. (Didn't see the first three fourths of the race, so am only going by what Yahoo! NASCAR site says.) Well Kahne I guess got upset at his crew over the radio for his breaks going out for the second time in two weeks, three times all year this year. He refused to get back in the car after his crew got the car repaired, claiming illness, and JJ Yeley ended up racing the rest of the race for him. (Ironically, Kahne was well enough to run in his 5K run Sunday Morning.)As of now, Kasey Kahne is out of the number nine car and will be driving the number 83 Toyota Red Bull car for the remainder of the season...five races. Aric Almorilo (Sp?) will be racing Kahne's number nine car this Sunday which is for Richard Petty Racing.For all that don't know, Kahne was originally to race this whole year with his number nine crew and go over to Red Bull Racing for a year until Mark Martin's contract is up and race the number 5 car for Rick Hendrick in 2012. So I guess he'll get a head start on his Red Bull racing. Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 22, 2010 Posted October 22, 2010 I don't get it. I've been driving 35 years and have never had my brakes go out. He's got the best mechanics in the world working on his car and his brakes go out twice in two weeks?(I'm sure it's more complicated than it appears but it is funny when you put it in this perspective) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 22, 2010 Author Posted October 22, 2010 Well Roger, I am glad that in all of your 35 years of driving that you haven't had your brakes go out. Talk about scary! Kasey Kahne didn't sound too happy about them going out twice in two weeks either...according to Yahoo!'S NASCAR page's article I read yesterday, he exploded at his crew over the CB when it happened. I know they all get upset and emotions are running high, but I am sure Kenny Francis (Kahne's crew chief in the number 9 car) and the rest of the crew didn't do it on purpose and was just as frustrated as Kasey was. Though to give Kasey credit, he has had a lot come at him the past few years. Ray Everanham was his car owner until Everanham got out of the business of owning cars, then it went to another guy...can't recall his name, last name is Gillette though. He went bankrupt and that is when the owner went into Richard Petty Motorsports to be part owner of the team along with Richard. So Kasey has had all that to worry about, then last year he made the chase with a couple of wins and the RPM revolved around him. Now this year he is 21st in points with no wins and has all sorts of issues from getting caught in accidents to car issues. This year has not been Kasey's year at all. So I understand where the frustration comes from...they all get frustrated and I think the crew gets to deal with the heat of it all.I don't know if I vented on this at all, but Kasey's deal with Red Bull racing makes little sense in one sense. Most ways it does. It fills the empty spot of the year while he waits for his car to open up at HMS; so it is great for him. But what doesn't make sense is Red Bull's rules and acceptance. Kenny Francis has been Kasey's crew chief since Kasey started out. So obviously Kenny is a guy that Kasey likes and trusts and respects. But according to Red Bull racing earlier this year when this deal went through, that they don't accept interim crew cheifs. My question is why not? If they can accept Kasey for only a year while he waits for his car to open up, why not his trusted crew chief? To me that doesn't make any sense at all. . .Guess I don't have anything to complain about since it isn't Gordon, Johnson, or Jr (my top three drivers) but I do like Kasey and do feel bad for the bad season he has had this year. Hopefully he can finish the last five races of the season with strong solid finishes to give him a boost for next year! If I remember right...I could be wrong, because it has been awhile since they talked about it, but Kahne and Francis will be rejoined in 2012 when Kasey moves into the number 5 car for Rick Hendrick. I believe that Francis will be on the team next year...I don't know though. Right now Alan Gustofson is Martin's crew cheif and I don't see them getting rid of him. . .I could be completely wrong about the whole thing and if so, someone please correct me.well sorry for the boring thing always leads to another thing. Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 23, 2010 Posted October 23, 2010 Wow! You sure know your NASCAR Garrett.Here's an interesting NASCAR tidbit. There's a guy currently on the TV show "Survivor". He works for a pit crew and wears a Kendricks Motorsports hat....and.....his name's Chase! (what a great race name) If you're interested you could probably google Survivor's website to see who he works for. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 23, 2010 Author Posted October 23, 2010 Wow! You sure know your NASCAR Garrett.Here's an interesting NASCAR tidbit. There's a guy currently on the TV show "Survivor". He works for a pit crew and wears a Kendricks Motorsports hat....and.....his name's Chase! (what a great race name) If you're interested you could probably google Survivor's website to see who he works for.Thanks Roger! At least I know something about something. Never thought I'd ever get hooked into watching and knowing about NASCAR. Thirteen years ago, I'd never believe you if you told me I'd even think of sitting down and watching an entire race: not alone to be a fan of the sport. Thanks to Bo and Luke for showing me that there is more to the sport than just a bunch of men chasing each other around in circles! Now I'm hooked! LOL Roger...was thinking the same thing. Chase would be a great race name. Wonder if his parents are into racing as well. I'll have to look it up. It said Kendricks Motorsports? Don't recall that name. Are you sure it said Kendricks and not Hendrick Motorsports? Just wondering...As I said, I'll have to go look it up. Thanks for the info. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 23, 2010 Author Posted October 23, 2010 Well Roger, I looked it up online (Google is so great!) and watched a little video of him talking. Well he didn't say which team he worked for so I went back to Google and didn't get an exact answer, but he is a jackman for Hendrick...which is the team that Gordon and Johnson race for! Heard a fan say he is on Hendrick's developmental or something like that team. But someone went to which is full of NASCAR stats and info and came up with that he had to work for Mark Martin (number five car) since they listed everyone else's jackman, and not Martin's. So it's not conclusive by any means, but it's a start.Never watched or followed Survivor, but I REALLY hope that Chase Rice will win the whole thing! (He's on leave from NASCAR to do the show...) Excited that it is someone from NASCAR, even more excited to hear it is a jackman who works for a Rick Hendrick team. Thanks Roger for the info! Without you, I'd never have known that! (What ya know, there is something in NASCAR I didn't know about! ) Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 23, 2010 Posted October 23, 2010 My wife's a big Survivor fan. I watch it just to hang out with her. There's a doctor named Jill on Survivor who practices in Erie Pa (20 miles from me) so I'm watching it hoping she'll win. Since we're so competitive, how about you root fot the NASCAR guy and I root for the Erie girl and we'll see who gets the furthest. *extends hand to make the friendly bet* Sorry about saying Kendricks. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 23, 2010 Author Posted October 23, 2010 My wife's a big Survivor fan. I watch it just to hang out with her. There's a doctor named Jill on Survivor who practices in Erie Pa (20 miles from me) so I'm watching it hoping she'll win. Since we're so competitive, how about you root fot the NASCAR guy and I root for the Erie girl and we'll see who gets the furthest. *extends hand to make the friendly bet* Sorry about saying Kendricks.That's nice of you to watch it to hang out with your wife. That's cool that there is someone close by that is on it for you to follow and watch.*Shakes hand* go for your doctor girl and I'll for for my NASCAR guy. I'm betting the NASCAR guy will win it...after all he goes through each weekend, Survivor will be a piece of cake for him. As for your Kendricks remark...I can't believe you of all people would get your own favorite driver's team wrong. Afterall JJ does drive for Hendrick Motorsports (though Jeff Gordon owns half of JJ's car! ) But I guess, you're forgiven. Just this time though! Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 23, 2010 Posted October 23, 2010 Well the H and K are close on the keyboard.Hey, we didn't spit before we shook. Is it still official? Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 23, 2010 Author Posted October 23, 2010 I'd say it's official, but if you really want a spit hand shake. . . *Spits in hand* (Easy mistake. I assumed that is what had happened.) Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 23, 2010 Posted October 23, 2010 *spits and shakes* "Done!"Since I doubt you watch the show I'll keep you posted. Some of the folks were talking about voting Jill off but there's been no such talk of getting rid of Chase so far....good luck! Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 23, 2010 Author Posted October 23, 2010 *spits and shakes* "Done!"Since I doubt you watch the show I'll keep you posted. Some of the folks were talking about voting Jill off but there's been no such talk of getting rid of Chase so far....good luck!Thanks Roger, I'd appreciate being kept up on the show. I don't watch the show, but am interested in how Chase does...especially now that I betted for him. Thanks...hope you good luck too. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 24, 2010 Author Posted October 24, 2010 Well I don't know if this is real newsworthy since a lot of it is told to be rumors and have sat on it for awhile to think about it, but think I'll just post it as sort of a heads up. So a lot of this is yet to happen or to made a fact...In 2000 Richard Petty got into owning his own race team...that is a fact. LOL. He owns his own number 43 which is now drove by AJ Allmindinger and now owns Elliot Sadler's car (will be leaving at the end of the season), Paul Menard...who will be leaving at the end of the season as well, and the number 9 car that was drove by Kasey Kahne until earlier this week when he was released. Don't know how many cars he had owned when he started out or when he went to four cars, but that is how it is this year.A couple of years ago Richard Petty ran into money troubles and had to join with another team that is owned by George Gillet Jr.(He took over for Ray Evernham who had owned Kahne's car and perhaps another one.) That too is a fact. Who I believe ran Richard Petty's own son, Kyle Petty out of his car to fill it with another driver. Can't remember the details of it, but knew it kinda bothered me that some guy would jump in and take over like that with a guy like Richard Petty who had a big deal into making NASCAR what it is. Well with Kasey leaving, have read where Gillet is running into his own money issues and lost his soccer team (can't remember where it was at.) But it sounds like there is money issues that has plagued the entire Richard Petty Motorsports team. Rumor has been going around, I guess, that they don't know if they even know if they can race past Sunday. Though Robbie Loomis, who works for RPM as director for competition, said that he remains optimistic for 2011...but didn't argue that RPM's future is in doubt and even stated he hoped that they would be racing in Talledega (October 31...scary ain't it? Talledega on Halloween. Can't think of a better track to be racing at on Halloween!). But Loomis did say that a lot of it is speculation...and sounds like he is still making plans for 2011. Sounds like Gillett has the control over RPM and that Richard is trying to get investors to get Gillett's share of the team. But Loomis said he didn't want to speculate on that either. It is sad to sit here and see the King of NASCAR facing these sort of troubles. After being such a big part of NASCAR, now his and his team's future seems to be doubt. NASCAR without Richard Petty or any other Petty just seems wrong. Sadly NASCAR was robbed of another great Petty driver when Kyle Petty's son, Adam Petty had died in an accident in 2000 in a practice in his Busch (now Nationwide Series) car at the age of 19. Hopefully Richard and RPM can rebound and that we will not only see them in Talledega but at Daytona 500 next year.Being a Jeff Gordon fan, I have to point out his connection here. Ray Evernham, who once owned Kahne's car before he left, was Gordon's crew cheif the first nine or ten years of his career. Won three of his championships with him. Evernham was replaced by Robbie Loomis (RPM's competition director) and was with Gordon when he won his last championship. Robbie Loomis was replaced with Steve Letarte later one when Robbie left to return to RPM where he had started his career at. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 28, 2010 Author Posted October 28, 2010 Don't know if y'all would consider this newsworthy, but I am excited about it, so I thought I'd write about it. Then again, my opion here, is biased...LOLJeff Gordon has been searching for a new sponsor all season long. Dupont has been with him since he started his Sprint Cup career (was Winston Cup then.) in 1992. But now Dupont is pulling back due to money, I think. Which has left Gordon looking for a sponsor and has had a few rumors going around. First Mobile One, but they couldn't since Quaker State has sponsorship with all Hendrick cars. So Mobile One is going to Tony Stewart next year, which is part of Hendrick due to their engines, but worked out well with Stewart. Then it was Wal-Mart for Gordon, but Wal-Mart pulled out stating they'd be interested more in something with all the drivers and not just one.Well Gordon, officiall as of Wednesday, has finally found his sponsor and will have him racing at least through the 2013 season (hopefully beyond that. I'd be so lost without having Gordon to root for!) AARP's Anti-Hunger will be sponsoring Gordon's car for 22 races, Dupont has agreed to sponsor 14 races, and Pepsi will sponsor 2 races. Something like that. Was surprised that it was Anti-Hunger that will be sponsoring Gordon, but will definately take it and am happy with it. (Almost anything that'll keep Gordon behind the 24 car I am happy with. LOL!) (According to Rick Hendrick, Gordon will be racing for awhile to pay off Gordon's new big house that is almost done being built in North Carolina where Gordon is going to be raising his two children. Don't know how serious Hendrick was about Gordon having to race in order to support the house. Though do know Gordon is building the house to raise his kids there. . .)National Guard has sponsored several races this year for Gordon is pulling out and will be putting all their focus upon Dale Earnhardt Jr. For me, a big 24 fan, will be sad to see Dupont leaving, at least partially. For 18 years Dupont has been Gordon's sponsor so it will be odd to see them not on the car as much as in the past. Though they haven't had as much sponsorship this year as in the past, it don't seem to me. Seems National Guard has been on his car for quite a lot of races this year. Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 Hmmm. interesting post...but it has left me a little confused....Is AARP the American Association of Retired People? I'm wondering if it stands for a different organization with the same initials since they don't seem like the type of group that would sponser NASCAR. Quote
gojrracing Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 Hmmm. interesting post...but it has left me a little confused....Is AARP the American Association of Retired People? I'm wondering if it stands for a different organization with the same initials since they don't seem like the type of group that would sponser NASCAR.Yes I think AARP stands for American Association of Retired People. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 29, 2010 Author Posted October 29, 2010 Leave it to you to be the one to point that little bit of info out, Roger. *Shakes head* Well if you have to know it is that exact group but according to an article I read yesterday, AARP doesn't really think of itself in that terms any more since they do accept people that are not of retirement age any more. They had a long fancy title that they defined themselves, but I can't remember it. If I recall this is their first sponsorship with NASCAR.Now before you go and start calling Gordon old or making fun of his new sponsor ship. He is ONLY 39 years young. They don't accept people until they are 50, so they said in the article I read. LOL. Which Gordon had said that he plans on racing beyond his three year contract and perhaps until he is eligable to get into AARP...that is if he is still in good health and competitive. :D (I'm still excited at the thought of him being around that long after everyone's talk and rumors of him retiring due to his kids and his bad back. NASCAR would NOT be the same for me when and if he retires!) Well since you didn't seem so excited in your post, Roger, I am assuming you didn't find that too interesting or newsworthy for you, either that or you are dreading the fierce competition Gordon is going to be giving your Johnson for the next three or more years to come! Or dreading the fact that Gordon is going to be ending JJ's championship streak next year when Gordon wins his fifth championship! HA HA. Next year is definately Gordon's year! (Sorry Roger *hangs head* I had to give you a hard time.) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 30, 2010 Author Posted October 30, 2010 Yes I think AARP stands for American Association of Retired People.Welcome to HNet GoJRRACING...glad you found our NASCAR forum. The more the better. I am assuming you are a proud member of Junior Nation by your screen name. Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 30, 2010 Posted October 30, 2010 Having just turned 50 in April (along with John Schneider) I got a lot of AARP advertisements in the mail. It just seems odd that they would sponser NASCAR but since there's a lot of older NASCAR fans I shouldn't be surprised. NASCAR's been around long enough that a lot of it's original fans are getting older.GO GO JJ!! Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 30, 2010 Author Posted October 30, 2010 Well, Roger, I can honestly tell you that you were not the only one surprised at his new sponsor. I first read a link that said Gordon found a new sponsor and I excitedly went to the link and found it to be AARP Anti-Hunger, was very surprised. Was expecting some brand or store or something of the sort to be it, but not AARP. I am definately not complaining about it. It may do the world a lot of good putting the Anti-Hunger on his car and getting it some publicity. Perhaps help end world hunger while Gordon continues to rack up his continue to race I mean. HA HA. Quote
texasdaisy09 Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 Forgive me for not posting here more often! I'm very glad that he got a sponser. You're right it wouldn't be the same without him racing. I'm so happy for him and you! Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 31, 2010 Author Posted October 31, 2010 Forgive me for not posting here more often! I'm very glad that he got a sponser. You're right it wouldn't be the same without him racing. I'm so happy for him and you!Thank-you TXDaisy! You are very missed on this thread, TXDaisy. You should stop by more often...have you picked a favorite driver, yet? LOL (Seems like you said you are going with JJ (Johnson) but can't remember right mind is too tired to think. LOL) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 13, 2010 Author Posted November 13, 2010 Well this is far from NASCAR news and has little to do with NASCAR, but didn't know where else to put this. . .Did anyone watch the CMA's Wednesday night? I missed it due to the time it was on at...probably could have seen the first half hour of it or so that I was online for that night, but didn't think of it. Y'all are probably wondering how this has anything to do with NASCAR to be put on the NASCAR thread, right? Well believe it or not, it does have a little NASCAR in it.Jeff Gordon was one of the presenters at the awards (my NASCAR link). I knew he was going to be on there and hated to miss him on there...Jeff Gordon and Country music is a great mix for me. Almost as good as it was when he sang "Take me to The Ballgame" for a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. The best of two sports...LOL.Anyway, being a big Jeff Gordon fan that I am and from all I heard from a person at work, I had to see Jeff Gordon so I googled it and thought it was great! Here is the link of his red carpet interview with his wife Ingrid is the link for when Jeff Gordon came up with Carrie Underwood and later with Brad Paisely. Find the whole video hilarious...never thought I'd ever see Jeff Gordon wearing a cowboy hat. Then again, never thought I'd see him at a Country Music Award show either. Here is the link: Know not all of you are Jeff Gordon fans, but hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did! Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 24, 2010 Author Posted November 24, 2010 (edited) Well I logged on tonight and went to with thought of not seeing much new of anything other than Jimmie winning his fifth championship in a row. Well, I was wrong thinking that...but perhaps it is only I that thinks this is big since it deals with Gordon.Rick Hendrick, who owns Gordon's, Martin's, Junior's, and half of Johnson's car, just two days after winning his tenth championship as a car owner has made some big changes to three of his teams. The changes has came in swapping, not pit crews this time, but crew chiefs to three of his four teams. (It is a given that Johnson and Knaus will not be least to me. I could be wrong though...)Steve Letarte, who has been Gordon's crew chief for the past few years will be leaving him and going to Dale Earnhardt Jr. Lance McGrew, who was Junior's crew cheif ever since they fired his cousin, Tony Eury Jr in the middle of the '09 season, will be going over to Mark Martin. Mark Martin's crew cheif, who he has had since he came to Hendrick, Alan Gustufsan (I'll have to learn how to spell his last name...) is going to be Gordon's crew cheif.Also, the pit crew will stay with the crew cheif. So Gordon will be getting Martin's crew, Martin will be getting Jr's old crew, and Jr will be getting Gordon's crew. But that's not all...Hendrick has two has been the 24/48 garage and the 5/88 garage. Well not no more. Gordon will be heading over to share the garage with Mark Martin (5 car) and Junior will be going over to the 48 garage.Being a big Gordon fan, am really torn about this. I do feel like he needs something to change in order for him to start winning again and maybe this will be the change that he needs. Gustufson does seem to be a good crew cheif despite the lousy year the number five car had. But I like Steve Letart and do feel like Gordon and him make a good team even if they haven't gotten the results that they deserve. It's also disappointing to see Gordon lose his pit crew as well...they always seemed to do him well in pits for the most part. Oh well, maybe Letart and his crew will bring Junior the change that he needs to start winning and to make it into the chase next year.Am also kinda disappointed in the garage swap as well. Johnson being my second favorite driver, I liked the idea of them two sharing garages. I hope that it is how Hendrick says it's about the crew cheifs...and that it isn't due to differences between Gordon and Johnson. All that is of my own opinion...Well I guess we'll have to wait 89 more days now to see if these changes will work for Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin, and Dale Earnhardt Jr who all have had disappointing seasons this year. Who knows...perhaps the three of them will be going at each other for the title next year. Edited November 24, 2010 by Garrett Duke Quote
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