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(Who doesn't? I hear it in my sleep)

Finally they reached their place of meeting and got out to sit among the clearing. Daisy had brought some sandwiches in case they wanted a snack or were out too late for supper.

"All right girls, let's get to this." Daisy said as she and the other two sat down.

Dixie nodded "Yeah, we're all ears to hear about your fella."

Kristen wrapped up in her favorite jacket and cluched the locket around her neck and just huddled to her self to keep warm "Okay whats first on the agenda.." trying to keep her teeth from chattering, the snow was melting but it was still really cold, even though she was used to it, she hated it.


Prince Charming rode into the yard of Snow White and the seven dwarfs on his white steed with Sleeping Beauty riding behind. The seven dwarfs marched across the hill in the distance their voices ringing in the surrounding quietness singing "hi ho hi ho.....". "Whoa boy" Prince Charming commanded the horse pulling back on the reins holding onto Sleeping Beauty's hand he helped her safely to the ground.


"You hear what in your sleep? Oh wait wait! I know!" Smirks."Ya hear wind chimes! JANGLE LANG-leeeeeedeeeedoooddahhh.

And then ya start counting all the lil fat frogs, which once the prince? You'll have to kiss them all to know!


Kristen wrapped up in her favorite jacket and cluched the locket around her neck and just huddled to her self to keep warm "Okay whats first on the agenda.." trying to keep her teeth from chattering, the snow was melting but it was still really cold, even though she was used to it, she hated it.

Dixie and Daisy could tell this and they each wrapped an arm around thier youngest cousin

"Well sugar, wherever you want to start." Dixie said trying to keep them all comfortable as possible.

Following Chet off a very tall cliff...and makin' an effort to contributin' to a very beautiful story.

You better believe it's a tall cliff and y'all are gonna go straight down in an abyss...

You know, I know Cowboy has his crusade against one liner posts in the RRs and whatnot, but this is really going too far. This is not funny. I am not amused.

Ya know, Chet, why don't you go spend your energy on "Hazzardous Hotel?" I believe some of us have been waiting for you to get your damn butt over there to respond to the last post, since if was you and Amanda who were being called after. Stop pulling this crap and worry about your own!!


The cliff was tall... and hearing from you in a stern fashion is painful MaryAnne, as I have done my best to behave myself. I will pay utmost attention to Hazzardous Hotel, and far less to the lack of other peoples effort around here.

But I have one more thing to say before I go peacefully....




Cowboy, Lori, and B.L....

That was mean-spirited. I'm disappointed in you guys. Really, truly disappointed.

Cowboy, I'm especially unhappy with you, for starting the bullying. Picking on these guys and their story is uncool. It's also disrespectful to HNet as a whole. For somebody who's had a whole slew of second chances, and who's been around HNet for years, I'd expect better of you.

Pick on somebody your own size. You know where to find me.

The cliff was tall... and hearing from you in a stern fashion is painful MaryAnne, as I have done my best to behave myself. I will pay utmost attention to Hazzardous Hotel, and far less to the lack of other peoples effort around here.

But I have one more thing to say before I go peacefully....



Yeah, well, I understand you want folks to put forth their best effort, but to go stompin' through somebody's story just because you don't think the story's good enough is downright mean-spirited on your part. You should be outright ashamed of yourself, Chet. How would you like if somebody decided your story wasn't all that good and they pulled this kind of crap? You wouldn't. So keep that in mind.

Following Chet off a very tall cliff...and makin' an effort to contributin' to a very beautiful story.

Yeah, like that woodchuck stew post. Saracsm in response to MaryAnne's post is a sure-fire way to find yourself on the outside looking in. Kindly apologize to her, and mean it.


MaryAnne, as you were the one who got smarted-off to, I'll leave it to your discretion how you wanna handle it. I'd just as soon hit the button. I don't mind us being knocked in fun, but genuine disrespect earns my fury.


I do sincerely apologize to you first MaryAnne, as I knew this would cause trouble and did it anyway. But like you I am frustrated to no end. Iam sorry Deputy, I have enjoyed writing with you in Hazzardous Hotel. I was not trying to be sarcastic in my first reply to you here, it does greatly pain me as I have truely tried to be of aid instead of a hinderence in this subject.

*Frowns.* Im sorry to those who's story I destroyed, it was not my place to go setting fire. I do sincerely apologize.


I do sincerely apologize to you first MaryAnne, as I knew this would cause trouble and did it anyway. But like you I am frustrated to no end. Iam sorry Deputy, I have enjoyed writing with you in Hazzardous Hotel. I was not trying to be sarcastic in my first reply to you here, it does greatly pain me as I have truely tried to be of aid instead of a hinderence in this subject.

*Frowns.* Im sorry to those who's story I destroyed, it was not my place to go setting fire. I do sincerely apologize.


I owe an apology for my part in this as well I am truly sorry to those author's of this story. I had no right to make a mockery of the work being done no matter what my intentions may have been, I am deeply and sincerely sorry. *looks ashamed*


I'm sorry too, Maryanne, Elly, and DaisyxEnos. Was the wrong way to make a point about something. Sorry for the sarcasm Maryanne, wasn't exactly trying to be a smarta** about it, but it did come out that way.


I forgive ya'll..I was raised to live on the grounds of Forgive but not Forget....I forgive all of you but I can't forget this..I was upset yes I thought ya'll would join, me and Elly were trying, but I didn't know this all would happen..I truly didn't....but I do forigive all of you...I want to be friends not fighting like this.


I greatly regret this incident and I hope to make it up to ya'll. Elly May, I have spoken to DaisyXEnos and we have made arrangements to work together. I want to help improve her writing skills, and if you will let me I wish to help you too.

Contact me, let me help, you'd be surprised what a some good general directing can do. Lets make a better furture for Hazzard, all around.

(Yeah I know that includes me makin some improvements... but Hazzard doesnt have a psychologist, a psychiatrist, anger management or a mental health hospital, so theres little help for me. But by all means if theres a doctor in the house who wishes to examine my head, I'll take my hat off to ya. *Tips my Stetson.*)


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