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That just goes to show what little you guys know...

First... I dont come anywhere NEAR qualifying to be a Bounty Hunter. MaryAnne and MeadowMuffin have a filing cabinet with my name on it, a entire cabinet dedicated to the criminal records of one Chet Duke.

Second.... Im sure theres a few dozen wanted posters and rewards with MY name on it. Now wouldnt if be silly for me to bring myself in? Honestly...

Third.... I cant were a uniform... or any kind of monkey suit for that matter, they make me itch. Also anything less then a .44 or a .45 is a varmit gun.

So I guess you poor guys are stuck with me as an outlaw. But hey, I'd rather fight an enemy I know then a total stranger.


Wanted? Since when? The only poster I've seen with your name and face on it, was a fundraiser for literacy.

*laughs* the only thing strange around here is what they call beer.

Haha!!! I think your right... *swirls some of the watered down beer in her glass*, ain't nothin like the stuff we got in Canada!!

Wanted? Since when? The only poster I've seen with your name and face on it, was a fundraiser for literacy.


Oh yeah sure... I been pretending to be an Outlaw for TEN YEARS!

*Rolls eyes.*


Uhhhh I have to agree with Brian here, wanted? Youre a wanted man? *Blinks* I wasnt aware that you were! Maybe you have been pretending because like Brian said, I havent see a poster with your mug on it either!


OK Gonna post another problem because i'm bored and frankily tired of back-biting.

What is the big deal if people have set people on this board that they like to write with? Some people don't like certain storylines other people like, some people don't like particular parings other people like. If there's a story you like to do, find other people who like it and write stories for people to enjoy and for you to enjoy writing them!!!!

I hate it so much that people get all judgemental because we have groups or pairs that we prefer to write with! Some of us just match that way!!! ARGH!!!!!!


BoJamesDuke, have a deep breath,

If you have groups or pairs that you prefer to write with (there's a normal thing), simply write a story in the "Fics in progress/collaborative efforts", and not in Round robin section.

It's not very fair to make people feel unwelcome when they try to join in round robins.

Take an ongoing round robin (the part you prefer of it) and transfer it to another section (only for you and people you like) it’s unfair towards people who gave their effort in the story (even if a small and negligible effort). It’s like you’re saying “You’re no good, let only me and my friends write this story. You're outâ€.


I started writing on Daney's because it was an interesting idea! I liked it so I wrote on it because he asked for anybody to post! As no one posted on it, I built up ideas that could go into it and then when you showed an interest I thought you'd bring your group of writing buddies over to finish it!

As for transfering it, yeah I did because like I said I have some ideas and Enos/Daisy pairing doesn't fit into it! So I moved it! For god sake, take the round robin and do what you like with it just because there's two with the same title doesn't mean its the same story! Ask the mods to delete my post in the round robin thread if you want I don't give a damn! Daney asked everyone to do with it what they will and that's what i'm doing. If you don't like it, don't read what i'm writing and get on with your own ideas! But don't slag me off in a *****y behind my back way in the threads about it just because I did the right thing!


Well I'm not too worried about Chet being interested in Emma. I'm worried about Emma being interested in Chet. Rumor is that she asked Chet in the post office (after he took a number of course) what his helmet size was. Later she was seen in Rhuebottoms buying a helmet that same size. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I think she's getting ready to ask him out on a dirt bike date.

Well I'm not too worried about Chet being interested in Emma. I'm worried about Emma being interested in Chet. Rumor is that she asked Chet in the post office (after he took a number of course) what his helmet size was. Later she was seen in Rhuebottoms buying a helmet that same size. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I think she's getting ready to ask him out on a dirt bike date.

Maybe she's taking him for a ride in her side car?

Is there anything to any of this Chet?

Well I'm not too worried about Chet being interested in Emma. I'm worried about Emma being interested in Chet. Rumor is that she asked Chet in the post office (after he took a number of course) what his helmet size was. Later she was seen in Rhuebottoms buying a helmet that same size. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I think she's getting ready to ask him out on a dirt bike date.

Emma could do better than Chet, but I suppose she's attracted to the tattoos...kinda looks like he's had a run-in with a postal stamper...

I started writing on Daney's because it was an interesting idea! I liked it so I wrote on it because he asked for anybody to post! As no one posted on it, I built up ideas that could go into it and then when you showed an interest I thought you'd bring your group of writing buddies over to finish it!

As for transfering it, yeah I did because like I said I have some ideas and Enos/Daisy pairing doesn't fit into it! So I moved it! For god sake, take the round robin and do what you like with it just because there's two with the same title doesn't mean its the same story! Ask the mods to delete my post in the round robin thread if you want I don't give a damn! Daney asked everyone to do with it what they will and that's what i'm doing. If you don't like it, don't read what i'm writing and get on with your own ideas! But don't slag me off in a *****y behind my back way in the threads about it just because I did the right thing!

( I hate to break the nonsense we've got going on this thread, but it looks like I have to do a moderator thang and address this issue. )

Bo James Duke:

It's a story! Have a heart attack over it. It's interesting that you'll take Daney's idea and then only want your version of it, told.

But she posted it on the round robin because she wanted everybody welcome to join in. Then you take the story, and only want certain people to join in, or for the story to go certain ways. And it wasn't even your concept.

I don't think this is what Daney wanted to see, and this whole mess probably hurts her feelings.

Nobody posts on the round robins hoping that a fight will break out. ( Unless you're me or Chet, but that's another story, literally.) There's a difference, too, between teasing and creative push-and-shove on the boards, and genuine antagonism. Don't be a brat.


BoJamesDuke, have a deep breath,

If you have groups or pairs that you prefer to write with (there's a normal thing), simply write a story in the "Fics in progress/collaborative efforts", and not in Round robin section.

It's not very fair to make people feel unwelcome when they try to join in round robins.

Take an ongoing round robin (the part you prefer of it) and transfer it to another section (only for you and people you like) it’s unfair towards people who gave their effort in the story (even if a small and negligible effort). It’s like you’re saying “You’re no good, let only me and my friends write this story. You're outâ€.

i1976, I'm addressing you too since I posted a few thoughts to your writing nemesis. The one thing I've gotta say, after looking at the round robin story in question, is that your post seemed to take an unconnected route. Which probably frustrated Bo James Duke, as the post done by this person laid a lot of groundwork.

Round Robins can be devilishly hard to work on, as that's the ongoing risk - that somebody will post something that doesn't jive with what's went on before. And it's true that not everything needs to be a Enos and Daisy love story. Doesn't mean they can't be in it, but it would be best if they were seen reacting or discussing the preceeding events.

Frankly, Round Robin stories can be a complete pain in the ass and I think Mufn's thought about deleting this section on HNet more than once. However, I've seen a lot of good things coming out of them over the years, including new, interesting characters, great ideas, and long-term friendships. I would like to see you and BDJ cut each other some slack.



If you dont mind I wish to cut in and give my two cents on this Brian, I know I aint the best writer but I have alittle different perspective that maybe some of these youngsters dont know about and could appreciate.

When I first came to Hazzardnet, I was completely new to just about everything, a regular SOB at times too. But, I never backed out of writing with anyone, and I was constantly getting suggestions on improving my work from other older/experienced writers.(Still do to this day!) But I was too hard headed to listen and I was too foolish to try to learn from them, took me years.

Like Brian was saying, Round Robbins are a sheer test of a writers strength and weakness, they can be down right difficult! But they can be alot of fun too. Look at Buckshot and Bad Apples, there was a serious amount of time and effort among people who at the time were not the best of buddies, to say the very least. But we approached it in a proffesional manner and delt with each other and worked together on where and how we wanted the story to go. I cant tell you how many times people who normally would not even speak to me pulled me aside on AIM to talk about the story! It was an amazing effort.

If you cant work together and work it out atleast take a proffesional approach on it for the benefit of the readers and story quality... ya never know you might just find a good friend in a person you consider a foe. Also dont be bull headed, be willing to go into every story with an open mind to learn something! No one knows everything!

Aint that true Brian?



Yeah, Brian, I understand your perspective.

But when I posted in Daney's rr I didn't want to trasform it in a Daisy/Enos story (I didn't want to talk 'bout why when and how they married). Not at all. I only thought to introduce in the story Daisy (as BoJames introduced Bo and Luke) in a new perspective (setting the story few after the series ended). But I didn't forget 'bout the missing guest, and I wanted to go on in that way ('bout the missing guest, I mean) even using a new perspective/balance between Dukes and law enforcement in Hazzard.

I appreciate the feedback, and I prefer to have some advise 'bout my writing (so I could correct possible misunderstanding 'bout what I'm writing and explaining what I'm doing and why I'm writing in a particular direction) instead of being kicked out.

The strength and the weakness in a round robin is that everyone can perceive their own sense and possible direction in the story, introducing new characters or new scenes, and deciding how these scenes/characters are related. It's how every post mixed with other posts that makes a story, and sometimes more posts need to understand where the story is goin', maybe after more several introductive posts (introducing scenes, characters and relationship/balance between characters)..... If only you could write without bein' kicked out or at least if only you had some feedback or been questioned 'bout your posts, or simply receive a bit of confidence from other writers.


Brian - I'm not being a brat about the round robin ok, I left it there so everyone can continue to post on it in their own way. Since no one had been posting on it in a while, I started to get new ideas about what could be done in this story. And for you information I asked Daney if I could start up a new thread with her idea and she said that that was fine with her! Other people have also messaged me and said that they like that i'm going to take the story in a different direction so that there's more than one version of the story. I did think about Daney when I did what I did, I messaged her and asked her if it was okay for me to do it. I'm not selfish, and I do credit people where its needed. Due to the fact no one had posted on it after me for ages, I had been thinking about asking Daney if I could move it before. As for only wanting my version of events told that's not true, otherwise I would have simply messaged i1976 and said I don't like what you've done go away and let me carry on! I didn't do that, I simply started a new story with the same beginning and all credit is given to Daney for the original idea.

i1976 - I don't know where you've got this idea that I kicked you out the round robin. I haven't done anything like that at all but its all you seemed to be focused on and that is what made me mad yesterday. I left it and started a new one with Daney's beginning and my second post because it fits with the ideas I have. Its impossible to kick someone out a round robin cause everyone is free to post on it! Please by all means carry on with any ideas you have on there and encourage others to do so! I've never said you can't do it, and I never said you can't write either, I just don't want to write with a Daisy/Enos pairing and like I said I've got my own ideas now where no one posted on it for ages. I'm sure Daney's actually flattered that two people have decided to have a go at writing different versions of her idea!


BJD – I’m trying to explain what I really feel.

First of all, I’m not angry with you because you’ve decided to write another version (your version) of the round robin. It’s a broader talk than the “Hazzard exemplum†round robin itself.

Try to think if, in every round robin, a writer who doesn’t like the plot ongoing, take this round robin and create a copy for himself and few other writers.

How many copies for a round robin? How many groups working on the same story?

Maybe having different round robin from the same beginning would be funny. Yeah, it could be interesting. Different ways to develop a story.

But, if the one who takes the round robin for himself is a long-standing member, and ask to friends (only other long-standing members used to write with) to join the new round robin, what have new members to do?

Divide a round robin in a sort of Premiere League and First Division? A Premiere League where only long-standing members are allowed, and a First Division for the others?

Moreover, it’s easy for a long-standing member to find people to write with, but it’s not so easy for a “youngsterâ€, who risks to remain all alone or with other inexperienced “youngstersâ€. How to learn something? Cowboy said he learned from more experienced/older writers, yeah, but evidently these more experienced/older writers didn’t escape when he joined in a round robin (or did they?).

I don’t blame you because you’ve decided to write your own version of the story from Daney’s start (it’s great your sharp mind has already a story for it). I don’t like HOW you did it: you asked Daney, but not me. So, when I logged in last evening I saw another story ongoing with this introduction (your own words) “I can't round robin, not at all, I've tried but I just can't stand it†(what exactly you can’t stand? Me? Enos/Daisy pairing? Different ways to develop a story?)

Only because you don’t like something involving a particular character (I know Enos is only a secondary character for you and you don’t waste your time writing ‘bout him or with people who like him), you can’t reject an idea or reject people who like this idea (anyway, Enos/Daisy pairing wasn’t the main plot of the story, nor I wanted it to become the main plot).

If everybody act like you, the round robin section will be a mess (everybody taking the part they prefer in a round robin and writing on it only for themselves).

A Premiere League and a First Division.

In effect you didn’t kick me out, you “simply†take the story for your own purpose (a story I was trying to write on) and you closed it off. It doesn’t matter there’s the original story to work on: what’s the probability people choose to join my (or another young members’) story instead of yours (a long-standing member with proved skills)?

You didn’t kick me out, yeah, you “only†closed me in a dead round robin.

And I’m not angry, I’m only disappointed ‘cause lately I see two deployment here: one-liners who go on with their stories without any real plot (but I don’t care ‘bout it, if they like it they can go on), and long-standing writers who prefer to write only with few selected member.

Frankly, I don’t find my place in any round robin or role play.

What a pity, I'll go on writing fanfics on my own for the pleasure af all Enos/Daisy pairing's fans. :innocent:

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