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*arms under Chet's knees, hands locked together to heave the tall young man up out of the car... taking a couple careful steps back in order to make room to turn around... also giving the Deputy a quick glance*

Bring 'em inside, to the cells down stairs, since the holding cell is busted. *heads toward the stairs and up to the doors of the courthouse to hold the door open to allow the boys to carry Chet inside*

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*watches at Bo and Luke heft Chet out of the car, gives a snort* He ain't that heavy. I managed to get him into the car ya know.. *chuckles*

*Having to laugh* You're just strong. He ain't all that light. *giving her a teasing grin*

*find the wound well stitched up, and barely bleeding at this point, finishes up quickly* u-huh, if I wasn't already very much taken, I might find myself in trouble. *teasing at this point, trying to keep the tone light*

*suppressing a drug-induced giggle* Oh, ah doubt that. Garrett's "way with women" involves rentin' 'em by the hour.

*suppressing a drug-induced giggle* Oh, ah doubt that. Garrett's "way with women" involves rentin' 'em by the hour.

*bursts out laughing at that comment* You know what they say... the more dollars you can spend the more charming you appear to be!

*find the wound well stitched up, and barely bleeding at this point, finishes up quickly* u-huh, if I wasn't already very much taken, I might find myself in trouble. *teasing at this point, trying to keep the tone light*

You mean you're already taken? Damn it! *Decides to play along with the doctor as a way to sidetrack own self against emotions and thoughts.* Ah well. Just my luck...

*nods to Luke to go ahead first, carrying Chet carefully toward the courthouse and jail*

*walking backwards, watching over my shoulder... taking the steps up more carefully... and even more so the steeper stairs insde, down to the basement jail* Careful now, cousin... Ya got a preference as to cell, MaryAnne?


*The movement starts to bring me around and just to make things more difficult carrying me down the stairs I start to move. Mumbles and babbles some incoherent words.*

*walking backwards, watching over my shoulder... taking the steps up more carefully... and even more so the steeper stairs insde, down to the basement jail* Careful now, cousin... Ya got a preference as to cell, MaryAnne?

The first one here is fine... *grabs keys off the wall and goes to the first cell, unlocking the door. Pushes it open to allow the boys to carry Chet in and place him, face down on the cot since his arms are cuffed behind his back*

*once the Bo and Luke exit the cell, shuts the door and locks it*

There. Thank ya fellas, I appreciate it. *smiles*

The first one here is fine... *grabs keys off the wall and goes to the first cell, unlocking the door. Pushes it open to allow the boys to carry Chet in and place him, face down on the cot since his arms are cuffed behind his back*

*once the Bo and Luke exit the cell, shuts the door and locks it*

There. Thank ya fellas, I appreciate it. *smiles*

Anytime, Deputy. *smiling at her* Long as it's not one of us you're lockin' in there.

You mean you're already taken? Damn it! *Decides to play along with the doctor as a way to sidetrack own self against emotions and thoughts.* Ah well. Just my luck...

Very, I'm afraid. Speaking of which. *returns back to where Brian lay* You're obviously enjoying yourself, my dear. I take it the pain's gone.


*Curls myself onto my side the best I can with my hands cuffed behind my back. Squints my eyes against the pain in my head for a few moments then cracks them open narrow against the bright lighting. Blinks a few times still feeling very very groggy, not even sure whats going on yet.*

Anytime, Deputy. *smiling at her* Long as it's not one of us you're lockin' in there.
*Curls myself onot my side the best I can with my hands cuffed behind my back. Squinks my eyes against the pain in my head for a few moments then cracks them open narrow against the bright lighting. Blinks a few times still feeling very very groggy, not even sure whats going on yet.*

*slight chuckle, glancing to Bo and remembering some nights spent in this very cell... though more often the other... not in a big hurry to get back in though, no* For sure.

*glancing over to Chet as he rolls over* Just take it easy, cool down, and get some rest. Ain't much else you can do.

Very, I'm afraid. Speaking of which. *returns back to where Brian lay* You're obviously enjoying yourself, my dear. I take it the pain's gone.

Mm. Yeah, the pain's gone... except for Garrett, but there's no pill for that.

*Abruptly turns head to speak to Garrett directly* Ah'm glad you're gonna make it, tho'. You'd be no fun at all, dead. *shrugs* Not that yer a barrel o' laughs alive, but ....ah think you know what I mean...

*tries this awkward olive branch, to see what it gets*


*Gathers my thoughts collecting them into a more steady fuction or perhaps as much as I seem to function normally. Eases onto my back and stretches my legs over the side of the cot and pushes myself to sit up and scoot back against the wall. Looks around knowing exactly where I am now, looks at MaryAnne creasing my brow.*

Wheres my horse?

Mm. Yeah, the pain's gone... except for Garrett, but there's no pill for that.

*Abruptly turns head to speak to Garrett directly* Ah'm glad you're gonna make it, tho'. You'd be no fun at all, dead. *shrugs* Not that yer a barrel o' laughs alive, but ....ah think you know what I mean...

*tries this awkward olive branch, to see what it gets*

*looks at Brian* so theres a cure for Duke? *teases then gives a chuckle* We can start a charity...put Chet and Garrett's picture on a tin can and have people ring a bell and collect money!

*Gathers my thoughts collecting them into a more steady fuction or perhaps as much as I seem to function normally. Eases onto my back and stretches my legs over the side of the cot and pushes myself to sit up and scoot back against the wall. Looks around knowing exactly where I am now, looks at MaryAnne creasing my brow.*

Wheres my horse?

*glancing over my shoulder, pausing on the way out... glancing to MaryAnne before giving a quick answer, leaving it to her to explain more, if she wants* Tied out front. He's fine. Followed all the way here like a good boy. *understanding at least Chet's concern for his critters*

*looks at Brian* so theres a cure for Duke? *teases then gives a chuckle* We can start a charity...put Chet and Garrett's picture on a tin can and have people ring a bell and collect money!

*Takes a deep breath and looks at Alex* Speaking for myself, I am in no need of a cure. Thank-you for your concern though. Though seriously, thank you for helping me out the way you did. If not for you...*lets it hang*

*Looking at Brian* Well Brian, for the first time I guess I'd have to agree with you. Despite our differences *nods at him* glad to see you're going to be alright after all this.

*glancing over my shoulder, pausing on the way out... glancing to MaryAnne before giving a quick answer, leaving it to her to explain more, if she wants* Tied out front. He's fine. Followed all the way here like a good boy. *understanding at least Chet's concern for his critters*

We'll make sure that he's taken care of. *least we can do to help MaryAnne out. Following Luke toward the steps, glancing back one last time as we head out of the jail*

*Takes a deep breath and looks at Alex* Speaking for myself, I am in no need of a cure. Thank-you for your concern though. Though seriously, thank you for helping me out the way you did. If not for you...*lets it hang*

*Looking at Brian* Well Brian, for the first time I guess I'd have to agree with you. Despite our differences *nods at him* glad to see you're going to be alright after all this.

*laughter and teasing dies down, gives a nod at Garrett* Yeah I understand, tried not to dwell on that...you both were in rough shape...

*laughter and teasing dies down, gives a nod at Garrett* Yeah I understand, tried not to dwell on that...you both were in rough shape...

Yeah, I guess we were. *Nods again at Alex in appreciation* Well, thank-you.


*Outside the clinic, Garrett's motorcycle was now parked. The brunette figure stood uncertain about going back inside. Garrett deserved to know his bike was waiting for him, hazel eyes glance curiously at the other vehicles on the street behind it...*

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